Germany/Chair: Hello, welcome to our discussion regarding the way forward in advancing the implementation of all international drug policy commitments in light of the 2029 finally view of certain 2019 Ministerial Declaration in accordance with CND Resolution 66 Adopted by the Commission last March, this roundtable will consist of panel interventions followed by an interactive …
From Panel Discussions/Roundtables
Round Table – Taking Stock: Work Undertaken Since 2019

UN Web TV recording ;Bangladesh/Chair: Discuss the work done around the globe to implement drug control commitments – identify progress, identify challenges. This will consist of a panel of interventions followed by interactive discussions. Mexico/Co-Chair: Delegations wishing to take the floor can raise their panels to nominate themselves. Please bear with me if I call …
People First: CND Special Event to commemorate the International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking and to launch the 2023 UNODC World Drug Report
Mr. Miguel Camilo Ruiz Blanco, CND Chair: All right. Please be seated. Hi distinguished guests, dear colleagues and friends. It is my honour to welcome you to this event to mark the International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking and to launch the 2023 UNODC World Drug Report. The theme of the World Drug …
CND Chair one-day special forum on availability and access to controlled substances for medical and scientific purposes
Chair: I welcome our panelists. We all know how severe this issue is – medicines are unavailable or unaffordable. This is for a variety of reasons, some of it is regulatory – lets not forget that there is a lot of weork done to optimize legislation. There is also often a lack of professional knowledge. …
Beijing + 25: Realising gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls – CND & CCPCJ joint event
Joint CND & CCPCJ Virtual Event commemorating the twenty-fifth anniversary of the Fourth World Conference on Women and the adoption of the Being Declaration and Platform for Action (1995) and discussing how the COVID-19 pandemic is affecting women and girls From the event’s website: 2020 marks the twenty-fifth anniversary of the Fourth World Conference on Women …
Roundtable discussion: Item 5b. ‘Safeguarding the future…’
Interactive, multi-stakeholder round table of the ministerial segment: Safeguarding the future: enhancing our efforts to respond to the world drug problem through strengthening international cooperation, including means of implementation, capacity-building and technical assistance, on the basis of common and shared responsibility Chair: Welcome. Today I have a double function, in addition to chair I am …