Home » Plenary – Friday Afternoon Session

Plenary – Friday Afternoon Session

Item 11. Other Business

Chair: excellencies, distinguished delegtates, ladies and gentlemen. We will nor resume from where we had closed the session before lunch by adopting L10 and we will now proceed to the consideration of L6 rev. 1 as amended by L10. Is the commission ready to adopt L6 rev 1 as amended by L10?

US: Thank you Mr. Chair. Our delegation would respectfully call for a vote.

Chair: I see no other speakers. L6 as amended by L10. We will now proceed with the voting. I would propose that any statements be made after voting. In accordance with rule 61 no representative may interrup the voting except on a point of order connected with voting. A simple majority of the members present and voting is required. I now call only on the members of the committee in favor of L6 to raise their country signs.

In favor: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Côte d’Ivoire, Dominican Republic, Finland, France, Guatemala, Hungary, Bolivia, Japan, Lithuania, Malta, Mexico, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Italy, Korea, UK, Uruguay, Slovenia, Zimbabwe, South Africa, Spain, and Switzerland

Not in favor: Argentina, Russian Federation, and US

Abstaining: Algeria, Armenia, Bangladesh, China, Ghana, India, indonesia, Republic of Iran, Kenya, Morocco, Peru, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Tanzania, Thailand, Trinidad and Tobago, Indonesia

Chair: 30 votes in favor, 3 against and 18 abstentions. Therefore I declare that we have adopted L6 rev1 as amended by L10.

United States: We believe this resolution, even as amended, was not ripe for a decision today. As many of you who voted .. we have questions about how this can be implemented. How will the commission appoint an independent expert? Did the sponsor ask this question? How will they appoint experts who will act in personal capacity only? How will they appoint co-chair of the panel? How often will this panel meet since resolution does not specify? How will the secretariat prepare a budget estimate? Did they ask UNODC this question? In light of budget constraints, we ask how much this effort will cost. Will actors drive this from outside with disregard for the commission’s role? This resolution leaves this unanswered. Hope this body will meet again to discuss this. We believe any discussion on strengthening the drug control framework should remain in CND. A high-level examination by UN SG, WHO etc will shift the debate beyond Vienna that will undermine the technical approach of this body. We remain convinced the CND is the appropriate forum, ensuring efforts are guided by expertise rather than political dynamics.

United States: We believe this resolution, even as amended, was not ripe for a decision today. As many of you who voted .. we have questions about how this can be implemented. How will the commission appoint an independent expert? Did the sponsor ask this question? How will they appoint experts who will act in personal capacity only? How will they appoint co-chair of the panel? How often will this panel meet since resolution does not specify? How will the secretariat prepare a budget estimate? Did they ask UNODC this question? In light of budget constraints, we ask how much this effort will cost. Will actors drive this from outside with disregard for the commission’s role? This resolution leaves this unanswered. Hope this body will meet again to discuss this. We believe any discussion on strengthening the drug control framework should remain in CND. A high-level examination by UN SG, WHO etc will shift the debate beyond Vienna that will undermine the technical approach of this body. We remain convinced the CND is the appropriate forum, ensuring efforts are guided by expertise rather than political dynamics.

Egypt: Egypt acknowledges the Colombian efforts to combat drug trafficking. Egypt supports all endeavors that aim at promoting better carrying out the three drug control conventions including the legalisation of cannabis for recreational purposes. While Egypt is one of the member states that has sent a letter to the UN secretary, we have constructively engaged on the resolution with our common goal to address the world drug problem. and while acknowledging and appreciating the constructive manner of Colombia and that a considerable number of our concerns have been addressed, we still have strong concerns regarding this. In this regard we underscore the importance of the panel not deviating from supporting the CND in adherence with the three international conventions and that its outcome should be reached by consensus. Further, as a strong advocate of the vienna spirit of consensus, we are unhappy with the use of voting. We should find a way past our differences in the face of shared threats. I would also like to extend my gratitude.

Russia: We voted against and dropped L6. This resolution will have a disruptive influence on the international system and undermine the authority of CND. Deeply disappointed that all resolutions have been submitted to voting. The Vienna spirit of consensus has flown out of the walls of this room and that is a great source of disappointment.

Chair: I see no other statements. Co-sponsors?

Cosponsors: Norway, Brazil, Côte D’Ivoire, United Kingdom, Belgium, Uruguay, Honduras, and The Netherlands.

Chair: That concludes our consideration of all resolutions. Regarding the concerns just expressed about the waning of the Vienna spirit, we can celebrate that we have 6 resolutions and can move on with the work. I propose we continue on Item 10.


Item 10. Provisional agenda for 69th commission.

Chair: Proposal has been submitted by USA and Argentina.  Can I ask the Commission to decide?

Argentina: At a number of occasions we have indicated we are not able to accept this wording anywhere. Accordingly, the Argentinean delegation and the United States requested the motion be put to a vote.

Chair: Just to clarify, the US-ARG proposal to put to vote. Delete the reference to “including follow up to and implementation of Agenda 2030 as provided for in the provisional agenda for the 69th session. .. Contained in Agenda item 9 Implementation of the agenda for sustainable development. Would it help the delegations to put this on the screen? I see heads nodding vigorously. To clarify, we are not voting on the agenda itself, but the proposal by the US and Argentina to delete that provision.

Chair: We will proceed to vote. Simple majority.

In favour: Argentina, United States, Iran (Islamic Republic of)

Not in favour: Algeria, Armenia, Australia, Austria, Bangladesh, Belgium, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Côte d’Ivoire, Dominican Republic, France, Finland, Guatemala, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Italy, Kenya, Lithuania, Malta, Mexico, Morocco, Netherlands (Kingdom of the), Nigeria, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Republic of Korea, Russian Federation, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Switzerland, Thailand, Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, United Republic of Tanzania,, Uruguay, Zimbabwe

Abstention: Japan, Ghana

Chair: 3 votes in favour, 47 votes against, 2 abstentions. The proposed deletion has been rejected by the Commission.

Chair: We now have the decision that has been submitted by the chair to adopt the draft agenda which is contained in L8. May I take it that now that the proposed deletion ahs been rejected by the commission that we can adopt the agenda? The provisional agenda for the 69th agenda hereby stands adopted. We have now completed consideration of agenda item number 10 and we will move back to Agenda Item 12. 

Item 12. Adoption of the report of the Commission on its sixty-eighth session

Chair: Regarding the format of the report, the Commission in its decision 55.1 decided to reduce the length of its reports bearing in mind its need to include everything, focusing particularly on policy findings and conclusions reached. I would now give the floor to Morocco, the rapporteur of this commission to introduce the draft report.

Rapporteur: The basic document contains the chapter L1 on the organization. L1/addendum three has item 5 entitled the implementation of international drug control treaties. L1/addendum 4 contains Chapter 6 which is a follow up to the implementation of all commitments to address and counter the WDP. L1/addendum 5 contains the chapter on item 7 of the agenda. L1/addendum 6 contains the chapter on item 8.  L1/addendum 7 contains the chapter on item 9. Some items are in all languages but other items are issued in English edited only. In addition the draft report does not cover agenda item 10 and agenda item 11. The report of these two items will be prepared and finalized under the guidance of the chair and myself after this session. Agenda Item 3 was included. We ask the delegation to refrain from taking the floor for any correction now and this should be sent in writing to the secretariat. The corrections will be reflected in the final report. I would like to proceed with L1 and go item by item.

Chair: thank you to the rapporteur and all the hard work that has gone into it and everyone who has been involved. We will now proceed to take up the report. The first to be taken up is L1. Are there any comments on this document? I see none. In the absence of comments I assume that you would like to adopt this part of the report. It is so decided. The next is L1/addendum 1. Are there any comments on these documents? It is so decided [to adopt this part of the report]. The next part is L1/addendum 2. Are there any comments? Ths US.

United States: we would call your attention to paragraph 9 under deliberations. We would propose on the 5th line up from the bottom where it says “UNODC was encouraged” we would respectfully propose to insert “by some speakers” to further mainstream etc. This would help us further identify who made these comments. Thank you.

Chair: I thank the United States for the comments. They were already presented. It is so decided. Next is L1, addendum 3. Any comments? In absence, I presume you wish to adapt. It is so decided. Next is L1, addendum 4. Any comments? Seeing none, presume you wish to adapt. It is so decided. Next is L1, addendum 5. Any comments?

USA: Call attention to para 12 under deliberations in penultimate line UNODC was encouraged, here we would add “by some speakers”.

Chair: Thanks for observation. May I wish to adapt the report as already amended? It is so decided. Next document for consideration is L1 addendum 6. See no comments. Presume you wish to adapt. It is so decided. Next, L1 addendum 7. Any comments?

US: This is the last one. Under para 6 in deliberations in the second line we would add “by some speakers”.

Chair: Thanks for the observations which will be reflected. May I take it as adopted? It is so decided. We have now approved the report as reflected in addendums 1-7. Now invite the commission to adapt the report as a whole. See no objections. The report is adopted. 

Chair: We are just waiting for a statement of the executive director – she is on her way. I see the EU wanting the floor.

EU: While we are waiting for more important statements we would like to say a few statements of gratitude. I speak on behalf of the EU. We wish to thank you, the chair of the CoW, and all committee members. We are strongly committed to the CND. We have actively contributed to its work,  half of the resolutions carry our fingerprints. We thank all sponsors for their excellent work and cooperation. We would like to underline that we have engaged in good faith with all of their resolutions. All of them have good support. We are disappointed by the lack of consensus and VIenna spirit, it would have sent a strong message of international unity. We remain steadfast in our support of the 2030 agenda for SDGs and 17 SDGs. This includes gender equality. We will uphold all of the resolutions, in particular the year marking the 10th anniversary of the 2030 agenda. 

Chair: Thank you everyone for the cooperation. I now have the pleasure to introduce the executive director with closing remarks. 

Executive Director: Mr Chair excellencies ladies and gentlemen. I am pleased to join you as we conclude the 68th session of the CND. I would like to commend all of you for your efforts this week. When I addressed you at the opening I spoke about how we are entering a time of change. This week we have seen some of that change. Of the 6 resolutions, all of them were put to a vote. This reflects an evolving dynamic where consensus is more difficult. At the same time, the spirit of consensus is more important than ever. CND is always a way where people can find a way forward together. It is up to you to find a way for us to reach common ground. For the sake of the families and vulnerable communities facing the WDP. In times of division and uncertainty we need effective multilateral institutions more than ever. The level of engagement has shown the enduring importance of this commission. Over 2000 participants took part with over 100 statements made ,over 100 NGOs brought their voices together and I was pleased to engage with other civil society reps. Over 170 side events were raised covering a wide range of issues. We had 32 exhibitions showing what countries are doing. We also saw some important decisions. 5 new psychoactive substances and 1 new medicine were placed under control. Progress on the pledges were shown and you passed resolutions on important issues including prevention for children, dismantling labs, and strengthening the global drug control system. This shows that the CND can promote results. I want to take a moment to express my gratitude. I would like to thank the chairs.  Please give them a big round of applause and I would like to thank you all for your contributions and your resolve. I am very proud to support this session despite the budget crisis. Thank you to my UNODC team, the staff of the secretariat, translators, interpreters, and everyone working behind the scenes to make this possible. UNODC is committed to supporting member states and we stand ready to assist in implementing their solutions. I spoke about the funding challenges in the opening session and throughout this week we have received positive signals about support for our work. In these challenging times the CND must remain the central platform for drug challenges. The world drug problem means we need to redouble efforts. UNODC will continue to work for a safer world guided by the work of member states. I wish you a safe journey home. 

Chair: Thank you for that statement. I would like to offer the floor to any delegation that would like to make a statement. Now I have the honor to move to close the session. Before I do so I would like to thank all of you for having so actively and effectively contributed to this session on the CND. And we deserve a round of applause for ourselves. As the ED said, to dispute all the debate that happened what came through was a spirit of cooperation and the search for common ground. Debate is not just healthy but necessary for a vibrant multilateral system but the most important thing is that we were able to maintain the vitality, integrity and functionality of the CND. I would like to express my personal appreciation for the assistance of the extended bureau in holding the 68th session of the commission. A special recognition to my dear friend and First Vice Chair of Armenia for having supported me. I would also like to thank the ambassador of the Netherlands and of Chile for having supported me by chairing parts of the plenary. And I would like to thank the rapporteur of morocco. I also want to thank the ED and our secretary, and all the other officials of the UNODC for the contributions that they have rendered in the success of these meetings. I also think I speak for all delegations when I thank all of the secretariat staff by preparing all of the documentation, advice, and support to all delegations. I would like to thank all of the conference service staff including those who have edited and translated our documentation as well as the interpretations and the technical staff. Let me wish all of you returning home a safe journey home and everyone staying in Vienna more fun meetings ahead. 

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