Organised by the Forum Droghe with the support of the International Drug Policy Consortium, Harm Reduction International, the European Network of People who Use Drugs, la Società della Ragione and the Associazione Luca Coscioni Adria Cots – IDPC: Let me start but trying to share some definitions about harm reduction. Within the context of UN …
By cndblogger
Side Event: Between human rights and drug control: possibilities and barriers for ending the stigma of drug users
Organized by the RIO Rusmisbrukernes Interesseorganisasjon with the support of Norway, the Pompidou Group of the Council of Europe, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the Community Addictions Peer Support Association, Dianova International and the Association for Humane Drug Policies Tuesday 14th March,2023 9:10am-10:00am Mr. Kenneth Arctander (RIO Rusmisbrukernes Interesseorganisasjon): …
Resolution L3. Promoting alternative development as a development-oriented drug control strategy, taking into account measures to protect the environment and recognizing the rights of Indigenous Peoples
16/3/2023 Thursday 5pm Chair: I would like Peru to update the room since we last considered the draft resolution Peru: good afternoon, well today was an intense day of work and we were able to make significant progress on this resolution. We have agreement formally on a number of paras however we have almost reached …
Side event (in Spanish): Relevancia de la inclusión de la perspectiva de género en las políticas de drogas. Indicadores para el monitoreo
Organizado por Argentina con el apoyo de Brasil, Colombia, México e Intercambios Asociación Civil, y COPOLAD. Pablo Cymerman, Intercambios. Las inequidades de géneros atraviesan los temas relacionados con políticas de drogas. Esta sesión pretende mostrar que están haciendo los países latinoamericanos en esta materia en sus políticas de prevención, atención e investigación. Antes de presentar …
Side event: Innovative responses to promoting access to controlled medicines while preventing diversion and non-medical use: following up on the global “Access and Availability campaign by the chair of the 65th Commission on Narcotic Drugs”
Ambassador Vermuelen (Belgium): introduced the topic and the history of Belgium’s involvement including last year’s initiative, which was at the heart of Belgium’s Presidency of CND. Speakers: Dilkushi Poovendran (WHO), Ghislain D’Hoop, Carolyn Patterson (Assistant Secy Govt of Australia, Health and Aged Care) Jagit Pavadia, President, INCB: Thank you to the govt of Belgium and …
Side Event: Aligning Drug Policy with Environmental Protection
Organized by the Transnational Institute with the support of Brazil, Colombia, the Global Drug Policy Observatory, Health Poverty Action, the International Drug Policy Consortium, the Open Society Foundation, Viso Mutop and the Washington Office on Latin America Clemmie James, Health Poverty Action: Today, we will explore how punitive drug policies have accelerated environmental degradation …