We are here to review the 2009 political declaration. Our presence here today is to review the challenges and push for greater endeavours. We hope that the deliberations will be fruitful and result oriented. We should look forward to the recommendations on the considerations of UNGASS.
The world drug problem continues to affect many countries – health, rule of law, violence, undermines peace and security, undermines progress and development. We should promote development, health and law enforcement. There is an increase in use of traditional drugs and NPS and this demands more cooperation with other countries.
Legalisation of drugs is a matter of deep concern. In New York, we stated that if we downgraded the demand sector would be very detrimental as it would lead to increased supply. So we call on the international community to focus more on the demand side in their countries.
On one side there is supply – which is shared responsibility – and then there is demand and you need to work on that harder.
We are a party to all UN drug conventions. We take effective measures to countering the drug challenge. In 2011, 2012 and 2013, we have been poppy free. We have been successful in terms of drug seizures (hashish, heroin, cocaine, etc.). Efforts at international level, although positive, need more cooperation. We have been a key partner in these partnerships.
The drug problem remains and we need a consistent and collaborative approach.
Please click here to view the full statement: http://myconference.unov.org//Documents/Get/9ded542e-2c7d-4bc1-b6bd-bd8ea17bdcce