(…) Belgium: We did not engage fully in the informal and would like more time to get back to the capital and think about this proposal Pakistan: We believe that it would be useful to bring in the reference to the ministerial declaration introduces last week as the last two lines were included in the …
From Committee of the Whole
Committee of the Whole – Monday afternoon (L6. Promoting Alternative Development as a development-oriented drug control strategy)
Title Chair: No comments PP1 Mexico: During consultations on this draft resolution, we had expressed our concern with the reference to the 2030 Agenda. We know for the US, it is important to have adequate language. We suggest “recalling” to be substituted with “as was reiterated”, to take into account the US proposal that there’s a …
Committee of the Whole – Monday afternoon (L5 – Enhancing forensic detection capability for synthetic drugs through increasing international collaboration)
Australia: Our resolution seeks to look at capability-building in the area of supply-reduction, particularly forensics. Primarily on health and safety, community protection and disposal. Hence references to information sharing. We have had good engagement in two informal sessions (Wednesday morning, and earlier today). Some text included now. All but two occasions agreed. Chair: Let’s consider the …
Side event: Strengthening equity in health and resilience
Taking into account the social determinants and risk factors for non-medical use of drugs and criminality Chair: one important objective of public health measures is equity and must be at the core of public health work. Portugal: we propose to explore social determinants and risk factors in non medical use of drugs, it is rooted …
Committee of the Whole (Friday Afternoon) – Final meeting. Various resolutions.
L4.Rev 1 – Algeria, Andorra, Belarus, China, Indonesia, Pakistan, Russian Federation, Vietnam, Thailand, Sri Lanka, Switzerland… Outlines extra-budgetary resources required. Invites commission to adopt the resolution. Any statements? No. Co-sponsors – Iraq, Pakistan, Peru, Bosnia Herzegovia, Honduras, El Salvador, Libya, Lichtenstein, Nigeria, Paraguay, Philippines L5. Rev 1 – no financial implications. Cosponsor – Peru, Norway, …
Committee of the Whole – Friday afternoon (L2 – Protecting children from illicit drug threat)
Chair: We are going to take on L2, then go back to L11 Russia: We are ready to go and wish to be flexible. Chair: Comments on the title? Russia: We’re running out of time; we are happy to reframe the title: ‘Protecting children from the illicit drug challenge’ Chair: Title approved. Russia: These are …