Home » CND Chair’s Special Event – Evidence to Impact: Powering Effective Drug Policy with Data Collection and Research

CND Chair’s Special Event – Evidence to Impact: Powering Effective Drug Policy with Data Collection and Research

Event to commemorate the International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking and to launch the 2024 UNODC World Drug Report

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Chair: this day serves as a strong reminder for the need for collective action. We unite to explore evidence-based approaches that empower us to address the WDP head on. Data collection and research provide us with a transformative power. They enable us to understood drug abuse patterns, trends, and the social and economic consequences that follow. We have witnessed the positive outcomes that stem from evidence-based programs. By leveraging data and research, communities can implement targeted interventions. The power of data lies in its ability to guide our decision making, ensuring that our policies are effective and responsive to the evolving nature of the WDP. However, we must acknowledge the challenges that lie ahead. WDP continues to evolve. We must be prepared to think innovatively, leveraging evidence as our guide. Our approach is multi-sectoral. By collaborating, sharing knowledge, and pooling resources we can develop comprehensive solutions. We are launching the report today. It can serve as a comprehensive report with insights into the current drug landscape. It is not just a collection of statistics, it is a roadmap for evidence-based action.

UNODC: It is a pleasure to launch the report. Governments and all stakeholders need to be equipped to respond to the WDP. This year’s report sends a clear message: the WDP is evolving and vulnerable people are paying the price. The synthetic drug trade continues to grow with fatal consequences. Large scale production is a concern. Methamphetamine production is outpacing other drug production in SEA. Fentanyl continues to cause record OD in North America. Nitizenes are also driving ODs in some countries. Parallel to this, the supply and use of cocaine has reached unprecedented levels. More than 2700 pounds of cocaine were produced in 2022. The opium ban succeeded in pushing down opium production but that has been mirrored in dip of income by farmers. The illicit drug market is fueling instability. The consequences for public health are massive. In 2022 1 in 18 people around the world had used drugs in the last year. The widening range of drugs have encouraged polysubstance use. Almost 14 billion people injected drugs in 2022 with 1 in 8 of them living with HIV. The WDP is characteris

ed by inequality where only some can access help. The treatment gap overlaps with gender inequality. Only 1 in 18 women receive treatment and women receive worse stigma for drug use. Access to controlled substances for medical use is also sharply unequal. 87% of the population lacks access to pharmaceutical opioids for pain care. Recently there has been some progress in stigma reduction. But there remains much work to be done. There is a swiftly evolving drug landscape. We must protect the rights of people who use drugs by ensuring adequate drug treatment is available to all. Crucially, it speaks to the importance of prioritising prevention and breaking the pattern of suffering. The theme of today is investing in prevention. We can prevent drug use in young people, prevent the spread of infection diseases, and prevent ODs. At this year’s session of the CND I pledged UNODC’s commitment to support member states on prevention. I was glad to see CND bringing people together to share experiences as it is bringing you together today to discuss the world drug report. I hope the report will provide strong incentives to invest more in prevention.

UNODC (research and analysis branch): Thank you to the research branch. I will focus on the things that I think are the most relevant. We have done 5 in-depth analyses. We don’t see a shortage in destination countries. We start seeing a drastic decline in seizures after Afghanistan. There is an analysis of Afghanistan especially the farmers. What we also analyse is the threat and destination markets of drugs. In some destination countries in Western and Central Europe nitizenes have started killing people. We have also looked at the golden triangle which is another example where organised crime is taking control. Drug supply is interrelated to the conflict – drug trafficking works are cooperating with armed groups. The conflict effects the drug supply and vice versa. Online scamming is also a big issue. The impact on the environment is also an issue. Between 2000-4000 metric tons of waste from methamphetamine is dumped in the golden triangle. One of the recommendations to address drug supply is to think of addressing organised crime. There are more men than women using drugs and especially synthetic drugs, but as soon as a women starts to use or traffic synthetic drugs it has a much more harmful impact on her health and within the criminal justice system. Impact of cannabis legalisation: drug use has increased and hospitalisation but criminal justice has decreased. But there is still a racial disparity in arrests that was there before. Psychedelics are controlled but there is a cultural movement particular in Western countries about the use of psychedelics for wellbeing and there is ongoing research that shows promising results about psychedelics for curing some mental health disorders. But this has increased a culture of believing the psychedelics are good for wellbeing. I want to give you three important messages to close on: 1) cocaine market is still booming; 2) important to note the different criminal justice responses to drugs in different countries. Asia and Africa are most punitive.; 3) health response to drugs: gender disparity in access to drug treatment.

Chair: The report has data which are key to informing drug policies. I encourage you to take a closer look after this event. I will now p

VGNOC: Data and statistics are essential elements. Data gives us a tool to measure socioeconomic changes. Aim of making data reliable and accessible for the good of society. We look forward to the continued cooperation with our commission.

Mexico: We have a very important task pending: we have failed in our duty to establish tailor-made statistics for properly assessing the commitments we have made in 2009, 2014, and 2019. In 2019 their ambassador created a report which asked to improve data collection and capabilities and to strengthen the collaboration between the CND and the statistical commission. In the 65th session Mexico presented a paper to identify which of those commitments were still relevant. Several countries in their pledge4action commitments have said that they would like to improve data collection. Our goals: 1) 2024-2029 ensure that CND can better assess implementation of commitments; 2) after 2029: agreement replacing existing commitments that can make more concrete goals; 3) now: era of making commitments only to be replaced by new promises a few years later is over.

Kenya: I want to begin by referring to a proverb from my mother tongue: “prevention is better than cure”. I also want to remind us that 85% of Kenya’s population is people 35 years old and below. So we are taking about the future when we have this conversation. This is why the role of prevention can never be overemphasised. Prevention focuses on two critical areas: prevention of transition to drug use and prevention of transition from drug use to drug abuse. We emphasise programs at all critical levels. Running through evidence is critical for decision making and policy formulation and advocacy purposes. Running through on prevention we are undertaking the following measures: data collection and dissemination (surveys, for example. Increase in alcohol use and drug abuse than the previous year was shown in our most recent survey.), national drug observatory, the implementation of evidence-based prevention programs including training professionals, school-based programs, age appropriate information communication, integration of alcohol and drug prevention programs within competency-based learning. We want to emphasise two things: 1) capacity building for the different departments and for our country and the UNODC and 2) “a single finger cannot kill a flea” to emphasise collaboration which is critical as we deal with this issue.

India: The World drug report has established itself as a comprehensive analysis. It compiled valuable contributions for member states and serves as a powerful tool for policy making. It has macro-level visibility as well as information on patterns and trends. We need coordinated levels at the national and international level. Efforts by UNODC to bring everyone together has helped us strengthen our frameworks. The linkages between drug trafficking and other organised crime is a critical element and one that needs a critical response. The fact that global opium production fell by 74% is a positive sign. At the same time, an alternative development model needs to be developed in Afghanistan. The decrease in opium production may be leading to increase in other opioid use. The report shows barriers to accessing treatment with women being most effected. Among other parameters, a gender-sensitive approach is needed. Being located where India is, these broad trends lead to the need for constant monitoring. In the realm of drug policy we need approaches that combine evidence with a local understanding. There is a need to focus on hidden damages. Data from government sources alone are often not enough. Other data has an invaluable further contribution towards supporting the efforts of the government. Government agencies and NGOs must work hand in hand. In India we have developed a unified portal. Further, we have introduced a center for coordination of action. India’s is seeking to onboard the CHAMPs UNODC program to study the life cycle and amplify resilience of children to improve our prevention efforts in children.

Australia: We reaffirmed our commitment through the pledge for action. Our national drugs strategy guides are efforts to reduce the harms of drug use. Our harm minimisation framework is underpinned by a commitment to evidence. We provide funding to several national centers to help inform evidence-based policy. We also fund monitoring of the drugs situation and these data help us understand trends, changes to drug markets, and service demand and utilisation. Our national wastewater drug monitoring program is an example of how we can use data to make changes. This allows us to have a greater understanding of drug consumption patterns and regions of concerns. Merging this data with other data like seisure data and user data can help us develop an even more granular picture. In this way we can create local strategies. Our national early warning system is another example of how data can be used to inform policy advice and provide timely public health responses. The network monitors emerging substances including nitisenes. This has been a pivotal tool in Australia. It is important to acknowledge that there are limitations: the triangulation of data is a focus for us. There are also other elements that impact data collection including stigma associated with drug use (IE people might not want to report). Reducing stigma improves human rights and data which is better informed. Civil society and academia are very important in this process. Australia welcomes the launch of the report.

VGNOC: VGNOC exists to empower and support civil society groups. We support, promote, and protect the engagement of civil society organisations with us. Many members are global networks. I want to start by thanking the chair for giving us space and ensuring that it is being webcast. The report is a massive undertaking and it remains the main tool for understanding the WDP. Civil society engagement is crucial: 1) civil society organisations have direct engagement with vulnerable populations which allows them to collect data that may not otherwise be collection. 2) civil society participation ensures greater participation in the data collection process. NGOs can act as watchdogs to ensure that data collection prevents biases. This oversight can lead to more reliable and credible data. Involving diverse stakeholders can help foster a collaborative approach. NGOs are often at the forefront of identifying emerging trends. Enabling them to provide relevant data can help address policy issues. This can ensure that data is grounded in the lived realities of the peoples lives who we aim to serve. 3) we cannot ignore the fact that today’s world drug days is dedicated to investing in evidence-based prevention. In a continuum of care, preventative measures can significantly decrease substance use leading to lowered levels of addiction. NGOs play a key role in prevention, particularly linking key stakeholders. If we are serious about investing in this, we cannot ignore the crucial role played by NGOs. They also must help us evaluate programing. NGO work wants to leave nobody behind. Civil society is ready to work with all of you. Our biggest goal is to save lives.

Albania: Albania is facing the same challenges as all other countries. The complexity of threats coming from drugs has been tremendously increased. For this reason we have taken a strategic approach. They have prioritised evidence-based drug policies. These national efforts are well aligned and coordinated with EU findings and recommendations. They are planned to be implemented with assistance of EU and their specialised agencies including UNODC. The office of data, national data system for drugs has been established with data from all participating institution. This unit includes data from many sources to support the national committee which makes drug policies. The process and consolidation of this unit, gathering and collecting the data nationwide is being constantly reevaluated to make it more inclusive. The national early warning system is soon to be established and it will serve to compile and analyse drug data. Establishing of both those organisations are part of EU capstone documents such as EU agenda and growth plans. We are aware of our challenges we have ahead, especially synthetic drugs. We have shown our readiness to address this by joining discussions on this topic. We just recently approved and amended differently laws to help with these issues.


UNODC (East and SE Asia): [hard to hear due to audio] There has been a continuous expansion of synthetic drug markets. To respond to drug trafficking groups, we must understand patterns. Therefore real-time data and info on trends has become key for law enforcement response. Several countries in the region lack the effective resources to address synthetic opioid patterns. There is a need for investment by the international community on drug markets. The ability to detect emergence of new drugs and trafficking patterns is crucial.

Candidate for MPA at LSE: Policy measures need constant reassessments. Since the adoption of the three international drug policy conventions we have been responsive to sustainable development goals. This would not have been possible without the use of data. We have never had access to data in the way that we do now. And this is also the least amount of data that we will ever had moving forward. People are leveraging the current data that we have to develop truly evidence-based policies while also understanding the difficulties of our current data. The use of classic and innovative data collection has helped us respond to the WDP. As mentioned by others inclusive data has helped address inequalities. Member states have different needs therefore it is crucial for member states to help develop that adequate statistical infrastructure which involves collecting disaggregated data which can help correctly identify the policy initiatives. But even after we develop it – how can we turn those data into policies? In today’s world, relaying on impartial data sources is paramount. In this way we can safeguard the integrity of our data. I call to the international community: data should not be trapped in politics. Data should drive change.

El Salvador: We appreciate the intervention of the panelists who have shared with us important information. We are excited about the report. This year the report offers a multidimensional framework in the context of drug use. Everyone has a right to enjoy the highest standard of physical and mental health and not merely the absence of disease or illness. We believe in the importance of this dimension which is why we added the use of electronic tools to prescribe controlled drugs. Now patients can obtain the medication they require in a very short period. Since access to controlled medicines is limited, there is the risk of illicitly manufactured medicines. Therefore we update our list of controlled drugs annually. We also use the tools created by the INCB, such as the panel 9 platform to talk with other countries in the region about precursors.

Uruguay: We like the theme of “evidence to impact”. Uruguay uses scientific evidence including independent research like this report. High quality and timely information is important. Uruguay carries out a permanent evaluation of its national policies through the comparison of information from other sources. We collect data from various sources including surveys. Additionally other studies are conducted using qualitative and quantitative methodologies that address drug consumption in different groups. Uruguay was the second county in 2014 to develop an early warning system especially those related to the presence of new psychoactive substances. Information and education based on scientific evidence help. We address this matter with a public health approach, respectful of human rights. we must also develop prevention, care, and treatment programs to minimise the negative effects while prioritising risk reduction and harm reduction. Health and freedom must be the ultimate goals. We take note of the report and welcome the interactive online formats and the analysis of certain issues including the environment and synthetic drugs.

Austria: We note with concern that drug use is increasing: a 20% increase from a decade earlier. The UNODC and particularly the CND need to continue their important work. Prevention is a key priority for Austria and concerns our entire society. We operate life skills programs for young people and children starting in kindergarten and continuing to the end of school at age 18. This report puts an emphasis on the right to health which applies equally to people who use drugs and their families and people impacted in the community. The Austrian policy finds a balance between health and social policy measures and a criminal justice approach.

France: France welcomed the publication of the report. The challenges we face are many and complex. The treatment of addictions remains a crucial priority. In this regard France welcomes the emphasis on prevention and the chapter on drug use and the right to health. The world drug report also highlights the nexus between drug trafficking and other forms of crime in the golden triangle. The environmental impact of drugs is a concern for France: drug production leads to many negative environmental impacts. Drug trafficking fuels environmental crime. For several years we have contributed financially to this cause. We promote a balanced approach in this respect of human rights including early prevention, treatment, fight against drug trafficking, and protection of the environment.

Colombia: No major surprises in the report. Every year we present a report on failure of the international drug regime. In spite of efforts and shared commitments, the global demand and supply are steadily increasing. The most vulnerable are the most effected. The success of some countries are the failures of others. Access to health services are limited by stigma. The drug economy poses significant threats to local communities. But that is not all – silences speak as much as words. three major absences on the report: 1) lack of a human rights approach (no more than a salute to the flag in the report); 2) lack of courage to use terms for what they are like “harm reduction”. They also fail to question the punitive paradigm by failing to address the way the criminalization drives stigma; 3) lack of an integrated and coherent system. UNODC writes as if it was alone without the findings of other UNODC programs. Our final objective is to save lives and UNODC has literally nothing to say about it. I told the CND. membership that we can keep doing the same thing every year or we can start conversing about what we’re doing wrong.

Morocco: We commit ourselves to sharing data and promoting capacity building and sharing to improve our response to emerging drug response. We are in a dynamic process – there is problem, we see that this event is a very important step for member states to see how we can address this. We look for the next document to be adopted but we have now some urgent issues to. be tackled especially synthetic drugs. this requires us to focus on comprehensive data collection and decreasing drug-related crime and violence. such overdose deaths, spread of infectious disease, and other health impact. in this regard we believe that capacity building and effective International cooperation should be grounded in robust data collection and to commit for effective and sustainable issues. We belive that coordiantion between geneva new york and vienna and WHO is crucial. If we oudl like to fight the world drug probelm. tThats’ why this synergy should be encouraged. I would like to say that morocco remains commited – this is a shared responsibility and it requires more than ever oriented efforts and optimal cooperation. I would like to reiterate that we are fully committed to the world drug problem.

Iran: Given the considerable decrease in opium production in Afghanistan, alternative development programs are crucial to protect farmers. We take positive note of the new chapter on the right of health in this report. We are considered on the information on the legalisations of cannabis and psychedelics which we believe counter our agreements. These are the main actions that we are taking/have taken: 1) in 2023 our law enforcement offers gathered 63 tons of narcotics and psychotropics and there have been gradual decrease in opioid seizures but increase in methamphetamine seizures; and 2) demand and harm reduction.

Sweden: We welcome the chapter on the right to health and we are proud to be a financial supporter on this chapter. Everyone must have access to care and social services. We must take steps to ensure gender responsive care services. Everyone must be offered support that addresses their individual needs. We need to ensure support for people with comorbidities in the form of addiction as well as other psychiatric conditions. Stigma must also be addressed. We believe in combining a strict drug control policy with prevention. We look forward to continuing our joint efforts to create new solutions.

Chile: Health and human rights must be at the center of everything. Fundamental human rights guarantees that everyone has the highest standards of physical and mental health. Everyone must access post-treatment services and we must ensure that treatment is free from discrimination. We must create an environment that prioritizes recovery. We are working on detection, rehabilitation, and social integration with a focus on public health and gender. Personal drug use is not a crime in Chile. We share concerns about synthetic drugs and cocaine. The production and trafficking of these substances and their devestating effects must all be addressed. We reaffirm our commitment to protection the health and human rights of our citizens.

United States: We commend UNODC for its commitment to clear and actionable data to drive policymaking efforts. We are concerned by the ongoing proliferation of synthetic drugs. The report highlights methamphetamines. The report warned of the spread of high potency synthetic opioids which have been linked to an increase in overdose deaths. The report notes that these new drugs are harming more women which highlights the importance of a gender perspective in drug policy. This is disheartening but we see some good things. For example, the development of new synthetic opioids has started to stabilise and then decrease. We hope that this next world drug report will show a further decrease in synthetic opioids and other new drugs. The US is doing our part to encourage international cooperation through the synthetic drugs group. We are sending a strong message that the world is united against this threat. The US is committed to tackling these issues. We want to drive effective drug policy.

Russia: Over the recent decade the number of drug users increased by 20%. The report also shows new record levels of the production of the coca bush and cocaine and a surge of violence. What has led the international community is such a results? We think these are some of the reasons: 1) noncompliance with the conventions; 2) the promotion of drug use; 3) lack of political will; 4) dealing with root causes; 5) politicization; and 6) freezing law enforcement channels of communication. All of these laws are favorable for drug criminals. We believe that we must focus the efforts of illicit drug cultivation and trafficking and prevention and treatment. Is it important to have a comprehensive view of the problem. we welcome the attempt to broaden the scope in this chapter but we would like to note that UNODC is not required to develop any frameworks in this regard. An issue has been overlooked: how the legalisation of drugs has negatively impacted the ability to live the highest quality of health. We were confused to find terminology related to gender and refrain from promoting not universally acknowledged approaches to gender. We note with concern that the liquidity crisis has negatively effected the work of the UNODC. We hope that the UNODC will manage to develop their reports in a more independent and unbiased way and that the chapters will be selected with all member states in the future.

Switzerland: This report has a chapter on the right to health which was called for by 24 delegations. In this regard we welcome this chapter which adds to the landmark report of the OHCHR in countering all aspects of the world drugs problem as well as the one on drug use, harm reduction, and the right to health. I would like to make some remarks on report. We welcome the highlighting of the issue of stigma in accessing healthcare and the right for people in prison to access healthcare. Almost 3million people used drugs in 2023. The report also highlights that the risk of acquiring HIV is 35x higher for those who inject drugs than those who do not. Injecting drug use all continues to be a facilitating driver of the epidemic of HCV. According to WHO 23% of new HCV cases are due to injection drug use. These are figures that should incite us to rethink our approach to drugs. As these numbers continue to rise we should admit that the punitive approach has failed and an approach to a public health approach should be highlighted. We have a health-based approach in Switzerland which dramatically reduced HIV and HCV. These measures worked and the figures of infected people went down dramatically. We are wondering why OHCHR is not mentioned in this chapter and the use of the term harm reduction which is used by many groups.

Ecuador: The joint commitment has seen setbacks and growths. We need to effectively implement common and shared responsibility. To apply this principle everyone must coordinate. In the case of Ecuador as a drug transit country, victim of producer and consumer countries, this has effected public security, rule of law, democracy, and human rights. Due to this, Ecuador faces a permanent struggle against a powerful economy. Peace and security are elements that lead to development, so the fight against drug trafficking must be comprehensive and accompanied by opportunities for the population including for young people. The effectiveness of measures to interrupt illicit trafficking is reflected in our seizures. In 2024 as a result of 2494 operational interventions we have seized 131 tons of drugs and precursors and 117 of them have been destroyed. Data is essential for the rest. The national survey among university students has been updated. The early warning system on drugs is being developed. In 2022-2024 4972 comprehensive drug prevention activities have been implemented.

Israel: ISIS has been involved in the production and distribution of drugs which has created chaos in the middle east. It has been widely reported in the media that Hamas has used stimulants on their kidnapped people. The synthetic drug industry has clear and well documented links to violence. Captagon has also impacted other parts of the world – there are recent reports of its manufacture and trafficking in multiple European countries without any link to their addiction especially for young people. The international community must work together to fight the scourge of captagon. We remain committed to UNODC’s important work to overcome these challenges.

Burkina Faso: We note with concern the growing number of drug users in the world. My delegation is concerned about data related to the use of cannabis by adolescents and the harmful consequences and the links between illicit drug trafficking and organized crime. Therefore we welcome more investment in prevention. W recall that the fight against the world drug problem is important and we must highlight the challenges posed by the legalisation of cannabis. Burkina Faso calls for the strengthening of action at the international level to combat the links between illicit drug trafficking and other forms of organised crime. We must increase access to affordable nitizenes for care.

Singapore: We are concerned about the increase in drug use. We are also concerned about the increase in cannabis-related issues shown in the report and that link to legalisation. The legalisation for drug use of non-medical nature contravenes the conventions and gives the false impression that they don’t cause harm or they cause minimal harm. In future reports we would be interested to see more on this. Data is very useful.

Algeria: The major challenge of illicit use and trafficking of cannabis is a concern for us. Cannabis remains one of the most harmful drugs on the continent and it is a drug for which the highest proportion of people enter of drug treatment. We are worried particularly about high potency cannabis for children. We also recognize the emerging challenge of synthetic drugs. Algeria advocates for a balanced approach is dealing with all of these threats. We express our solidarity with the people of Palestine and they should have access to aid including access to controlled substances for medical purposes.

The Netherlands: I am pleased that we were able to contribute to the report by providing a financial contribution. We are in favor of the focus of prevention in the report. We have a balanced approach in The Netherlands. In addition to prevention we have harm reduction measures ensuring that treatment is free of discrimination and stigma. In our national harm reduction efforts we work to ensure that services reflect the needs of people who use drugs. People with drug disorders should be treated with compassion. In line with this, I would not fail to mention our disappointment that the concept of harm reduction is not included in the chapter on the right to health. We recognize the significance of this report and we are committed to integrating it into our report.

Peru: The rising of cocaine trafficking and consumption is a big concern for my country. It has reached record levels in 2022 and the production flowing to other parts of the world is rising. This increasing production and consumption has pushed my country and others to put pressure on criminal groups. In 2022 we had higher seizures compared to 2021, but it has a balloon effect and also has inspired violence in the region and this effect has also been felt in some European countries. The responsibility has felt more crucial now than before. The second issue is increasing production/consumption of synthetic drugs, particularly due to laboratory locations. A big problem for my country is that we understand we must take a prevention approach and there is an active member of the global commission to address synthetic drugs. Finally, the right to health approach in the report is important. We firmly believe the global drug trafficking program needs a coordinated approach.

Japan: Thank you. Japan appreciates the UNODC staff for their diligence in preparing this. We want to highlight three points. First, Afghanistan’s situation impacts global security. Following the poppy cultivation ban, cultivation and income fell. To ensure that poppy cultivation does not resume, we should work to bridge this income gap. Second, the golden triangle region poses a direct threat to the public health of neighboring countries and their people. We draw attention to criminal organizations which are expanding their work. We urge UNODC to use cross-sectoral knowledge to collaborate closely with member states to implement comprehensive measures. Third, prevention among youth. Addressing the critical phase of peer pressure. We stress the report’s data that cannabis use is more common among 15-16 year olds than 15-64 year olds. To protect the younger generation we must strengthen our domestic measures targeting young people. Reliable and objective data are crucial.

Egypt: Egypt would like to express its gratitude. Egypt remains deeply worried about the price paid by society as a whole and individuals as a result of the world’s drug problem. We note with concern the increasing number of drug users worldwide and the use of increasing strategies of criminal groups. Tangible progress has to be achieved to address the scourge of synthetic drugs and especially methamphetamines. The recent report reflects the importance of the international community’s commitment to ensure a society free of drugs and ensure that all human beings can live with dignity and prosperity. We encourage member states to not just limit their activities to reducing harm. We would like to highlight a few things. First, strengthening international cooperation is important. Second, there is a pressing need to strengthen our collective commitment to countering illegal drug markets. Third, the growing trend of legalization of the use of cannabis poses a significant challenge for the international community and for the right of health. We understand the importance of addressing the risks of cannabis use through preventative measures. Cannabis is one of the most dangerous drugs. Illicit markets for cannabis still prevail. Synthetic drugs is still a big issue. We express our support to having conclusive actions to address this phenomenon. I would like to raise our concerns about the terms “transgender” and “sexual orientation” which raise conceptual uncertainty and challenge existing norms. These terms used in the report have no agreed definition under international law and the inclusion implying certain responsibilities on the states is confusing and counterproductive. It creates uncertainty and confusion. In this context Egypt believes strongly in the need to respect traditional values of all parties so as to maximize our ability to counter the world drugs problem. We want to express our solidarity with Palestine. The latest developments in the humanitarian situation are extremely worrying and the situation continues to deteriorate with almost no access to controlled substances.

Norway: We’d like to thank everyone. I will be brief and highlight the key points for our group. First, the report is very useful. Data is important for developing limited resources. Second, the report is alarming. Availability remains high among all substance types and we’re worried about health risk. Third, the report is a call for change. Yesterday’s solutions have not worked. Open-minded solutions are important. Finally, efforts of preventing drug use on one hand and harm reduction on another are not exclusive. They must go hand in hand. We must put human rights to the forefront. We appreciate the focus on stigma and discrimination but also question the lack of use of the term harm reduction.

Thailand: We appreciate the focus on investment on prevention measures. We are working on our awareness strategies through education, media campaigns, and alternative development programs. We are working on asset control and treatment and rehabilitation as part of our universal health coverage. We recognize the important role of data in the formulation of our drug policies. Our country has been actively sharing data in this regard. We appreciate the presentation of the report however while the report highlights the issue in the golden triangle, we wish that funds can be made available for meetings of all subsidiary bodies of the CND. We wish to take this opportunity to highlight the importance of timely and forward-looking data analysis and presentation.

Mexico: We need to come to terms with the fact that our approach has failed. The production and consumption of drugs have increased, but the vast majority of people arrested are not the producers themselves. 2/3 of deaths are provoked by opioids and nitizines are increasingly provoking that. The report reflected what we have been seeing for quite some time – the importance of focus on the production of synthetic drugs. As new patterns and trends in manufacturing proliferate, there is an increase in violence by gangs, one of the main causes of drug-related deaths. We appreciate the chapter on the right to health. For a long time people who use drugs have not received rights. We are confident that this chapter will start a new era of collaboration. We’re looking forward to engaging the conceptual framework shown in this report and we call on everyone to do the same. Thank you.

Czechia: We congratulate the UNODC for this putting on of this event. We particularly appreciate the new chapter on the right to health and the holistic approach on human rights. The right to health applies to everyone and we have especially advocated for the right to this for vulnerable populations including people who use drugs. In this regard, harm reduction interventions are key interventions. We regret that the report does not explicitly mention this. We strongly believe that in the future we will continue to have a healthy debate on what we can do to improve the health of everyone.

Canada: Thank you everyone. The results are not positive but data remains important. The report is high value information…[cut off]

Saudi Arabia: Thank you for this report. It is critical to keep the member states informed. We take this opportunity to inform you of what we have been doing on collecting captigon pills. We have been raising awareness of drug use. We don’t like the use of the terms transgender because they have no agreed consensus under international law and they are irrelevant.

Argentina: This year the commission proposed the specific theme “invest in prevention”. IT seems that in this complicated world it is a good time to reflect and further enhance efforts. Today we have the challenge of workings so that people who use drugs can have a better life. Preventative measures are important alongside other efforts. We must collaborate with municipalities, international organizations, and all regions across the world. I urge you to continue working on international cooperation and local collaboration of the development of evidence-based policies.

INCB: ON this day the International narcotics control board is reiterating it’s focus on control boards and evidence-based policymaking. Too many people suffer from preventable substance use disorders with devastating impacts on communities and societies. We have a far way to go on reaching sustainable development goal 3.5. On this day we call on member states and civil society to step up their focus on the prevention of substance abuse. We call on everyone to focus on treatment and prevention of drug use. Professional programs must be based on evidence and follow human rights. Prevention, treatment, rehabilitation, and social integration services should be developed with the input of people who use drugs. Prevention and addressing stigma and discrimination is key to accessing services so that people can be treated with compassion. We recommend the use of social media to increase the reach of prevention campaigns. Prevention should be a science itself. It should be credentials and certified to meet it’s goals. We must address both supply and demand aspects. In addition to treatment and prevention services, we must focus on synthetic drugs and their devastating consequences. The INCB is committed to supporting member states through implementing the three international drug control conventions. Everyone has the right to the highest standard of health.

OSCE: The OSCE commends the release of this report. This comprehensive document is an invaluable resource for understanding drug use. The report’s insights keenly addressing the challenges for people who use drugs. This report is essential for member states and policymakers who want safer communities and international cooperation. We applaud the use of transparency and evidence-based approaches. The report highlights the need of comprehensive approaches to drug-related changes. Through shared knowledge and cooperation we can advance our shared goals.

World Federation Against Drugs: Thank you. I am grateful for this year’s theme. The evidence is clear: invest in prevention. We reiterate the importance of gender desegregated data. Increased noramalisation of drug use has been a big issue. Various regulatory changes have been addressed to counter the issue from restrictive law enforcement and legalisation. It is concerning that supply reduction has been focused on as opposed to longer term strategies like prevention. We must focus on the protection of children and uphold human rights to health. Every individual deserves the right to dignified healthcare services. This is strengthened by adequate access to treatment, but only with gender desegregated data can we support people.

Interpol: Congratulations on launch of world drug report. It sheds like on the global drug situation and is important for global policymakers and law enforcement for the efficient allocation of resources. Criminal trends continue to involve with trafficking routes evolving quickly and exploiting global technologies. During our ground operations we have witnessed firsthand many of these issues addressed in the report. We have launched a new global drugs problem which leverages advanced policing tools. One of the most recent outcomes achieved is the conduct of an operation two month ago which involved 33 countries and collected record seizures of over $1 billion USD making it their most valuable seizure to date. We are committed to coordinated action with UNODC. We also value our ongoing collaboration with the INDC and WCO.

Mexico United Against Crime: Thank you for the opportunity to speak. Today is the 13th annual day of action for the support don’t punish campaign. All in favor of building sustainable alternatives to the war on drugs. I would like to acknowledge that in the past commission significant progress was made especially N4 which talked about harm reduction to prevent overdose. We welcome this important step. With regards to the report, I would like to encourage all government to honor these commitments by ensuring that prevention efforts do not utilize stigmatizing narratives and incorrect information about drug use. It is important that we acknowledge that harm reduction works and is an important strategy. We need to use this report to identify what needs to be changed. This report shows that we must consider alternative solutions and better policies.

VGNOC: Thank you chair. Achieving the SDGs requires significant improvements, particularly with access to treatment. This means ethical and person-centered therapy. Our goal is to ensure that individuals are reached where they are, connected with health and recovery services and providence evidence-based care. This enhances the care but also reduces crime rates, overdose deaths, and saves public funding. A project in Romes saved over 3000 lives. Every day we take care of over 700 clients. We provide many different services all under one roof. This vast experience we gained in the field allowed us to produce evidence that can approve peoples health conditions. Our holistic approach ensured that every individual received the support they need at every step. By continued to champion these methods we can create a more human response to drug use and address the gaps shown in this report.


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