The agenda for today has three items: 1) CND contributions to the work of ECOSOC, 2) preparations for the ‘regular segment’ of CND next March (including the proposals to schedule 13 new substances), and 3) preparations for the special segment on the UNGASS next March. The new Thai Chair, Ambassador Srisamoot, presided over the discussions. …
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Roundtable on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) — Friday 5th December
There is consensus that there is a negative and mutually reinforcing link between violence, insecurity, and development. There are six essential elements for delivery y Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): Partnership, justice, planet, people, dignity, property. “Justice” to promote safe and peaceful societies and strong institutions.” Violence reduction is one of these targets, and violent deaths …
CND Intersessional — Friday 5th December
Guatemala. The delegations talks about drug-trafficking abiding by international commitments in spite of shortage of resources, and how neither drug production nor consumption have decreased. Human rights, public health, education deserve more international effort and more cooperation because no country can be successful on its own, although the OAS has recognised that Guatemala is a …
IDPC speech at CND Intersessional – 5th December 2014
Thank you for giving me the floor Mr. Chairman, esteemed delegates. My intervention on behalf of International Drug Policy Consortium will be in two sections, procedural and substantive, although I believe as the Uruguay representative said yesterday that the procedural is substantive. I thank the Chair and Secretariat for facilitating civil society involvement in the …
CND Intersessional – Thursday 4th December, afternoon session
Discussions on draft decision L.17 Rev. 1 continue (See draft of 2 December 2014 here) (Mexico and EU going toe to toe on whether the extended bureau should stay on parallel with a new chair and bureau.) Mexico: We were not invited in the latest round of informal negotiations and they know we are not …
CND Intersessional – Thursday 4th December, morning session
Thursday morning Pakistan: Discusses the representation of developing countries at UNODC and at field items. This need to be kept open until the countries have reached understanding. Draft decision has to be decided first. Chair: The discussion today will under corresponding items of commission’s agenda should first cover budget, and then WG on governance and …