OPENING OF THE SIXTY-SIXTH SESSION OF THE COMMISSION ON NARCOTIC DRUGS Secretary: [Organizational and administrative disclaimers for online participants] Chair: [Opening statement – no interpretation] Item 1. Chair: The extended bureau held three meetings this year to address organizational matters that were also discussed during the pre-consultation sessions. I thank all the participants. I also …
By Juan Fernandez
Side event: Suffering in the shadows: The impact of drug-related incarceration on family members
Organised by the Washington Office on Latin America with the support of Mexico, and the Church World Service, the International Drug Policy Consortium, the Plataforma NNAPES and the Red Internacional de Mujeres Familiares de Personas Privadas de la Libertad Coletta Youngers, Senior Fellow, WOLA: Before going any further, I would just like to say on …
Briefing on the preparations for the Special Session on the World Drug Problem (UNGASS)
The briefing’s webcast is available at the UN Web TV site here. President of the General Assembly Mogens Lykketoft: President Lykketoft calls to order to brief preparations on his visit to Vienna. The primary consideration of this informal briefing will be to acknowledge the preparations being made on UNGASS 2016. Two areas of UNGASS preparation that …
CND Intersessional – 12 November 2015
Ambassadors Antonio Castellanos (in substitution for Amb. Arthayudh Srisamoot) and Khaled Shamaa chaired the session, which continued discussions on the preparatory process towards the UNGASS 2016 and, in particular the Outcomes Document. In this regard, Amb. Castellanos recalled the dates for key upcoming CND meetings: CND Intersessional Meeting (8 December): 10am-1pm; 3-6pm. Special segment on the UNGASS …
Side Event (HRC Panel): The right to health: addressing the drug control barriers hindering access to controlled medicines
Ruth Dreifuss (GCDP): HRC can organise adequate response to this problem. Policies building on repression have unintended consequences. Time has come to recognise that the problem cannot be solved without shift in priorities. Real aims are not to be reached without deep policy changes. In this report, the Commission is advocating for scientific evidence. Human …