Third Vice Chair (…) Bulgaria (on behalf of the European Union) (Aligned: Turkey, (…), FYROM, Montenegro, Iceland, Albania, Bosnia, Ukraine, Moldova, Armenia, Moldova and San Marino): We reaffirm the commitments of the Conventions. This needs to be complemented with overarching policies and priorities to solve and minimise social and safety threats resulting from abuse. Particularly …
From Plenary Sessions
Plenary Session: Item 10. Contributions by the Commission to the work of the Economic and Social Council, in line with General Assembly resolution 68/1, including follow-up to and review and implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
Third Vice Chair: (…) Thailand: UNGASS 2016, Member States welcomed 2030 agenda and noted efforts to assist the attainment of SDGs and drug control should be complementary. Efforts on drug control correspond to various SDGs. We encourage the CND to contributing to the High Level Political Forum on SDGs in July 2018. We believe that …
Plenary Session: Item 9. Recommendations of the subsidiary bodies of the Commission.
Chair: (…) UNODC: We convened four meetings of HONLEA and one meeting of (…). Working group meetings to discuss supply and demand reduction. The outcomes were reported and adopted. Now available for the Commission’s guidance. The themes identified for 27th meetings were broad. I will bring a number: coordinating regional communication platforms supporting law enforcement, drug trafficking and …
Plenary Session: Item 8. Inter-agency cooperation and coordination of efforts in addressing and countering the world drug problem
Chair: The CND in its follow up process to the Special Session aims to foster cooperation with other ECOSOC commissions: status of women, statistical, science and development. This provides an opportunity for further collaboration, interaction and information exchange. Head of Treaty Affairs, UNODC: As we know, the UNGASS outcome document reaffirmed the importance of collaboration …
Plenary Session: Item 7. Follow-up to the special session of the General Assembly on the world drug problem held in 2016, including the seven thematic areas of the outcome document of the special session.
Canada – Canada is a strong supporter of the UNGASS outcome document and is committed to the implementation of its operational recommendations. The UNGASS outcome document not only represents the latest international consensus, but provides a balanced and comprehensive guide for our efforts to respond to the world drug problem. By incorporating key commitments from the …
Plenary Session: Item 7. Follow-up to the special session of the General Assembly on the world drug problem held in 2016, including the seven thematic areas of the outcome document of the special session.
Chair: Member states committed to report timely on their progress in implementing the recommendations set out in the Outcome Document. The Commission held two rounds of discussion in 2016 and decided to continue holding such discussions; a third thematic discussion was held in 2017. Ambassador Moitinho de Almeida of Portugal: As CND facilitator for the …