Michael Botticelli, USA National Drug Control Policy. We must root our policies into health. Criminal justice also has a role to play there. Approaches must be comprehensive, including primary prevention, universal and targeted prevention, support services. Hepatitis, HIV and overdoses must also be dealt with. Our efforts must be sustained over time. We make progress …
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Presentations of the conclusions of the UN Scientific Consultation
Nora Volkow, USA National Institute on Drug Abuse. There was consensus from a very diverse group of scientists. There is a recognition that there are people who have more risks of becoming addicted because of their genes. Transition from drug use to addiction occurs during adolescence. We also know that some drugs are more addictive …
Conclusions from the Informal Civil Society Hearing
Esbjorn Hornberg, VNGOC. Today, you have demonstrated your commitment to support the VNGOC and their contribution to drug control policy. In 2 years’ time, we will gather in New York for the UNGASS on production, trafficking and use of drugs. We look forward to further collaboration. NGOs can help us provide prevention, treatment and care, and …
Minister of Home Affairs Zimbabwe
Assures full cooperation and support of delegation. Associates with statement of African Group. Full implementation of government of three conventions. Also AU plan on drug control 2013-2017. Full implementation of INCB recommendations on visit to Zimb three years ago. Z vulnerable to drug traffickers. Notes with deep concern magnitude and complexity of drug trafficking undermine …
Harm Reduction International: Drugs and HIV groups call on UK to reject United Nations drugs declaration
Drugs and HIV groups call on UK to reject United Nations drugs declaration Lack of co-ordination, leadership and transparency from Home Office, Foreign Office and DFID has played into the hands of hardline states such as Russia As a critical high-level UN meeting on the future of international drug policy begins a coalition of UK …
Norman Baker , UK Home Office
UK NATIONAL STATEMENT Introductions Chair and distinguished guests. Let me start by welcoming you Ambassador, into the chair of the 57th session of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs, and express the UK’s support. UK Approach to Drugs I want to share with Member States the UK’s experience of delivering a modern, balanced and evidence based …