Taking into account the social determinants and risk factors for non-medical use of drugs and criminality
Chair: one important objective of public health measures is equity and must be at the core of public health work.
Portugal: we propose to explore social determinants and risk factors in non medical use of drugs, it is rooted in a ph approach based on science and human rights inline with UNGASS 2016 we consider non medical use cannot be disconnected, when we decriminalised it was in an attempt these complex phenomena which included integrated methods, and harm reduction amongst others. it is clear for all authorities that without the pressure of pursuing drug use law makers can focus on the real criminals – we recognise drug use as a health issue thats need to be treated not punished, we attempt social integration with drug users and help develop their skills and help get them into the work market. whilst facing the world drug problem we must not forget human rights, social and economical rights.
Sweden: in 2018 the Swedish parliament adopted a new structure for public health it now takes a clear focus on equity and health throughout the population and is based on 8 domains; early life, skills and training, work conditions, inclusive opportunity, neighbourhood living habits, health promotion and (…)
Sweden: Sweden has an national strategy on drug running from 2016-2020 – focus on equality and equity in health, vulnerable groups suffer greater harm even when consumption levels are the same and those with low levels of education are at a much higher risk of overdose. those from low SES and women are diagnosed with substance misuse disorder at a higher rate than most. Knowledge gaps we have identified; inequities in drug use, drug and alcohol use in over 50’s, gender related violence, drug use amongst unaccompanied refugee minors. poisonings from drugs (or death) is highest in those over 50 with low educational attainments.
Chief of justice section (UNODC): Taking a health approach to crime and violence prevention means looking at them as a preventable consequence of multiple risk factors as was outlined in the UN guidelines on crime preventions. we need to focus on populations that are most at risk of commuting or being victims of crime, we must identify and address risk factors and promote protective factors in an inclusive manor and we must invest in early prevention, risk factors may be at individual level or at family level or at community level. we should also note that several factors are common to crime and drug substance abuse and the precipitate each other – 7 ‘best-buy’ strategies to prevent violence; reduce access to guns and knives, promote gender equality, develop safe nurturing relationships between children, parents and caregiver, develop life skills in children and youth, reduce availability of alcohol and tobacco(…) life-skills to strengthen youth resilience to crime and drug use with evidence informed life skills training including coping with stress, critical thinking, relationship skills, sex confidence and awareness and empathy, decision making and problem solving and refusal skills. countries involved in Life-skills include, Brazil, Colombia, Dominican, Republic, Palestine, panama, Peru, south Africa, Uganda, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan.
Stopped blogging at 14:52 – CoW