Home » CND 61st Session Reconvened – Thursday, 6 December 2018

CND 61st Session Reconvened – Thursday, 6 December 2018


CHAIR CND: Good morning and welcome to the reconvened 61st session of the CND. In accordance with the ECOSOC decision 2011/259 our meetings will be held jointly with the CCPCJ and its reconvened 27nd session.

I would first invite the members of CND to turn to the program of work contained in the annex of this document. Today the CND will consider jointly with the CCPCJ under the corresponding item (4) of its Agenda: strategic management budgetary and administrative questions and its sub-items. Agenda approved.

CHAIR CCPCJ: Welcome all. [agenda matters].

CHAIR CND: [organisational matters]. Documents to be considered: a) note (1) by the Secretariat on the work of the standing open-ended intergovernmental working group on improving the governance and financial situation of the UNODC, b) report (2) of the Executive Director on gender balance and geographical representation within the UNODC.

CHAIR CCPCJ: The CCPCJ is also expected to review and approve jointly with the CND on the implementation of the consolidated budget for the biennium 2018-2019 for the UNODC as contained in the report (3) of the Executive Director. [organisational matters].

CCPCJ: [summaries of note (1) and reports (2) and (3)].

GILLIAN MURRAY/UNODC: [introduction of the proposed draft Annual Program Implementation Plan 2020 for UNODC contained on this document]. [organisational briefing].

IGNACIO BAYLINA RUIZ/UNODC: [introduction of the work of the standing open-ended intergovernmental working group on improving the governance and financial situation of UNODC contained on this document]. [organisational matters]. The working group continued to examine the implementation of (October) and finalised the considerations (November) of a consolidated budget for UNODC for the 2018-2019 biennium, the proposed draft Annual Program Implementation Plan 2020 for UNODC (strategic framework), geographical representation and gender balance in the composition of UNODC staff as well as new or ongoing programmes of UNODC and updates on the evaluation of the activities of UNODC. [organisational briefing].

We hope that MS will continue to participate within its framework in substantive discussions on the governance and financial situation of UNODC.

CHAIR CND: I would like now to open the floor for the debate.

G77+CHINA: The group reiterates the significance of the open ended intergovernmental working group to improve the governance and financial situation of the UNODC (FINGOV). FINGOV continues to serve as a useful forum for regular consultations and review, including in regard to matters related to UNODC program development and implementation.

Bearing in mind that FINGOV mandate has been extended until 2021 the G77 and China wishes to see FINGOV continuing to play an increasingly active role in enhancing communication between MS and the Secretariat, thereby strengthening MS’s trust and transparency in matters related to governance and financial situation of the Office as well as effectiveness of these programs.

The group reiterates the importance of adequate, predictable and stable funding to enhance provision of technical assistance, in particular to developing countries upon request. In the same vein, the group emphasized the need to efficient utilization of such resources. The group notes with concern the challenges UNODC is facing due to the shortfall in general-purpose funding and underlines the funding trends affecting the Office’s ability to uphold core programmatic functions, in particular normative work and research. Regarding the Annual Program Implementation Plan for 2020, the group request the Secretariat to keep MS fully involved in the elaboration of oncoming and the implementation plans throughout the process towards approving of these plans through FINGOV.

The group would like to receive more information regarding the creation of the so called “one of search capacity”, funded by program support costs, which is supposed to strengthen field-based presence. We also request the Secretariat to fully consult with MS before such activities are implemented. In the same line, the group requests further information about the use of program support costs to support field offices, including through the search and implications of this approach. The group reiterates that all funding models of UNODC should interallia not hinder the field activities of the Office or affect the scope of delivery of technical assistance. The group request the Office to continue providing information to MS on the implementation of the funding model and its impact on the work of the Office included but not limited to its ability to deliver technical assistant to MS upon the request. The group reiterates that UNODC should hold consultations among relevant stakeholders, in particular the host countries in advance of any possible changes to the field presence of the Office. The group also underscores the need UNODC to enhance effectiveness of its technical assistance programs and activities in close consultations with a guidance from MS. We also would like to emphasize the need for regular dialogue and consultations between MS and UNODC regarding the latter, ongoing and plan research activities. The UNODC research work should be based on clear mandate and some policy guidance provided by the governing bodies. The group request the Secretariat to submit a consolidated list of all research activities that have taken place in the past three years, as well as those that are already planned for the future, including the titles and main donors for each of these activities.

The group takes note with concern of the information contained in the report of executive director on gender balance and geographical representation within UNODC. In this regard the group appreciates the information on the global project on gender equality and empowerment of women and looks forward to receive more information regarding the strategy for gender equality and empowerment of women 2018-2021 and its impact. The group also request executive director of the UNODC to achieve equal representation of women at senior and policymaking levels and to report on the progress of such measures to the Commissions.

The G77 and China reiterates its preoccupation that concrete and sustainable efforts are still lacking to enhance the representation of developing countries in the staff composition of the Office, particularly developing MS that are underrepresented in the Secretariat of UNODC. The situation at the professional and D level is also a serious concern, given the lack of representation of developing countries. The group strongly request the Executive Director to provide more information regarding the specific corrective measures implemented, and formally requests the Executive Director to present a strategy for equitable geographical representation in the coming formal meetings of the CND and CCPCJ.

The group request FINGOV to continue on a regular basis and another standing agenda item to review the progress made by the Office in improving representation from developing countries. The group calls on the Executive Director to enhance meaningful efforts to increase our presentation of developing countries in the Secretariat, included internalia through the establishment of a balanced geographical representation team at the Executive Director’s office and in particular at the professional, senior and policymaking levels in order to ensure equitable geographical representation and report on the progress here on to the Commissions.

AFRICAN GROUP: The group associates itself with the statement delivered on behalf of the G77 and China. The Africa group presets the crucial role of intergovernmental working group to improve the governance and financial situation of the UNODC. The Africa group believes that FINGOV of is the appropriate forum for fruitful discussions on the UNODC program development and implementation. Through a process of consultation and review the apply strengthen the trust, transparency, effectiveness, deepening the understanding and enhancing the communication between the Secretariat and MS. The Africa group notes with concern the challenges facing UNODC due to the shortfall in the general purpose funding and underlining funding trends affecting the ability of the Office to effectively and independently uphold core programmatic functions and in particular, normative work and research. The Africa group encourages continuing discussions to ensure adequate, sustainable, assured and predictable funding, and also to achieve a balance between core and non core funding for the UNODC to ensure the provision of technical assistance and the sustainability of its thematic global and regional programs.

Regarding the Annual Program Implementation Plans for 2020 the Africa group request the Secretariat to keep MS fully involved in the elaboration of all the coming Annual Program Implementation Plans and throughout the process towards approving these plans to the FINGOV. The Africa group reiterates its position on the need for continuous support for promoting an integrated program approach as well as a culture of evaluation within the UNODC at all stages of program planning, development and implementation as well as consideration of all results achieved.

The group also expresses its continuous support for gender mainstreaming in the policies and programme of the UNODC and the continuous support for strengthening human resources governance to improve geographical representation and gender balance, which aligns with goal 5 of the SDGs pertaining to gender equality. The Africa group represents is preoccupation that concrete and sustainable efforts are still lacking to enhance representation of developing countries in the staff composition of the Office, particularly developing MS that aren’t presented or are underrepresented in the Secretariat of UNODC. The Africa group formerly request Executive Director to present a strategy for equitable geographical representation in the coming formal meetings of the CND and the CCPCJ. Finally, the Africa group request the Executive Director to intensify the efforts to ensure, particularly at the senior and policymaking levels and for provisional posts requiring specific skills equitable geographical representation, and expresses its concern regarding the lack of progress in this regard.

GRULAC: Grulac takes note of the report of the Executive Director on the implementation of the consolidated UNODC budget for the 2018-2019 biennium. Grulac expresses its concern for the almost 20% reduction in UNODC resources for projects in Latin America and the Caribbean and the last two year period. In this regard, our group reaffirms the importance of technical assistance for Latin America and the Caribbean and calls for resources to be used in an equitable and efficient way. With regards to the Implementation Plan for 2020 Grulac reminds the Secretariat of its obligation to provide the information that will enable MS to become suitably involved in future implementation plans with due notice.

Glulac beliefs that UNODC should work in line with UN reform with a cross cutting an integrated approach with MS at the core as the principal elements of the system whilst ensuring an effective and transparent use of the budget resources of UNODC. The continuation of the open ended intergovernmental working group on the improvement of governance and the financial situation of UNODC and the growing involvement of MS reflects the important role of this forum to increase transparency and allow for an analysis of effective measures to improve the management of UNODC. Grulac takes not with concern of the report of the Executive Director on gender balance and geographic representation within UNODC.

Despite acknowledging the significant progress made with regards to gender balance in UNODC Secretariat staff, it is clear that the results presented to improve geographic balance are still below expectations. UNODC acknowledged during the FINGOV meetings a region has less than 7% of total staff at professional or higher level in the organization. We request UNODC to present both Commissions with the corrective measures to be adopted to comply with the goal regarding the appointment of candidates from MS who are not represented or underrepresented, or who run the risk of being underrepresented and we formally request the presentation of a strategy to achieve equitable geographic balance in the next formal of meetings of both Commissions. Grulac believes that the aim of increasing the participation of professionals and staff of countries that are less represented is compatible with the goal of including highly skilled staff. We have the professional and academic levels required of experts in developing under represented countries, including in our region. It is important to recall that the principles of gender equality and equitable geographical representation are designed to strengthen the representativity and universality of the UN and to provide suitable professionals who with an equitable multicultural, multiregional balance in the best conditions to respond to the needs and challenges of UNODC.

GERMANY: The complex and interlinked challenges of drug abuse, transnational organized crime, corruption, and terrorism call for a coherent response of the UN system. We highly welcome the timely reform efforts by the UN Secretary General aiming at better providing such a coherent response on the ground. They enjoy the strongest support from Germany because we believe that these reforms will improve the service delivery provided to MS. Management reform and reform of the UN Development System affect the UNODC both as part of the Secretariat and in the field. We therefore trust that you UNODC will work with a Secretary General’s transition team in a joint effort to develop a system wide approach. We encourage UNODC to strive for and identify efficiency gains in line with the UNDS reformed resolution requirements.

The sustainably funded resident coordinator system is vital to reaching the aims stipulated in the reform resolution. The UN agencies will also have to double their contributions to the new resident coordinator system under the cost sharing mechanism. We call on UNODC management to make the necessary provisions in the budget for swift disbursement in 2019, for example, by re-allocating cost efficiencies. [ ] unearmarked voluntary contributions should help the UNODC to better shoulder the complex transition tasks which are linked to the implementation of the reform.

We encourage UNODC to develop a longer term vision or strategy for its headquarters and a strengthened and sustainable field network, including its potential financial implications and required re-allocations and scenarios for how to address those. We see merit in evolving the independent evaluation unit in this process. Germany is ready to constructively engage in discussions about this challenging process, including the financial implications of UNDS reform. We suggest doing so over the next year in the framework of the informal FINGOV meetings.

UNITED KINGDOM: This reconvened session of the UNODC governing bodies comes at a crucial moment as the UN system as a whole starts to implement reform processes and as the UK Government increases its funding to support UNODC capacity building programs. United Kingdom is fully supportive of the UN Secretary General’s reform agenda. Those MS and the UN Development System, including UNODC need to play that part in delivering as swiftly as possible and more coherent coordinated UN, focused on delivering results on the ground as per the May resolution adopted in New York.

This year alone, UK and UNODC has signed funding agreements with over 13 million pounds supporting UNODC work on anti-corruption, human trafficking, illegal wildlife trade, NPS and illicit financial flows. These commitments are testament to the confidence we have in UNODC to deliver results on the ground. But there is always scope to improve. The Secretary General vision of a reform UN offers UNODC the opportunity to do things even better and with even greater impact.

We are pleased to see that the draft budget implementation resolution that will be adopted tomorrow makes welcome references to UNODC commitment to implementation of the UN reform resolutions agreed in New York and this will further increase MS confidence in its work.

I would like to address the issue of sexual abuse and exploitation. On Thursday, the 18th of October, UK international development Secretary Penny Moredaunt hosted a major conference on this issue in London. All the major donors, including 90% of Global Aid committed to world wide standards on the prevention of sexual exploitation and abuse. These standards cover ethical behavior, recruitment and the complaint processes. We look forward to regular updates from UNODC as to how they are implementing the UN policies in this area.

BRAZIL: My delegation fully associate itself with the statement delivered on behalf of the G77 and China, and Grulac. Brazil wishes to highlight the value attached to the work of the standing open ended intergovernmental working group on improving the governance and financial situation of the UNODC.

With reference to the draft report by the Executive Director on gender balance and geographical representation to the Commissions, it is clear that more progress needs to be accomplished on the recruitment selection policies of the Office in order to ensure equitable geographical presentation and gender balance in the composition of the staff of UNODC, particularly within the professional high level categories, including field representatives. Brazil recognizes that important progress has been made towards gender balance and supports the Secretariat in strengthening its efforts to fully achieve gender parity for staff at all levels of the UN office in Vienna and UNODC. Unfortunately similar results were not attained with regards to the geographical balance in the composition of staff; a fundamental principle to be followed by the Secretariat of the UN. The governing bodies of this Office have approved specific mandates towards this objective, but we have not observed the expected improvements. Developing countries have qualified professionals with technical capacity and practical experience that can greatly contribute to the work of this Office. The policies will be defined multilaterally and should be implemented by an institution with an equally global composition. Increasing diversity of the staff contributes to better service delivery and to a wider recognition of the reputation of this Office as a leading organization in providing assistance and support for MS as a confront current and emerging forms of illicit drugs, crimes and corruption.

To this end, my delegation is confident that we will be able to approve a new resolution on the implementation of the budget of UNODC during the session that includes a clear mandate for action towards the improvement of geographical representation in UNODC staff as well as for strengthen efforts to achieve gender balance.

PERU: Peru associates fully with the statements made by G77 and China, and Glulac. My country would like to reiterate the importance of the open-ended intergovernmental working group on the improvement of governance and the financial situation of UNODC to continue to be a useful forum for consultations and periodic reviews, especially with regards to the development and implementation of UNODC programmes. Regarding the report of the Director General on the implementation of the consolidated UNODC budget 2018-2019 our country takes note of what was said regarding the UNODC.

Peru has continued to support the specialized monitoring of illicit crops. It is important that the aforementioned office is proposing to achieve more detailed monitoring of those crops as well as taking on new fields such as gender violence and crimes against forests and combating corruption. Peru will continue to actively support the work of field offices in our country. However, we do share the concern expressed by Glulac with regards to the almost 20% reduction in UNODC resources for projects in Latin America and the Caribbean in the last biennium and requests the Secretariat to introduce measures which will guarantee equity in terms of resources. With regards to the report of the Executive Director on gender and geographic balance our country acknowledges the progress has been made with regards to gender and we believe it is important for the Secretariat to continue to inform MS with regards to progress made, especially with regards to the strategy for gender equality and the empowerment of women 2018-2021. However, with regards to geographic representation Peru regrets the lack of progress made in recent years and we join Grulac and G77 and China in their requests, as well as the African Group to request the Secretariat to draw a strategy to achieve equitable geographical representation in the upcoming formal meetings of both Commissions.

JAPAN: Japan has contributed UNODC operational capacity to deliver technical assistance and capacity building. In 2018 Japan has expended in total 28 million US dollars in order to contribute financially to facilitate Office activities. We would like to welcome the Office continuous efforts in the endeavor to ensuring efficiency, transparency and accountability. Japan reiterates the view that it is often critical responsibility to make full use of program support costs.

The importance of being flexible in deploying resources should be especially stressed when the Office is trying to secure its position in the context of the UN ongoing reform. Japan welcomes UNODC initiative to realise and strengthen field based presence through mobilizing Office’s capacity on focused thematic areas and offices funded by PSE. Japan believes that this initiative will enable UNODC to showcase its strength in program delivery, including achievement of the SDGs and it is a significant step for UNODC to better repositioning itself in the global setting.

Another aspect of UNODC effort, namely coordination with relevant agencies is also of high relevance, as it will not only enhance greatly the efficiency in the delivery activities, but also generate synergies among these activities or develope institutions which are going to maximize the output. Japan also welcomes UNODC action in reinforcing the New York office, we an aim to better liaise with a headquarters, which is indispensable for information gathering and influence decision making processes taking place in NY. Japan calls for UNODC to continue updating MS in a systematic manner of reform process and to continue sharing with MS its prospects and ideas. Japan believes that advanced discussion and the reporting on finance and governance issues with MS is of utmost importance in securing transparency and credibility of UNODC.

IRAN: We align ourselves with the statement by G77 and China. We underscore the prominence and active role of the open-ended intergovernmental working group and improving the efficiency of governance and financial situation of the UNODC and consider it as a valuable apparatus for cultivating prolific consultations and communications between MS and the Secretariat of the matters related to the UNODC. While we stress the significance of availability of adequate, seasonable and unwavering funding for the UNODC to boost the providing of technical assistance to developing countries upon request, we note with concern the challenges facing UNODC due to the shortfall in general purpose funding and underlining funding trends affecting the Office ability to efficiently and independently uphold core programmatic functions, in particular normative or/and research.

With regard to the annual program implementation plan for 2020 we are of the view that this draft is too general in nature and there is a crucial requirement to come to a document which is more comprehensive, balanced and functional in nature, and covers all necessary related areas and features based on the envisaged mandate and agreed policy framework of all relevant UN mechanisms. To that end, we recommend that instead of singling out some specific countries, there is an essential need that the text has distinct references to different geographical regions. We also believe that there is overbalanced and even unrelated references to the SDGs in the whole text. For that reason we asked the Secretariat to continue to keep MS fully involved and informed in the process of finalizing the said draft and in elaboration of all coming annual program implementation plans and through the process towards approving these plans through FINGOV.

We acknowledge that there is a legitimate demand by the MS from the Secretariat to fully consult with them on ongoing and plan research activities and also before introducing and implementing new initiatives, based on its clear mandate and policy guidance provided by the governing bodies. We also emphasize the necessity for UNODC to augment effectiveness of its technical assistance programs and activities in close consultations with, and guidance received from MS. We are concerned of the information contained in the report of the Executive Director on gender balance and geographical representation within the UNODC and we reaffirm our position that tangible and admissible efforts by the Office are still absent to increase representation of developing countries in their staff composition of the Office.

We call upon the Executive Director to draft and present a strategy for equitable geographical representation in the coming formal meetings of the CND and CCPCJ and in this regard we also appeal FINGOV to continue on a standing agenda item on a regular basis to evaluate the progress made by the Office in improving representation from developing countries. Finally, we strongly request Executive Director to enhance his efforts to improve the representation of developing countries in the Secretariat, including inter alia through the establishment of a balanced geographical representation team at the Executive Director’s office at all levels to ensure equitable geographical representation and report on the progress thereon to the Commissions.

SWITZERLAND: Following the adoption in 2015 of the 2030 Agenda and in 2016 of the UNGASS Outcome Document all heads of state and governments have committed to a more human-centered approach and they urged relevant UN stakeholders to cooperate in the framework of the world drug problem which seemed that the international community and UN bodies acknowledged the importance of a cross-cutting and a multi institutional approach. During the opening of the 61st session of the CND, the Secretary General invited the UNODC to work with the UN system as a whole for the implementation of the UNGASS recommendations. The Director General of the WHO was also recalled that the world drug problem required a public health solution and ensured the commitment of the WHO along these lines. In the final remarks at the 61st CND the Executive Director of UNODC insisted that the UNODC must assist MS in carrying out their obligations on the ground and coordinating the UN Global Strategy for the world drug problem.

In this connection Switzerland calls upon the UNODC to continue its work with other UN bodies working in this field for better coordination, [ ] and the implementations of the Outcome Document recommendations should guide the UNODC, its mandate and its accountability. Furthermore, Switzerland commits to a strong modern and result based UN; one which can fully deliver on the far-reaching goals that have been set. Particular attention should be given to creating a modern management culture at all levels of the organization. In this regard, Switzerland supports the reform efforts of the new UN Secretary General and in particular reforming the UN Development System and management. Switzerland calls upon the UNODC to carry out a development system of reforms, in particular through creating a dedicated agenda item during its meetings,

Switzerland supports increasing contributions to the cost sharing agreement for the resident coordinator as well as the payment of 1% on voluntary contributions. We would also work unstintingly to ensure effective application of the zero tolerance policy regarding sexual exploitation and abuse in the context of UN field missions, and also in the context of sexual harassment in the workplace. We would request of UNODC to continue to inform us of developments and commitments undertaken in management reform, development system reform as well as all efforts undertaken in this area of policy.

UNITED STATES: US continue to believe that the UNODC provides a valuable contribution to implementing important technical assistance programs to counter the menace of illicit drugs, crime, corruption and terrorism. UNODC sustained involvement, both from headquarters and field offices as well as its integrated approach to developing regional, country and global thematic programs foster the political will necessary for the practical assistance to make a true impact. As one of UNODC strongest supporters and major donors, the US wants to underscore the great value we place in UNODC drug control and anti crime programming. In this vein we also want to reaffirm that it is essential that this work will continued to be in line with an in support of the three UN Drug Conventions, the UN Convention against transnational organized crime and the UN Convention against Corruption. While the mandates of UNODC may, in some cases, align with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the 2030 Agenda and it’s relevant goals and targets were created to support and complement existing drug control and criminal justice frameworks, not supersede them.

US supports the UN Secretary General’s reform efforts with regard to reform of the UN Development System. We encourage UNODC to remain engaged with the efforts of the Secretary General and support implementation of UN resolution 72/279. At the same time we recognize that a purely development related focus encompasses only a portion of the objectives of the Commissions. Future reform efforts should include support for those other objectives as well. We believe UNODC should be involved in the discussions regarding the reform of the UN resident coordinator system since this will affect UNODC field presence.

We continue to believe that UNODC field presence is a vital component of providing drug control, crime prevention and criminal justice programming throughout the world. The US also continue to have concerns about the transparency and the decision making at headquarters on the use of program support costs and encourages a broader distribution of those funds between various divisions at headquarters and in the field, including to support the important field presence of UNODC. We commend in this regard the specific leadership of the Division of operations and helping to ensure that UNODC feel presence makes effective use of available resources, responds to the Secretary General’s reform priorities and delivers meaningful technical assistance programs in a timely manner.

US is an active participant at FINGOV and we appreciate the opportunity this informal venue provides for discussions of budget and management issues at UNODC. FINGOV is an important tool for providing transparency and fostering greater communication between the Secretariat and the MS while decision making responsibilities remain with the Commissions.

For staff composition in terms of both gender balanced and geographical representation US supports efforts to develop comprehensive diversity recruitment and workforce planning strategies. The paramount focus on selecting candidates should be based on merit and competence, as enshrined in Article 101 of the UN Charter. Finally US supports UNODC efforts to reinforce its victim centered approach and processes to tackle ex sexual exploitation and abuse, as well as sexual harassment, including through its continued active participation in the CEV Task Force for addressing sexual harassment in the UN system.

RUSSIA: In the context of implementing from January 2019 the UN reforms one wonders about the role of the UNODC in this process so as to retain the unique mandate of the Office in combating drugs crime and terrorism. It is absolutely clear that not all of the program draft program activities of the UNODC have directly to do with the attainment of the SDGs, which have only to do with a matter of prevention and treatment of drug addiction and leave out entirely measures to combat illicit drug cultivation and the production of drugs.

In this regard, we would support the appeal of the G77 and China to the Secretariat for timely informing of the MS regarding any initiatives having to do with the participation of the UNODC and the reform of the UN Development System, including in the context of possible interaction with this reform or impact of this reform on implementation of UNODC fundamental mandates. Also it is our view that in the framework of reforms the Office must optimally draw upon its comparative advantages with respect to other thematic areas of development for the UN bodies.

There is a pending matter: that is the relation between country and regional UNODC representatives and the resident coordinator system. In our view, it would be hasty to begin talking about possibly bringing the UNODC system to be subordinate to this resident coordinator system. We think this would be weakening transparency for any representation of the Office in the Vienna headquarters, which could complicate the practical implementation of UNODC mandates on the ground. We don’t see the need to make changes in the structure of the Office in its program activities. It is important to retain effectiveness in implementing programs and projects across the whole spectrum of UNODC mandate. The current structure as we see it is successfully carrying out this task.

We’d like to thank the Secretariat for the preparation of the updated version of the UNODC programmatic work that is the annual program implementation plan. We noticed significant improvement in the substance part of the draft. A lot of our comments on program activities which were conveyed to the Secretariat or made orally also during the informals have been taken on board. However, certain substantive inaccuracies or imbalances in certain subprograms are still there. First and foremost, I’m referring to the inclusion in certain sections of the so called violent extremism title as a sort of self standing mandate of the UNODC. In particular in subprogram 7, regarding the most significant achievements for 2020 and amongst the mandates of the UNODC on matters having to do with drugs and crime, including corruption, references made also to violent extremism. The key mandate of the UNODC in preventing terrorism is left totally untouched upon. Here we would like the reference to violent extremism to be replaced with the prevention of terrorism in all of its forms and manifestations. In subprogram 6, we pointed out a so called specialized mandate of the UNODC to conduct research on the matter of combating illicit smuggling of migrants. We do not think this assertion to be accurate and have many times pointed out to the Secretariat that this is not a mandate of the UNODC.

We continue to have the most questions though about the very structure of the document which is totally focused on aligning all of the programs and projects at the UNODC with the SDGs. We agree that the activities of the Office in various areas of its mandate could make a contribution to achieving the SDGs but they are not just about that. In addition to the SDGs. the Office has its own guidelines aims and tasks which stem from its unique mandate. In the view of this delegation, we shouldn’t be talking about aligning the activities of UNODC with the SDGs, but rather about making a contribution there too. In spite of all of our arguments to retain the previous methodology in preparing the strategic frameworks of the UNODC in the introduction and the structure of the document there was no change made. We do hope that the draft’s extremely lopsided approach used in the APIP (internal government auditor) will not have an impact in the actual work of the Office across the board and its mandates. It is our understanding from the clarifications given by the Secretariat the matter of methodology has to be addressed by the specialized body in New York. However, we yet again would like to underscore that we are not in a position to agree with realigning the UNODC activities with the SDG and unfortunately we are unable to approve of this document at this time. We would request that the Secretariat reflect our position in the outcome report on this event. This would send a signal to New York, amongst other things, namely that the draft was not approved by MS of the CND and the CCPCJ. We also will express this position during the Committee for program and coordination meeting in New York.

The Russian Federation welcomes the activities of FINGOV and believes in the need for this format to support regular dialogue between the Office and MS on matters of strategic and operational management in the intersessional period. We would like to see the work of FINGOV to continue to increase MS information regarding the financial situation of the UNODC as well as its program implementation plans. We think that the matter of the impacts of the UNreforms on the UNODC should be discussed during the FINGOV session on a regular basis.

As pertains to gender and geographical representation for the Secretariat, we would like to note that in our view these criteria should not be a gold standard for the standards and policies of the UNODC. They should not replace either certain criteria in recruitment of UN staff, such as professionalism, their educational level and work experience. This is step forward in Article 101 of the UN Charter. For gender balance and geographical representation these criteria could be decisive only when we are talking about selection amongst candidates with analogous work background and experience levels. We think that the Office should continue to be guided by the idea of ensuring the highest professional levels possible and carrying out all of the mandates.

ALGERIA: We encourage the working group to continue to evaluate and research the performance of the current budgetary management model of UNODC, it is concise and it is precise and it could be a good basis. In our opinion that goal should be more voluntary in the pursuit of the best way to implement the 2030 Agenda based on policies to simplify and to co-ordinated the effectiveness of our management and budgetary models.

We take note of the adjustments proposed for the UN funding for 2018 and 2019 and we would like to express our satisfaction at the budget increases allocated to research and analysis of criminal trends. Given the important and thorny issue of UNODC staff distribution, both in terms of gender and geography, well, a lot of things have been said this morning just as they have been in the past. We take note of the efforts made by UNODC to achieve gender parity. In terms of professional staff and managers the results are encouraging as efforts have been made, however, that’s not enough. We still need to go further. On that subject, gender balance should not just be numerical. We believe that gender balance also has to respect diversity; that would be our advice. Now regarding the geographic distribution and balance I listen to all the statements made this morning by ambassadors from different countries as well as other speakers. Those results are still very disappointing. Just one small indicator: out of a total of 85 countries and 349 high-ranking officials in more than half of the jobs (171) the officials are coming from nine countries. So there is an imbalance there, it’s obvious. So to avoid that it’s not UNODC fault because this question of geographic balance is extremely complex. It is linked to other issues: communication of vacancies that needs to be good circulation of information and that’s not enough. In order to achieve results MS have to react. [ ] We would like UNODC to develop the necessary measures to extend the recruitment of staff on better geographic criteria without sacrificing the criteria for qualifications.

PAKISTAN: Pakistan aligned itself with the statement made earlier on behalf of G77 and China. Regarding the budget, Pakistan reiterates the importance of sustainable funding for UNODC in order for the Office to continue to carry out its mandated functions. We would also like to emphasize the importance for UNODC to strengthen the capacity building work including in the field and related point to this is that UNODC would enhance its efforts to improve capacity building and the field fully consistent with the needs of the host country. We have seen a new element and the Executive Directors report on the budget implementation and others about the search capacity and we hope that in the coming weeks and months UNODC would keep us informed, including about the impact of the search capacity on improving UNODC service delivery across its various areas of activities.

On the geographical representation, we joined several other voices and taking note of the efforts UNODC has made so far, but we believe, like many others that there is considerable room for improvement. We would reiterate the importance of concrete measures because we believed that without concrete measures we would continue to raise this issue but the progress would remain far from satisfactory. Qualified candidates from developing countries should be given proper opportunity to contribute to the world and to the important work of the UNODC.

Regarding the draft document on development program implementation for 2020, we have shared our detailed feedback at the FINGOV. We believe that this document can still be improved to be fully consistent with the diverse mandates of the UNODC. One thing which was particularly striking to us was that of the overarching objectives and that each of the nine subprograms in the document do not, in our observation, fully correspond to the expected results for 2020. This is again an area where we believe that UNODC can improve the document and finally on FINGOV, like other delegations we believe that FINGOV should continue to discharge it’s important role of promoting dialogue between MS and UNODC, because that dialogue would also contribute in improving transparency and accountability at the work of the UNODC. Also we would like to emphasize the importance of making FINGOV discussions more interactive and in this regard we would encourage all MS to actively participate in the future meetings of the FINGOV

CHINA: The chinese delegation appreciates UNODC diverse and effective activities on it’s mandated areas of over the past year. China of recognizes FINGOV’s important role as a platform for effective communications and interactions between MS and the UNODC. Discussions at FINGOV about management and the utilization of UNODC funds provide policy guidance and concrete recommendations for the planning and implementation of relevant project, contributing to the healthy and sustainable development of UNODC operations. China believes that only by continuously leveraging FINGOV full potential by enhancing the transparency of UNODC technical assistance and related research projects and optimizing project implementation can the relevance, acceptance and efficiency of UNODC projects be improved.

China calls upon all countries to actively consider to increase their contributions to UNODC general purpose funds to provide more technical support to UNODC so it can better fulfil its mandates to control drugs and prevent and combat crimes. China takes note of UNODC briefings at the latest of FINGOV sessions on the actions it has taken in response to UN reforms. China highly values UNODC important role in regional networks and supports its involvement in the UN reform process. China supports UNODC efforts aimed at improving its competitiveness in the reform through adjusting resource allocation and its priorities. We hope that these efforts will make UNODC unique role in drug control, combating crimes and anticorruption fully recognized in the New York development system after repositioning.

At the same time China believes that UNODC should strengthen communication with MS in this process and take initiative to share information in a more comprehensive and detailed manner with them and effectively safeguard their interests. In particular, any budgetary adjustments proposal in response to UN reform should be subject to broad consultations with MS prior to implementation so as to avoid negative impact on the activities within existing mandates. China appreciates UNODC attention to linkages between programs and SDGs. However, at the same time we will like to emphasize that UNODC work should not be encompassed and its uniqueness and expertise should not be overlooked. UNODC should focus on coordination and division of labor with other UN agencies to avoid overlapping with their co-operations. China believes that in future work UNODC should strike a balance between the actual needs of requesting MS and its overall plan.

Increasingly rampant cybercrime, cyberterrorism and other criminal activities perpetrated by abusing ICTs (Information and Communication Technology) and the ever evolving techniques and forms make them a common enemy for all countries around the world, posing serious threat and challenge to the health and development of information society and that is requiring strengthening the coordination of response from the international community. China hopes that UNODC will further increase investment to combat new types of crime such as cybercrime and better support activities by the open ended intergovernmental expert group on cybercrime and a relevant research in accordance with the resolution entitled “strengthen international cooperation to combat crime adopted by CCPCJ at its 26th session.

The Chinese delegation takes note of your efforts to improve geographical representation, but at the same time, we believe that there is much room for improvement in this regard. We believe that as part of your Secretariat it is of great significance for the UNODC to put into practice the UN core values of geographical balance and respecting for diversity. We also notice the gap that still exists. According to figures in the Executive Directors report on gender balance and geographical representation most UNODC staff come from Europe and America. Only 8,6% of staff come from Asia far behind the 48.7% from Europe. East Asia and Southeast Asia are particularly under represented.

In addition, according to the same report the target for recruitment of candidates from not represented or underrepresented countries was set at 50% for 2017, however, in practice only 13% materialized that by the 31st of December 2017. We believe that CCPCJ and the CND should be pay full consideration to geographical balance: in particular balance among different legal systems. Given the distinctiveness of the legal system in East Asia and Southeast Asia, such under representation of stuff from these regions is not conducive to exchanges among different legal cultures, nor to the improvement of the quality of UNODC work. UNODC should recruit staff as wide geographically basis as possible to insure geographical balance.

NETHERLANDS: We are aware of the challenges that UNODC faces when at the same time the overall budget and the project volumes continue to increase; this shows that the mandate of UNODC matters. Maybe more than ever, and as well connected to many of the transnational challenges that we face today. The ambitious reform agenda of the UN Secretary General for a modern, transparent, efficient and accountable UN provides a unique opportunity for UNODC to review its business and funding models, identifying strengths and weaknesses, prioritize, reposition and improve itself to most effectively implement its mandates. We urge UNODC to seize this opportunity and we are happy that the resolution on the implementation report directs in that direction. January 1 is around the corner and marks a milestone in the implementation of the UN Development System reform process. The Netherlands fully supports the strengthening resident coordinator system which is key for effective coordination, interagency cooperation and it should prevent further fragmentation.

The Netherlands trust that UNODS will make the necessary institutional changes to adapt to the new reality. In that light we highly welcomed and strongly support the decision taken by UNODC of creating a search capacity as a key step in this transitional period and to adapt UNODC to the new UN development system realities while being aware that further and bold changes and decisions are needed to ensure a focused, sustainable and effective field network for UNODS as well as a position of UNODC within the development framework. We expect UNODC to support the full implementation of the General Assembly resolution 72/279. In doing so, my delegation would like to underline the following:

With all those important developments ongoing and decisions that need to be made next year, now more than ever dialogue between the Secretariat and MS on financial and governance matters and on the implementations of UN reforms is in particular essential. As set out in the resolution, we expect that UNODC will inform and brief but mostly involve MS proactively about progress made and consideration to be made in this decision making processes. We also feel a strong need of continuous and close cooperation with the SG and his transitional team as well as the rest of the UN system. We would also like to encourage UNODC to work on multi stakeholder partnerships for greater sustainability and we encourage UNODC to further pursuit the principle of strengthening field presence and capacity on a broader and more sustainable basis. We believe the harmonizing funding models with other projects and programs and keeping in mind the strongly request of MS last year to have a critical look into possibilities of better appropriation of a different funding streams is particularly necessary.

Finally, on the management reform and in particular elements. The Netherlands firmly condemns sexual exploitation and abuse, and sexual harassment. These practices can not be tolerated in any circumstances and we welcome the Executive Director of UNODC together with the other UN agencies have made clear that their commitment to a zero tolerance approach to sexual harassment, to strengthen victim centered prevention and response efforts and to foster a safe inclusive working environment. We commend the organization for actions taken so far. We trusted UNODC will build further on those actions and commitments and focus on the limitations of the needed cultural and institutional changes, winding the framework of a system wide approach. We would also like to see an encouragement of reporting uncovered cases and protection of whistleblowers. We would like to see periodic reporting to FINGOV and the Commissions, providing adequate support victims, a comprehensive approach across all parts of the organization, offerings staff at all levels and in particular at the headquarters and at field level. We would like to see open and transparent communication towards staff, partners and MS, a review of these current practices and the implementation of existing policies in those areas.

CHAIR CCPCJ: I would like to give the floor to the Division for Policy Analysis and Public Affairs for an update on the strategic framework for 2020, taking on board all of the observations made by MS.

UNODC: I can just pick up on the points made about aligning the programs and projects with SDGs. We did make changes to the document to contribute to the SDGs, and we did this on p.5 and under every subprogram, but we can’t change the subtitle because it’s part of the template that was provided to us by New York, and that’s it. Thank you all for your comments and suggestions. We’ve taken careful note of them. The draft document that you have just considered will be now submitted as is it to the Program Planning budget Division in New York PPD and UN HQ and the substantive comments that you have made today will be brought to the attention of the CPC through a conference room paper, so they have been documented and they will be reflected. Thank you very much.

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