Morocco since 2005 has pursued a strategy focused on 3 pillars: • Fighting cannabis cultivation • Fighting trafficking • Demand reduction Morocco has reduced cannabis cultivation by 65% and every year Morocco is detaining more individuals for trafficking offences. Shared Responsibility must be something that involves respect for ideologies specific to individual international countries. Morocco …
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Committee of the Whole – Resolution L14
Resolution L14: Follow-up to the Third Ministerial Conference of the Paris Pact Partners on Combating Illicit Traffic in Opiates Originating in Afghanistan. Sponsored by Australia, Belarus, France, Kyrgyzstan, Norway, Russian Federation and Thailand. Delivery of tech assistance, 38,000 dollars for the report 16 pages in 6 languages. No additional appropriation of funds. Co-sponsors: Mexico Denmark …
Committee of the Whole – Resolution L12
Resolution L12: Follow-up on measures to support African States in their efforts to combat the world drug problem Sponsors: Peru on behalf group of G77 and china and South Africa on the behalf of African states No additional appropriation of the budget needed. The Venezuelan delegation gives an explanation of its position on this resolution …
Day 3 Plenary: Statement by UNAIDS
By: Alison Crocket, Senior Advisor, UNAIDS Date: 15 March 2012 Place: Vienna, Austria Occasion: Fifty-fifth session of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs Statement to the Fifty-fifth session of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs Thank you madam chair, For giving me the floor to address this plenary session on preventing HIV transmission amongst injecting drug users. …
Statement by the Argentina Minister of health at CND on 16th March 2012 (English)
Dr. Juan Manzur Mrs. Chair: My sincere gratitude to you, and to the members of the Commission, for giving me the opportunity to address to the Plenary on this occasion. It is an honor to share with you some ideas at the Commission on Narcotic Drugs, which we believe is the appropriate framework for analysis, …
Evo Morales Speech at the Opening Session of the CND (in Spanish)
Muchísimas gracias, señora Presidenta Carmen Bulan Freire, al señor Director Diur Fedotov. Estimados cancilleres quiero agradecer en primer lugar por nuevamente permitirme estar acá con todas las naciones, después de tres años estamos acá, en primer lugar para compartir los avances, los aciertos, los éxitos en la lucha contra el narcotráfico en Bolivia, pero también …