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Side event: Drugs and criminal justice. The situation in Latin America and Spain

Organized by the Unión Española de Asociaciones y Entidades de Atención al Drogodependiente (UNAD) with the Support of Spain, the Executive Secretariat of the Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission of the Organization of American States (CICAD/OAS), Red Iberoamericana de Organizaciones No Gubernamentales que Trabajan en Drogodependencias (RIOD), Dejusticia, the Asociación Costarricense para el Estudio de …

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CND thematic sessions on the implementation of all international drug policy commitments, following-up to the 2019 Ministerial Declaration – 22 September 2022

Multiyear Workplan 2019-2023: Implementation of all our international drug policy commitments, following up to the 2019 ministerial declaration “Strengthening Our Actions at the National, Regional and International Levels to Accelerate the Implementation of our Joint Commitments to Address and Counter the World Drug Problem” Chair: Good Morning (reminder of guidelines) UNODC Research and Analysis Branch, …

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Special commemorative event at the occasion of the United Nations International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking and Launch of the 2022 World Drug Report

Chair: Welcome. Today, to promote participation, we are conducting this meeting in a hybrid format. I welcome all our panelists, youth ambassadors, and the 26 registered speakers. WDR is historically launched on World Drug Day which is a very important day for us all to advance SDGs and build back better. The theme this year …

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