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Side event: Moving towards drug policy that improves well-being and aligns with Indigenous knowledge and practice

Organized by New Zealand Drug Foundation with the support of Australia, Canada, OHCHR, IDPC, Harm Reduction International, Open Society Foundations, the Aboriginal Drug and Alcohol Council, the International Indigenous Drug Policy Alliance, Te Rau Ora and the Thunderbird Partnership Foundation of Canada Speakers: Gilbert Taurua, Moderator, Aotearoa (New Zealand) Tracey Potiki, Aotearoa (New Zealand) Dr …

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Side Event: No More Silence: Amplifying the Voices of Populations Disproportionately Impacted by Punitive Drug Policies

Charity Monareng (SSDP): Drug policy has a disproportionate impact on certain populations. We see disparities in incarceration rates and socioeconomic consequences. These voices historically excluded from drug policy debates. This side-event has been organized in collaboration with OHCHR, IDPC, and part of 7 CND side events organized by OHCHR building on the latest report on …

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