Home » CND reconvened 59th session, and special segment on UNGASS 2016 – 30 November 2016

CND reconvened 59th session, and special segment on UNGASS 2016 – 30 November 2016

Chair. Let us turn our attention to our agenda for the Reconvened 59th Session. There are no comments on the agenda. We need to deal with a procedural measure. Following the departure of the second and third vice chair of the commission from Vienna, these seats remain vacant. Two new vice chairs, from Brazil and from Nigeria, have been nominated – can we approve these two new members of the Commission? I see no objection, it is so decided. We now turn to the special session on the UNGASS.

Post-UNGASS Facilitator. I declare open this special segment on the follow up to the UNGASS. The agenda for today is adopted. At the intersessional meeting of 8 Sept, we decided to hold this general debate to take stock and discuss the way forward on the implementation of the outcome document and its over 100 recommendations. Following the UNGASS in April this year, the CND has immediately initiated a follow up process which I am chairing, with a focus on implementing the recommendations of the outcome document. On 8 Sept we decided to hold 7 CND intersessionals to share information on implementation of the 7 chapters of the outcome document. I made available a detailed account of my remarks – it is available on E/CN,7/2016/CRP.12.

John Brandolino, UNODC (speaking on behalf of Yury Fedotov). The UNGASS has advanced balanced, integrated and rights based approach to international drug control to promote the health and safety of men and women across the world. The outcome document was successfully adopted in Vienna before the UNGASS. Thanks to the OD, the community has renewed its joint commitment to the 3 UN drug conventions. The conventions allow sufficient flexibility in their implementation. The OD promotes prevention, treatment, access to essential medicines to relieve pain and suffering, policies and programmes for youth and women, supply reduction, criminal justice and law enforcement responses based on the principle of proportionality and the rule of law, the need to promote alternative development in line with the SDGs to respond to the needs of people and communities, protecting people from HIV. UNODC is uniquely positioned to help countries address demand and supply issues. Our country regional, inter-regional programmes have experience and expertise. We stand ready to support member states to implement the 100 recommendations included in the UNGASS OD. We undertake this critical work in collaboration with our UN partners and also outside the UN. The UNGASS has created an incremental drive to address the world drug problem and the CND has played a leading role. CND has all UNODC’s support for its endeavour.

Tunisia, on behalf of the African Group. The Group looks forward to successful conclusions under your leadership. We congratulate the Portuguese Ambassador as facilitator on post-UNGASS matters. We welcome the follow up of the UNGASS. The OD, including its operational recommendations, is an important step to address illicit drugs and promote a society free of drug abuse.

While appreciating progress made at all levels in countering the world drug problem, drugs remain a major challenge which require effective cooperation and enhanced technical and financial assistance based on the principle of shared responsibility. We reaffirm our commitment to the implementation of the 3 international drug conventions as the cornerstone of the drug control system to achieve the goals of the 2009 political declaration and plan of action. The group welcomes the 2030 agenda for sustainable development and the SDGs and efforts to counter the world drug problem are complementary. We aim to improve the health, security of African people by reducing drug abuse and trafficking. We believe that complementary efforts by the international community will further enhance the achievements made so far and the goal of achieving a drug-free society, and a peaceful Africa.

The Africa HONLEAS agreed to focus on addressing drug trafficking by sea, the review of legislations, staff training, etc. to  address NPS, ATS and the diversion of precursors and pre-precursors, misuse of pharmaceutical drugs, prevention among African youth and their involvement in drug related crime. We continue to highlight our concerns on the abuse of drugs. We recognise the efforts made by African countries to prevent and eradicate the production of illicit drugs. But despite these efforts, the cultivation, production, trafficking and abuse of controlled substances and not controlled substances remain a huge challenge which requires regional and international cooperation, including technical assistance.

Effective drug policies are those that strike a balance between demand, supply and international cooperation as underlined in the 3 drug conventions and the 2009 political declaration, to achieve a society free of drug abuse. We continue to address drug abuse as a health and social issue while upholding the law and its enforcement. We need to increase cooperation with law enforcement to address the world drug problem to protect society as a whole. We highlight the role of African Union mechanisms to strengthen law enforcement against terrorism and drug trafficking. We reaffirm our commitment towards improvement of access to abuse related health programmes. We reaffirm our concern about lack of access and availability of pain medication, while preventing diversion of controlled drugs. We call for transfer of know-how on pharmaceutical preparations. Furthermore, the Africa Group stresses the urgent need to respond to the serious challenges between trafficking, corruption, human trafficking, money laundering, terrorism.

We express concern over the legalisation and decriminalisation of drugs in certain regions of the world. These are misguided policies that undermine efforts to address trafficking and abuse of drugs which states have committed themselves to achieve. The Group wants to encourage UNODC to continue to use its advocacy role to give special attention to alternative development in Africa to counter the drug problem and promote sustainable alternative development initiatives. We give our full support to the CND on this issue.

Philippines, on behalf of Asia Pacific Group. Notable progress has been achieved, but drugs continue to pose a serious threat to democracy and the rule of law. We reaffirm that this multifaceted challenge should be countered in a multilateral setting to enhance international cooperation and promote a balanced and integrated strategy. The group stresses the significance of the UNGASS and its outcome document which has provided a long-term guidance to counteract the drug problem. We stress our determination to counter the drug problem and create a society free of drug abuse, to ensure that societies can live in health, peace and security. We are of the view that the UNGASS was a significant opportunity to speed up the goals and objectives set out in the 2009 political declaration. This special follow up segment provides an opportunity to keep track of implementation and share experience in implementing the outcome document into concrete actions.

The Group is of the view that efforts to counter the world drug problem should be undertaken in a comprehensive and abalanced manner, and these and the SDGs should be mutually reinforcing. The 3 UN drug conventions constitute the cornerstone of the international drug control system. The CND has the principle role and responsibility in relation to drug control matters, and the UNODC is the leading entity to address the world drug problem. We express our full support to efforts aimed at strengthening national capacity to implement the 3 UN drug control conventions, the 2009 political declaration, and the 2014 joint ministerial statement, in line with the sovereignty of all states and principle of non-interference. There is no one-size-fits-all solution.

We reiterate our full support to the concept of a balanced approach between demand and supply in addressing the world drug problem, as well as the need to address the root causes of demand and supply. We recognise that the world drug problem poses a threat to health and safety, we reiterate the need to improve the capacity of youth and communities to reject drug use. We reaffirm our commitment towards the goal of universal access to comprehensive health and prevention programmes, in full compliance with the international drug control conventions and national legislation.

We stress the importance of strengthening international cooperation in law enforcement and exchange of information, where appropriate. We also recognise the importance of alternative development. However, it is essential that any successful AD programme entails promising, viable and sustainable alternatives to farmers involved in illicit crop production.

We reiterate the urgent need posed by increasing links between drug trafficking, corruption and other forms of organised crime and terrorism and money laundering and financing of terrorism. We underscore the need for technical assistance as provided by UNODC, as it plays an important role in addressing the world drug problem.

Slovakia, on behalf of the European Union. We would like to commend you on organising this series of meetings in Vienna on follow up to the UNGASS. We also heard from civil society on implementation of the UNGASS outcome document. We believe that the UNGASS was a milestone in international drug policy development. While stressing that the 3 drug conventions and the universal declaration of human rights are the cornerstone of the drug control system, the outcome document is a milestone. The 3 conventions provide sufficient flexibility in addressing the remaining challenges.

The major priority for us is to build on the progress of the UNGASS. The outcome document (structure and recommendations) should be a reference point for international drug policy. We are especially interested in promoting all the recommendations, with special attention to risk and harm reduction, prevention, access to essential medicines, human rights including gender equality, proportionality of sentencing and alternatives to punishment and prison, international cooperation (UNODC and CND being leading bodies), addressing organised crime and money laundering, close involvement of NGOs and alternative development. All topics are important and not outlined in any specific order of priority.

We should reaffirm and go beyond the UNGASS commitment, and focus on the 7 pillars of the outcome document structure as it better reflects the realities. We also call for stronger mention of risk and harm reduction as this is critical to save lives. We want to see renewed commitment to call for the abolition of the death penalty. We encourage CND and all relevant agencies and member states to collaborate in implementing the outcome document. We stand ready to cooperate with CND and all other stakeholders including CSOs in this task. We also stand ready to share our expertise in this matter.

Turkey. The UNGASS served as a valuable occasion to address the world drug problem which continues to be a threat to humanity. Abuse puts people in danger and threatens the health and welfare of societies. We should find a common ground to tackle the problem. The OD includes concrete recommendations to address the world drug problem, and it is now time to put them in practice. We commit ourselves to implementing all of them in equal importance. We also link to the 2030 sustainable development goals, and address the causes of involvement in the world drug problem.

We described the concrete measures we were implementing in October. Our new anti-drug strategy and action plan was prepared and adopted with leadership from the drugs agency which includes 8 relevant ministries. This comprehensive strategy focuses on demand reduction and related aspects – prevention, treatment, rehabilitation and reintegration measures. Production and trafficking are serious crimes, so we continue to pursue strong policies, including on NPS and organised crime. We need a unified response by the international community. We must acknowledge the link between trafficking, organised crime and terrorism.

The 3 conventions remain the cornerstones of the international drug control system. We all have the responsibility to implement them in full respect for basic human rights. The 2009 political declaration and the UNGASS outcome document have provided us with a roadmap on how to do that. The CND is the lead in supporting us to fulfil this goal, in collaboration with civil society, UNODC and INCB. I reiterate our support to your work, Mr. Chair.

China. The outcome document reaffirmed the comprehensive strategy to address the world drug problem, reflecting the latest consensus of the international community. We welcome the CND role in implementation of the outcome document. I commend the Ambassador of Portugal for his work as a facilitator, and look forward to in-depth exchange of views in implementing the outcome document and promoting international cooperation. On the implementation of the outcome document, we have the following views:

  1. Base ourselves on the 3 international drug control conventions which provide sufficient flexibility. Countries should continue to support UNODC and CND which play a leading role. We should continue our joint efforts.
  1. Commitments and resolve should be translated into real action. We face real challenges. The 3 conventions, the outcome document and 2009 political declaration constitute long-term roadmaps which should be implemented faithfully. The emphasis lies in implementation. Failures of today result from failure of implementation, not from the system itself. Lack of international consensus and blindly pushing for change is counter-productive.
  1. We should adhere to a comprehensive approach and avoid a one-sided approach. We should focus on all prevention, treatment, AD, law enforcement, criminal justice, etc. in a balanced fashion. Countries should constantly enhance their strength in a mutually beneficial cooperation. We should help developing countries and assist transit countries. International cooperation in alternative development should be intensified to lessen illicit crop cultivation. China suffers deeply from drugs and, thus, we attach great importance to drug control as part of efforts towards security and social stability. China has also always attached importance to drug control and economic and social development plans. We have implemented the 3 drug conventions and actively participated in international cooperation, to join hands with the international community. We will aim to eliminate the scourge of drugs.

Chairman. I now give the floor to the Philippines Chairman of the Dangerous Drugs Board

Philippines. Thank you Mr Chair. Philippine Delegation felicitates Chairman. Confident management of special segment we will contribute to success. Extend to secretariat. Philippines views UNGASS as milestone on the way to 2019. Adoption of OD is historic moment in worlds response to drug problem. in this regard, Philippines commitment to implementation of OD.

Philippines express support to Conventions. Conventions serve as framework, must not lose sight of raison de droit, narcotic and psychotropic for medical and scientific purposes. Must not lose sight purpose to prevent proliferation of abuse of drugs, lest they fall in wrong hands. Philippines strategy involves holistic five pillar approach of drug demand reduction, drug supply reduction, alternative development, civic awareness and regional and international cooperation.

Belief informed citizenry is an empowered one. Formulation of educational programs.  Median age at 23 years old, country pop young. We believe investing in the youth, harness their potential. 2015 Nat survey I national survey extent of drug abuse in the Philippines. In this regard, Philippines believes fight against drugs begins with prevention youth. To reach youth, flagship program peer based strategy against drugs program is run in schools. Organise youth groups and empower them to catalyst of healthy and drug free lifestyle. To further engagement with young congress held annually to gather youth leaders. Community is at the centre of all drug control efforts. Interventions must start at grassroots level. Basic political unit, local must be involved. Most effective interventions are the ones that emanate from the community carried out for and by the community. Recognise civil society, academia, religious, law enforcement, our government agencies working towards dev of action plans targeted at drug users who surrender.

Chairman, based on report from Philippines drug enforcement agency, methamphetamine enters through ports, airports, mail and parcel services, and coastlines. Phil reserves right to enact all efforts to enforce interdiction. At airport, task group established to facilitate cooperation between government agencies. January 2016 Philippines joined UNODC world customs organisations container program, Philippines became first country in SE Asia to join. In 2015 Phil drug enforcement agency conducted operations resulted in seizures of dangerous drugs. We aim to sustain momentum. As archipelagic country, Philippines places importance in controlling borders. Drug problem common shared responsibility.  Tech assistance, capacity building and information sharing across all platforms. Multipronged drug control strategy, rural communities’ sustainable means of income. Positively impact community development.

Conclusion, nations desire to wage war on drugs in unwavering, commitment to drug free Philippines. Continue to strive responsible strategies to challenges we face. Duty of state to respect welfare of citizens. Maintenance peace and order, life, right to property are protected. Clearly Phil antidrug efforts founded on constitutional responsibilities to all citizenry. Country relentless campaign is waged with adherence to rule of law, constitution and countries commitments to HR treaties

Chairman. Thank you, I give the floor to chairman to drug law enforcement of Nigeria.

Nigeria. Thank you Mr chairman. On behalf of Nigerian delegation, pleased to see you on the chair. Also, like to congratulate Portugal ambassador for position. Felicitations extended to secretariat for facilitating session.

Let me state Nigeria aligns with statement delivered by Tunisian ambassador on behalf of African group. Nigeran government remains resolute in ensuring effective and balanced approach. Government ensures put citizens at centre of drug policy as embodied in national drug control plan. Nigerian government has continued to implement provisions PD and PoA.

First as it affects access and control, government has provided support to initiatives to provide realistic estimations of provisions for medical and scientific needs. Finalised estimations will focus on steps to increase availability of opioids and provide realistic estimates for precursors chemicals.

Second drug demand reduction. Provisions recommendations included preventions and treatment. Government focuses on drug control system centre on health and welfare of its people. Cover all areas of prevention which include discouraging initial use, treatment, rehabilitation recovery and social reintegration. Measured to curb use of prescription medicines, reclassification of medicines, multistakeholder approach. Reorganise drug control program with focus on drug users.

Nigeria has also developed other programs facilitate monitoring system. Government collaborate with EU Nigerian epidemiological network on drug use, NANDU, aims to address gap in information and treatment. First NANDU report over pilot in country. NANDU coordination unit within ministry of health. determine extent of drug use, several capacity building programs in the field of drug demand reduction. drug prevention using social media, reach out to vulnerable groups in multiple settings. Government in partnership with EU and UNODC is carrying out pilot programme through randomised control trial, in 32 schools. This program is also multistakeholder.

Third law enforcement. Supply reduction, government in its final proposition about cannabis cultivation. Aiding practical interventions in supply reduction. In this regard, joint operations carried at sub regional and international level. Government continues to collaborate continue to provide adequate legal framework for mutual legal assistance. Bill presented to assembly. Similarly, counternarcotic legislation to bring law in conformity with contemporary realities.

Finally, emergent trends. Plant, Datura metal (?) identified to contain alkaloids which possess exciting, relaxing, hallucinogenic, hypnotic, antispasmodic bronchodilator, or mydriatic effects properties. Efforts to isolate, to make strong case of scheduling of plant.

Mr chairman we are reminded of single convention, encourages to take practical measures to tackle drug related issues. Harmful drug policies can expose pop to a lifelong life of drug abuse. Concern about legalisation of cannabis policies. In our view, it could further encourage criminal consequences. Mr chairman I thank you for this opportunity.

Chairman. Thank you, I now give the floor to Belarus.

Belarus. Thank you Mr chairman, UNGASS gave impetus to efforts to counter World Drug Problem. SDGs agenda, we welcome outcome of intersessional meetings to discuss implementation of OD. I would like to focus on implementation of OD. Key role in implementing UNGASS decisions, Vienna platform, CND, INCB, and UNODC. CND above all others that offers platform for balanced and comprehensive manner. Review must be made in CND. Other platform such as WHO, HRC and UN Women can have added value, but auxiliary role. Implementation of OD considered side by side with implementation of 2009 Political Declaration and Plan of Action. I would like to inform that Belarussian delegation will submit draft resolution on preventing drug use in Youth.

Chairman.  Thank you, I now give the floor to Israel.

Israel. Thank you, my delegation would like to congratulate you and thank the secretariat

Review implementation of UNGASS Outcome Document. Israel continues to implement balanced and comprehensive demand reduction. Prevention begins as early as kindergarten, also in informal education system. Strengthen role of parents. Adapted to cultural language differences. Wide range of treatment options available. Harm reduction available. treatment is also offered in prisons. Attention for young and women services. special therapeutic communities for young people. Multistakeholder approach, min health, welfare and others to cover all areas of treatment. To face changing reality, new centre for young people opened. Condition usually triggered from use of NPS.

Committed to achieve gender parity. Israel dev treatment options for women, including Treatment Centres exclusively for women. Women only facilities provide safe environment, treatment.

Israel continues fight against challenge of NPS. Law adopted, places emphasis on dealers and distributors rather than users. Law began as temporary law, but in august 2016 became permanent. Ban of substances, following ban, reviewed by multidisciplinary committee (policy, min health, environment), makes recommendation to ministry of health, most declared substances reviewed and included in ordinances. Very important aspect, need for international platform for information sharing, detection of new substances, began talking with UNODC on this matter.

Chairman. I now give the floor to Pakistan.

Pakistan. Thank you chair for giving me the floor. Pleased to see ambassador Portugal on role of CND facilitator. Today segment is welcome opportunity how to best implement OD. We see special segment to learn good practices. UNGASS OD provides useful provisions to implement 2009 PD and PoA. OD created political will to deal with world drug problem, must inspire practical action.

Only through collective effort, guided by common and shared responsibility, to translate OD into concrete activities. We are of the view OD important landmark. OD reminder to reinforce and redouble our efforts to combat illicit drugs. Must not lose sight that OD is not end but a means to an end. Pakistan is of opinion CND must provide leading role. Take note of thematic discussion. 2009 declaration and OD complement each other. Suggested sub item agenda be added for this purpose. necessary to make use of subsidiary bodies of CND. Increase coop is vital. Efforts to address all aspects of WDP, starring at preventing cultivation. Pakistan view cherry picking must be avoided.  Pakistan view UNODC has critical role in assisting states. Pakistan to update commission to provide updates. UNODC must give balanced attention to OD, international community must give priority attention to transit countries. Being transit countries preventing drug use is of serious concern. Started deliberation with national stakeholders on how to integrate OD provisions in national programs. Benefit from partner of civil society and other stakeholders. Pleased to share that Pakistan finalised country program for period 2016-19.

Strengthen capacity to combat trafficking, improving border management, strengthen demand reduction efforts and prevention and treatment are some of the priorities of country program. Conclusion, Pakistan will remain steadfast in commitment in working closely with partners. Look forward to hear other delegates. Thank you all

Chairman. Thank you I now give the floor to Mexico

Mexico. Thank you very much. Opinion Mexico Government UNGASS paradigm shift. OD represents significant advance towards global drugs strategy which is comprehensive and balanced. 7 thematic areas is most advanced drug control document so far. Modern vision brought by UNGASS incorporated in omnibus resolution, enable to focus on 7 thematic areas. Implementation of OD is a unique opportunity to follow up the political will. Mexico would like to share with you that part of the commitment of our country to implement UNGASS and operational recommendations, foreign ministry organised national dialogues that started last September. Aim is to generate decisive and open reflections on how to improve our efforts to deal with organised crime and to prevent violence generated by illicit markets. Once dialogues conclude, Mexico intends to share conclusions reached and lessons learnt with regard to our deliberation on the PD and Poa in 2019.

Regarding international reflection, already have some conclusions in how to comply with UNGASS commitments. International drug policies not covered by the regular work of this commission, responsibility of all international community with support of all un agencies and regional organisations and civil society. Strengthen links between CND and other UN agencies, including the UN General Assembly. Example, need for greater involvement in the CND by the WHO in development of demand reduction and reduce negative consequences of drug use. Greater cooperation with UNAIDS will reduce HIV transmission and result in better treatment facilities in prisons. The INCB played an important role in run up to UNGASS to highlight importance of availability of controlled substances for medical and scientific purposes. Rationalising and simplifying unnecessary restrictive processes and rules. UNGASS also revealed prevention of violence should be in addition to efforts to reduce supply without overlooking need to strengthen community cohesion. Regarding Human Rights and priority groups, CND has made important steps with alternatives to prisons for minor drug related crimes. Also, have to highlight res 51/5 as first step in right direction that drug policies are designed and implemented with gendered approach.

Less than a week ago, president of UN General Assembly underscored need to stop working in isolated fashion to achieve SDGs. In addition to efforts already underway for framework of indicators, we also need to work towards better indicators and tools. Our efforts have to become actions that guarantee better living conditions including for rural and urban communities. UNGASS is not the end of a process but rather the beginning of a new debate, need to focus our efforts so that CHECK states implement recommendations but also collectively in line with principle of joint and shared responsibility.

Chairman. Thank you I now give floor to Morocco

Morocco. Thank you Mr president. Sincere congratulations to ambassador Galushka for re-election as chairman of NCD. Also, congratulate ambassador Portugal as facilitator. Also, thank Secretariat for excellent organisation. Extend support of statement by Tunisia in behalf of African group. Support OD and need for comprehensive approach to eliminate drug cultivation. Morocco has adopted global and balanced approach to prevention treatment and care. Seek to prevent addictive behaviours, have long term view which seeks to reduce cultivation of illicit products, restricts access to drugs for addicts, and provide treatment and rehab services for those people. Also, social and economic and alternative development, also seek to combat drug trafficking networks. Our efforts commended by INCB and other bodies, commitment major financial resources, reduce area of cultivation by 50 percent.

View of cross border nature, eradication requires national regional and multilateral approach, modus operandi of traffickers. No country can fight this alone. Need national and regional cooperation. Common and shared responsibility. Combat scourge of drugs. Courageous drug control policies. enable us to arrest drug traffickers to combat trafficking we have set up national commission. owing to geographical position, constantly facing scourge of drug trafficking seeking to combat that in organised way. sub-Saharan Africa. Seeking to combat money laundering and arms trafficking, factors that contribute to organised crime. Seizures of hard narcotic in southern parts of country. Arrested terrorists and criminals who sought to traffic of psychotropic substances through Moroccan borders. Major scourge for young people. Drug supply not limited to psychotropic substances and cocaine, making major efforts in terms of financial resources to combat trafficking dens and to ensure proper border and coastline control. 11000 agents who work on border control. Only via effective collaboration able to rise above challenges. Number of essential key factors, need to understand comprehensive global combat that must respect Human Rights, also encourage alternative development programs. Second factor, importance of technical assistance. Third is importance preventive actions and policies target young people. Finally, encourage human development plans for areas hit with drug cultivation in long term. Need to do this in collaboration with UN agencies.

Chairman. I now give the floor to Guatemala

Guatemala. Thank you chairman. It’s a pleasure for my delegation to see ambassador here as chairman of CND. Approval of OD is beginning of paradigm shift, a number of our countries have advocated. Ensure agreed document is first step towards achieving global drug policy, human beings must be the centre of drug policies. Not much time has passed since UNGASS, my country reorientation national drug policy based on OD. At the same time, strengthen institutions that needed those that needed international technical assistance.

Reiterate our belief held at the beginning of negotiations that dignity of people, guarantee of their fundamental rights and freedoms should constitute the core around which drug policies are designed. One of most important changes required is to focus on drug demand reduction, abandon focus on supply reduction. Achievements of OD is that it deals with reality of drug policy, now a balance in some industrialised countries.

Guatemala started to strengthen 3 general areas. First is to reaffirm health and welfare of humanity as aims of international drug control conventions. Need a human based and health based approach, not just punishment. Public policies to be coordinated at national and municipal levels. Part of common and shared and centralised vision to deal with WDP effectively.  Coordinate with ministry of interior, any punitive policies to avoid overcrowding of prisons. Demand reduction working on awareness preventions and socialisation of negative impact of drug consumption, need for healthy lifestyles. Need user to embark on recovery and psychological treatment so that they can return to labour market through right therapies.

Second area is recognition that drug policies should be in line with Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Pleased OD has section on human rights, section on gender od vulnerable groups. National civilian police working with trainers. Ministry of interior worked on conceptual framework based on gender, reduce revictimization of women. Include basic principles into non chauvinistic approach and human rights approach when training police. Conventions flexible for countries to adapt policies, most suitable to each needs and interests. Need informed debate scientific based not ideology. Benefit of comprehensive debate based on experiences of other countries. Further knowledge of effective drug policies. Not question of approving legalisation or prohibition, sovereignty important. Must open to innovation and modernity. Producers and distributors of drugs are constantly doing this. Regional level, OAS addressing this since 2013, notably Antigua Summit. Unfortunately, this not regional program, continue to pursue comprehensive policies that address all aspects. CND cannot be removed from changes in some countries, some go beyond scope current international laws. Also, have to think of security provided, working harder on prevention. Difficult how a transit country should pay same price as a consumer or producing country. Our countries should not have to divert resources.  Ministry of interior working on eradication of illicit crops elimination of precursors. Maritime ports with support of UNODC working to implement our joint support unit. In Guatemala, illicit crops occur in some border villages, vulnerability of population and poverty. Government is working on prevention policies and working on AD programs, providing legal alternatives and sustainable development programs. Not just one of the causes but the cause of the problem. Constantly working to combat this scourge. Also, combat corruption at this level. Continue to work on implementation. Idea is to reduce overcrowding in prisons, provide medical treatment, not treat them as criminals, requires financial and human resources. UNODC, CND, INCB AND WHO to continue to provide technical. Worrying states take contradictory positions at WHO. Need to work together in pursuit of coherence within UN system.

In meantime, impetus of 2016 must be maintained, and for mandates to be reflected in our own countries. Also, important for UN, ECOSOC, HRC to continue to work on guidance by what was agreed at the UN General Assembly.

Chairman. I now give the floor to Colombia.

Colombia. Thank you, ambassador, chairman. As Santos said, despite progress on discussion and OD, UNGASS was very valuable step forward, must continue to advance, debate has barely begun. Take into account drugs phenomenon. Widening of 7 thematic areas for more comprehensive drug policy. OD is guidance for review of national policies, effective implementation requires a global effort. Given challenge and road ahead, welcome that CND has launched follow up process. Enable us experience of several states of operational recommendations in key areas such as alternatives to prison, gender perspective and access to medicines. This exchange is first step towards guaranteeing compliance with UNGASS 2016. Congratulate Portugal ambassador as facilitator in that process.

Implementing UNGASS recommendations requires commitment of CND. Requires support of UNODC and greater coordination among different un specialised agencies linked to drugs. Like to highlight role of WHO, mandate and experience in dealing with health aspect of drug problem, prevention, treatment, access to medicines, harm reduction. Encourage to work with UNODC together with other agencies and civil society organisations. Regular monitoring of operational recommendations is essential based on experiences.

Would like to echo what was said in meetings last month. In the sense of revising and understanding a series of indicators relating to drug policies. Colombia continues advancing towards this post-UNGASS goal. Objective evidence based assessment will allow to measure effectiveness of programs aimed at addressing the WDP.

Chairman. I now give the floor to the Netherlands.

The Netherlands. thank you Mr chair. Busy year in fields of drugs since last regular session. Through debates involving governments, civil society an international organisations able to conclude an OD that paves the way towards more responsible global drug policy. Congratulate Portugal ambassador proved opportunities for information sharing. Not forget valuable input from NGO community. Strengthen our mandate to reinforce global drug policy. Not a matter of choosing approaches, but of combining them best. Health related and judicial aspects equally important to us. Repressive approach and emphasis on supply red during decades. Priority now should be given to aspects neglected for too long, public health and human rights.

Proportionate sentences. Need to prevent overcrowded prisons and overburdening of criminal justice system. Second, need to ensure availability to all public health measures, prevention, treatment, care, rehab, reintegration, harm reduction measures. Includes medical assisted programs, injecting programs antiretroviral programs. 2016 shows increased pol commitment, many countries there is decrease in coverage of syringe programs to level that is insufficient to prevent HIV infection. We should not lift our efforts to remove barriers on substances for medical and scientific purposes, while also increasing awareness efforts. Need to increase cooperation between UNODC, CND, INCB, who as well as other UN entities which could play a role. If we want to live up to our ambitions and catch up with wider socioeconomic context, need to strengthen cooperation. Netherlands calls on member states to provide info to the CND regarding human rights, health in context of implementation of conventions. Data taking is key to ensure drug control systems are up-to-date with current challenges. Thank you Mr chairman

Chairman. Thank you, I now give floor to Peru.

Peru. Thank you, chairman. Peru pleased to see you chairing this meeting, complete support to achieve goals. Also, thank secretariat for achieving recommendations. Acknowledge achievements made individually and as a group. International community decided to meet in framework of an UNGASS in order to review progress of implementation of PD and PoA. Peru considers OD strengthens work of international community, conventions cornerstone. Reaffirms importance of balanced and multidisciplinary approach. Peru believes we must take balanced approach to international strategy. Peru welcomes chapter on alternative development. Success of that has been proven in different parts of the world, social inclusion in our country, cause poverty exclusion and environmental deterioration. Continue to prevent involvement of vulnerable communities in the market of drugs. Efforts in national commission, national antidrug strategy, with current international approach, Peru strategy comprehensive, involves active participation of all institutions at all levels, guarantee effective action at combating drugs. Commitment all resources. For Peru this is significant amount, shows commitment. Promote society free of drug abuse. Chairman I would like to reiterate importance of CND in dealing with WDP. CND responsible of organising UNGASS, should be body responsible in evaluation thank you

Chairman. I now give floor to Argentina

Argentina. Thank you, ambassador. On behalf of our delegation we would like to pledge active participation to achieving goals of this meeting. The foreign minister of Argentina during UNGASS reminded us that Argentina has reiterated its political commitment to dealing with the World Drug Problem. Fundamental pillar of Macri government. Need to work together on agenda based on Human Rights, ensuring balance on demand and supply reduction. Analysis crossed with OD, would like to point out: last September Argentina government launched drug trafficking free plan. Aim is to eradicate drug trafficking through prevention and drug demand reduction programs. Focus on subjects and intersectoral program.

In Argentina we are currently working on implementation of recommendations of OD. Regards to supply reduction now have national security emergency, enable to intercept illicit trans-border activity. This in line of point 2 of UNGASS recommendation. Also, launched geographic reference system for crimes linked to drug trafficking towards progressing common information system, now setting up joint info groups. This in line with recommendation 3 a and b of OD. Also, referencing price and purity of drugs to assess efficacy of law enforcement procedures. Demand reduction, Argentina has comprehensive preventive approach, territorial approach at local level. Would like to refer to program of municipalities in action centre for guidance on addictions advises community. This is linked to point 1 recommendations B and I. Working on generation of scientific evidence for designing programs for prevention and treatment. Development of early warning system. Compiles and manages reliable information on emerging drugs including NPS or new consumption patterns. Reduce impact on people with early detection and risk evaluation aim to provide timely response. With regards to availability access to narcotic and psychoactive substances for medical and scientific purposes, doubled inspections of establishments in order to guarantee their proper use.  On subject of links to international organisations mentioned several times this morning, with regards to initiatives taken on by UNODC, Argentina part of AirCop, Crimjust initiative, advancing towards implementing container control program and port communications programme Seacop. On subject of combating money laundering, unit of financial information, currently a plaintiff in 38 drug trafficking cases, this unit signed MoUs with USA, Panama, Paraguay, Chile to improve exchange of information, in line with recommendation 3. Working on project to set up drug treatment court. Subject of precursors, increased operators on national register, inspections increased by 40%, updated list of precursors. For international bilateral cooperation, three projects, context of south-south cooperation with Colombia Mexico and Uruguay. Also, signed agreement with china and working with agreements with Uruguay, Russia and Mexico.

Chairman, conclude that Argentina is currently co-chair of cooperation program of CELAC and EU, coordinating common positions of two regions, exchange of information and good practices of national agencies.

Chairman. now give floor to Chile

Chile. Thank you chairman. At UNGASS meeting Chile reiterated is commitment. In this sense my country five main principles. First, existence of real balance between demand, supply, and international cooperation. Second, crosscutting human rights approach in design and implementation of projects. Third priority of public health approach including prevention, treatment and rehabilitation. Four, gender perspective in the design and implementation and design of drug policies. Finally the promotion of inclusive and sustainable societies.

In order to achieve necessary balance between demand and supply reduction we clearly outlined areas of intervention and have insisted on relevance of prevention treatment and rehabilitation of consumers areas of intervention, correcting reduction in the importance of this subject regarding budget. In process of reviewing law, government focused on balanced between human rights and access to justice. Gender, numerous actions to show reality of women consumers endeavouring to design strategies targeted for this population. Ministry foreign affairs coordinating interministerial and interdisciplinary group on world drug problem. That is how we started to allocate individual recommendations, identifying possible gaps and come up with correct solutions, design road map for implementation of recommendations.

Chairman, my country has sustained that world drug problem is an increasingly complex dynamic challenge, negative impact on health, social coexistence and public security. At international level, Chile has undertaken active foreign policy. Within this context, I would like to highlight some bilateral examples we believe have improved individual capacity of states. For example joint commission of drugs. Examples of bilateral efforts of how to deal with supply and demand, using this with Argentina Paraguay and Peru. Border integration committees, with Argentina and Peru. Excellent mechanism that facilitates coordination.

At multilateral level, Chile believes it is pressing that we need to consolidate current mechanisms so that we can avoid duplication and boost synergies. OD is an excellent framework for that coordination. CND has capital role, guidelines for coordinated work mean that CND will play role assigned to it

To conclude, would like to reiterate our point of view, increasingly complex world requires cooperation and exchange of experiences.

Chairman. I now give floor to USA.

USA. Thank you chair. UNGASS to assess implementation of PD and PoA. Committed to balanced approach and to enhance cooperation. Now member states with assistance of un entities, regional orgs and civil society should turn our attention towards implementing recommendations. Rate of proliferation of substances impossible for any state to catalogue all the latest information. Encourage member states and commend UNODC program on global synthetics and INCB program. Also commend CND for conference on precursors and NPS. This conference will provide tremendous opportunity. Encourage all member states to send delegates to this important meeting.

One example of new realities, growth opioid use, particularly fentanyl, resulting in increase in overdose deaths. Our efforts include request to include fentanyl precursor chemicals ANPP and APP to schedule. Urge member states to complete INCB questionnaires to inform evaluation of these two chemicals. If any of you have questions I invite you to event tomorrow morning in room C4. Presentation of USA representative. Not all member states share fentanyl problem. Must ensure fentanyl does not spread to your country. Must establish if fentanyl is introduced in heroin supply. Addressing world drug problem requires cooperation and coordination at all levels. Lead entities here in Vienna CND, INCB and the UNODC should draw on expertise of other UN entities, including the WHO, to develop the most comprehensive policy possible. Task is to translate recommendations into concrete action. Not to renegotiate new documents.

Adjusting focus of subsidiary bodies to ensure all voices reach CND. Welcome CND in February as appropriate venue and further opportunity for decision making.

Facilitator. I will now give floor to Russian federation.

Russia. Last but not least, Mr Chair. April saw UNGASS. Resulted in concrete steps to rid the world of drug use, ultimate goal society free of drug abuse. UNGASS came not a moment too soon. Over 20 million people addicted, n umber continues to rise. Welcome language of OD, to work toward the objectives of 2019 towards reducing supply of illicit drugs. Strengthen lead of CND within the UN system responsible for developing global antidrug policy. Our position is that the CND as body in special session should lead review of implementation of outcomes. Welcome initiation during intersessional meetings of reviews of states implementation of OD. We believe this is the optimal format, as it gives practical shape to state efforts by enabling exchange of experiences and best practices. We believe it makes sense to involve reps from other UN bodies and international regional organisations. We believe it is important to harness fully power of civil society and academia. Also, believe that role of implementer in chief should be for CND. We believe discussion should focus on assistance to states by CND to auxiliary bodies. Mr chairman, approaching 60th session of CND, need to put together its agenda. Support secretary proposal under item 4 or 6. Our assumption is that discussion will take form of thematic debates. CND will be able to summarise the outcomes of intersessional meetings on the 7 chapters of OD

Chairman: See you this afternoon at 3 o’clock


Algeria: Algeria aligns with the statement from the Permanent Representative of Tunisia (on behalf of the African Group). The world drug problem impacts on both humans and the environment, fuelling organised crime & terrorism. Algeria has previously drawn attention to the link between terror and organised crime which is now becoming very clear. We call for enhanced international cooperation to tackle this issue. Algeria has firmly committed to the fight vs. drugs and believes that the correct response lies in the effective implementation of the 3 conventions, which must be preserved. We continue to deploy security and border forces in the fight against transnational activity and many seizures effected. In the first 10 months of 2016: 93 tonnes of cannabis and 73 kg cocaine (down from 85kgs) were seized. We have established 38 care centres & 2 detoxification cure centres and will be launching a university education module in toxicology. To raise awareness and prevent drug use in young people, a national survey was carried out to find out the magnitude of alcohol, tobacco and other drug use. The survey reported that cannabis was the most used substance for 15-17 year olds. As part of preparations for the 2017-2021 drug strategy, an integrated framework is being developed, focusing on awareness raising campaigns (especially for young people) and strengthening legal and regulatory instruments. Algeria views the UNGASS outcomes as a solid basis on which to develop our drug strategy. Algeria regularly provides INCB with data for drug export and manufacturing and looks forward to further cooperation, and hosted 2 expert group meetings as part of the Arab-Maghreb union. Algeria commits to continue to obtain the common goals – combating drugs, transnational crime & terrorism.

Thailand: We affirm our commitment to the 2009 Plan of Action and believe that the UNGASS outcomes are useful to counter the world drug problem. We view CND as the leading policy making body on drugs and believe that the WHO, INCB and UNAIDS should be viewed as important collaborates. Thailand is considering a new paradigm of drug policy – balancing supply reduction with public health. We are considering decriminalisation and possession on an evidence based policy. This will include proportional sentencing for drug users and small time dealers. The current draft of the Narcotic Code will focus on the public health system. The amendment has already passed the Thai cabinet and is now under review. We are looking to integrate the health based code into our national effort, including harm reduction measures to improve the quality of life of drug users. On an international level, Thailand cooperates within the Great Mekong region to suppress precursor smuggling and trafficking. Thailand co-hosted, with the INCB, regional training on NPS and precursors. As we move towards 2019 review, Thailand stands ready to cooperate with CND to realise the goals of the drug problem.

Portugal: The UNGASS outcomes opened up discussion by giving more attention to public health, human rights, SDGs and involvement of other UN bodies. All 7 thematic areas must be used going forward. Activities of states, UNODC, INCB must all adopt to the new reality of the UNGASS. Portugal had the opportunity to share its experience in alternatives to incarceration and harm reduction at recent the CND. We are now celebrating 15 years of our successful drug policy: states have nothing to fear and much to gain by adopting progressive drug policy. More health orientated and human rights based drug policies lead to positive effects on the objectives of the international drug conventions: promoting health and welfare of human kind.

Norway: The UNODC World Drug Report gives a good overview of our current situation: we must do better, much better. The UNGASS outcome are promising and the new 7 chapter format is a positive change. Norway welcomes the addition of harm reduction, improved access to essential medicines and alternatives to incarceration. We were also very pleased to see certain acknowledgment of civil society organisations and academia. Going forward, agreement is not enough: implementation is essential.

UK: The UK is pleased with the new 7 chapter format which has allowed CND to identify steps that need to be taken. We would prefer the new structure to remain. In addition, we were pleased with the addition of video link statements which permits all partners to contribute. UK urges member states to submit their statements to the UNGASS website which could act as valuable knowledge hub. The UK is willing to take a leading role in monitoring implementation on NPS. We encourage other member states to take the lead in monitoring other outcomes. The UK chaired an action group on NPS, an informal network of governments which can coordinate and drive response to NPS.

Brazil: We, as a community, must follow-up on UNGASS commitments. Brazil has incorporated a health perspective into drug policy, which must be based on scientific evidence and ethical principles not stigma. Coverage of drug dependence treatment must be universal and we must address harm from drug abuse, including HIV and hepatitis C. The inclusion of human rights in UNGASS is very important and must be respected. Placing people’s lives in the foreground, mainstreaming gender and racial perspectives in drug policy are vital. To truly apply human rights to drug policy we must reiterate our condemnation of the death penalty for drugs. In order to combat drug trafficking and money laundering, more intelligence work is required. We conducted a border security meeting to improve regional cooperation vs. trafficking of drugs and firearms and must improve indicators that monitor drug problem. Brazil values the broader approach to alternative development which should be adapted to all countries and consider both rural and urban environments.

Sudan: Sudan aligns with the statement from the Permanent Representative of Tunisia (on behalf of the African Group). The drug problem is one of the key challenges in the world today and increasing in complexity (NPS & drugs and the internet). We can only meet these challenges with international cooperation. Sudan support the 3 international conventions as well as a focus on precursor control and the 2009 Plan of Action. We welcome initiatives on the regional level including the African Plan to combat drugs for 2013-2017. Sudan has adopted a national strategy to combat drugs which takes into account international conventions as well as supply & demand reduction, aiming for a drug-free society. Regarding health matters, Sudan has develop drug care and rehabilitation facilities and is committed to measures to control pharmaceutical products to prevent their diversion & abuse. We have conducted awareness raising and sensitisation campaigns to target the most vulnerable groups – i.e. young people. Community police programmes and citizen lead monitoring programmes in urban areas have led to a drop in urban crime and drug related crime. Examining drug seizure trends, there is increasing recourse in use of pharmaceutical products, stimulants and NPS following a period when cannabis was the most used. Sudan, between Oct-Nov 2016, conducted an organised cannabis cultivation eradication campaign which targeted known drug trafficking network areas. The campaign eradicated 6500 hectares. Hand-in-hand with eradication is sustainable alternative development, to decrease supply and redevelop producers towards licit production.

Ecuador: The guarantee of human rights sits at the top of the pyramid. The right to health and living is a priority of the state and human beings are the focus of drug policy. Demand reduction, prevention and treatment intervention drug policies emanate from an interministerial and interdepartmental body which has the power to establish immediate drug strategies. As part of the UNGASS outcome recommendations, there should be guaranteed access to essential medicines. We have developed IT mechanisms to control import and use of scheduled medicines and prevent diversions. A vulnerability index has been developed to investigate the socioeconomic cost of drugs on women and children. Ecuador takes a holistic point of view on the drug problem, encompassing employment, education, family structure, violent crime. For citizens in prison or custody, there must exist nondiscriminated access to healthcare for drug services, the levels of which must be the same as in the community. The Ministries of Justice and Public Health work together to provide quality healthcare in prison. We have developed an emerging intervention strategy to combat microtrafficking in urban areas. The aim is to reduce the availability of drugs, prevent their use and facilitate access to healthcare system. Sustainable urban development facilitates crime prevention through environmental design: prevent public crime by increasing security and promoting citizen oversight. Regarding operational recommendations on alternative development – we stress that urban development issues should promote public participation and cohesion. These include training workshops for urban communities: computing, dress making, beauty services, bakeries and carpentry. This involves the community and moves people away from microtrafficking.

Jamaica: The current drug control system does not provide necessary policy space to design national policies to fit national reality and include health wellbeing, human rights, spiritual rights. Jamaica is deeply disappointed that the UNGASS outcomes failed to address these shortcomings which were clearly registered in Special Session in April 2016. The current reality of the drug problem forces us to form dynamic policies grounded in scientific and medical research. It is time to admit that the traditional approach has not been effective particularly in the face of NPS. Jamaica therefore reiterates the call for a recalibration of the international community led by evidence based studies involving a multi-stakeholder approach to include national and regional situations. We call on the community to consider the reclassification of cannabis from Schedules 1 and 4. The medical value of a substance must be decided by medical and scientific data. The reluctance to review scheduling of cannabis is a symptom of our failure. We are making efforts to raise awareness of harms of drug abuse whilst raising awareness of the medical benefits of cannabis. Jamaica is also running an alternative development programme for the transition of traditional ganja farmers into licit cannabis cultivation.

Afghanistan: Afghanistan aligns with the statement from the Asian Group and would like to add a few remarks from a national perspective. The opium survey 2016 reveals that the most insecure places produce the most opium – an inverse relationship. Terrorist groups and drug trafficking groups coordinate their activities and we must monitor trends and to pre-empt the actions of traffickers and terrorists. We require an integrated response to terror, money laundering and cultivation which needs cooperation at all levels required. With respect to treatment and prevention capacity – we lack the funds to deal with increased demand and furthering technical cooperation will be important for the proper implementation of UNGASS outcomes.

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