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Side event: The rights of women who use drugs

Moderator, EHRA: Dear friends, Thank you for joining, you can choose Russian or English as the language for this event, we will have simultaneous interpretation. Hello from Georgia – typically I represent an organization for women who use drugs. I’m welcoming all our participants on our joint event with the Alliance for Public Health and …

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Resolution L.5 (Afternoon Session): Promoting quality, affordable, scientific evidence-based and comprehensive drug prevention and treatment services

Draft resolution: https://undocs.org/E/CN.7/2021/L.5 Introduction Portugal: We had discussions in a very constructive atmosphere that allowed us to progress decisively, though there are open issues. We closed the title and the first 10 PPs. From PP2 to PP5 are open in terms of what is the order of the PPs. There are also conceptual issues that might …

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CND 63rd Reconvened Session – Friday 4th December 2020

[…] Iran: The US itself is at the forefront of destabilizing the international community. We have seen that how they have destroyed the multilateralism; they have withdrawn from several multilateral initiatives, they have withdrawn from several international organizations. So again, this is all stripped back. So they all behind many, many destabilizing activities across the …

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Side event: Smokable cocaine study launch

Organized by Intercambios Asociación Civil Pablo Cymerman, Intercambios AC: This research is particularly important for our region. In our region there is a high use of cocaine and use is increasing. There are currently few studies on this particular use of cocaine. This research was led by TNI. Pien Metaal, Transnational Institute: This has been …

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