Organized by Foreningen for Human Narkotikapolitikk with the support of Czechia, Germany, the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, Amnesty International, the International Drug Policy Consortium and the International Network of People who Use Drugs Marie Nougier, IDPC: IDPC is a global network of NOGs that promote drug policies that advance social justice …
From Others
Item 5. Implementation of the international drug control treaties (Tuesday morning)
Chair: We will consider scheduling recommendations by WHO and INCB. CND Secretariat: Recalls the substances and scheduling recommendations. Chair: Explains process to schedule substances under 1961, 1971 and 1988 conventions. Butonitazene WHO: Butonitazene, or butoxynitazene, is a benzimidazole-derived synthetic opioid not currently under international control and lacking recognized therapeutic use. It appears as a crystalline …
Side Event: Addressing human rights challenges related to drug use in humanitarian and other crisis settings
Organised by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights with the support of Belgium, Czechia, Mexico, Paraguay, Switzerland, Uruguay, the World Health Organization, the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS, the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, the Agence Française de Développement, the Alliance for Public Health, the …
2023 CND & CCPCJ Reconvened Session
Secretariat: Distinguished delegates, ladies and gentlemen, As many of you are aware, the term of Her Excellency Ambassador (…), who served as the chair of the CCPCJ 32nd session, concluded at the onset of this conference. On 17 November, the Secretariat received a note from the chair of the African region nominating His Excellency, the Ambassador …
CND Tematic Discussion / Session 12 – Way Forward
Chair: I am grateful for your cooperation earlier this year. We had previously discussed the Resolution, outlining the review process, and collectively decided to convene before he regular committee session. The high-level segment is scheduled for March 14th and 15th, dedicated to assessing the implementation of international drug policy commitments. During this segment, we aim …
CND Thematic Discussion / Session 11 – Low availability of internationally controlled substances for medical & scientific purposes
Chair: Good Morning. Yesterday we had a fruitful discussion on the issues of the consequences and risk associated with non medical use of drugs. Today we will be discussing the low availability of nationally controlled substances for medical and scientific purposes, including for the relief of pain and palliative care. Before we start a discussion, …