Chair: There are a record number of states attending this ministerial segment. Statements should not exceed 5 mins. Regional groups are allotted 7 mins. Permanent representative of Egypt, on behalf of G77 and China: It’s my honour to speak on the behalf of the group. Congrats to the chair for being elected and other elected members. …
From Plenary Sessions
Plenary: Item 3. Opening of the ministerial segment & Item 6. Outcome of the ministerial segment
Chair: Welcome to the session. We’ll start the MS with a short video – Video: shots of previous high level meetings, CND sessions Chair: Give the floor to the UNODC Youth Forum: Youth #1: Influential representatives, we’d like to express our gratitude for representing youth from around the world. We are an easy target of …
Plenary: Opening of the sixty-second session of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs
Chair: The extended bureau held four meetings to deal with organisational matters; we thank organisers, my predecessor as Chair Item 1. Election of officers Chair: Sudan 1st Vice Chair: Iran 2nd Vice Chair: Croatia 3rd Vice Chair: Italy (WEOG) Rapporteur: Peru The Plenary is invited to confirm the nomination of the Croatian delegate. No objections. …
CND Intersessional Meeting, 8 March 2019
Chair: Apologies for the delay. In continuance of yesterday, we agreed to suspend the meeting to consider the 2019 Ministerial Declaration. I will give the floor to facilitator, Ambassador Okeke now. Amb. Okeke, Nigeria: I happily report we were able to conclude the informal consultations on the draft declaration yesterday night by 9:50pm. I know …
CND Intersessional Meeting, 7 March 2019
Chair: Welcome. Adopting agenda. As for preparations for HLMS, I would like to remind delegations that the session is from 9:30 on the 14th of March in the plenary hall of the M building. We will start with the formal election of the permanent representative of Croatia who has been nominated for the position of …
CND Intersessional Meeting, 25 February 2019
Chair: Good morning. We have a live coverage between Vienna and Geneva today, our agenda is already shared and if there are no comments, we go ahead. We have with us today Gilles Forte and professor Simon Elliot from ECDD who have kindly agreed to answer questions on the recommendations from the outcome of the …