We have evidence based interventions which can greatly increase effectiveness of prevention, early intervention, harm reduction, treatment and recovery. But little evidence these are implemented. Evidence of strategies, but not of resources and implementations. We have evidence base, limited which need to be improved across 3 pillars of plan of action. Debate on effective drug …
From Plenary Sessions
CND Plenary Day 4 – Item 11: World situation with regard to drug trafficking and recommendations of the subsidiary bodies of the Commission
Chief of Implementation Support Section Opium cultivation in Afghanistan hit record levels in 2013. Majority of opium seizures made by Iran. Heroin seizures cover a wider range of countries. Between 2005 and 2011, coca bush cultivation in Peru increased. Decreased slightly in 2012, but this is important as it represents a shift in the trend. …
CND Plenary Day 4 – Venezuela
Almost 70% of our seizures are focused on areas close to the border which we share with the world’s most important cocaine producers. We have set up a national registrar for substances. We also have initiatives and projects promoted by UN bodies such as the INCB. We also have programmes focusing on the prevention of …
CND Plenary Day 4 – Switzerland
Several UN drug conventions protect the right of the highest possible standard of health. IN this regard, we are against the use of the death penalty, and we also promote harm reduction. There is a link between human rights and the role of UNODC. HR should be a full fledged element of our discussions at …
CND Plenary Day 4 – Korea
We are in urgent need to enhance international cooperation based on the principle of common and shared responsibility. We are very much concerned about NPS. We have created an information sharing platform to track NPS. We must work together at the international community level to tackle this issue.
CND Plenary Day 3 – International Harm Reduction Association
Thank you Mr/Madam Chair I represent Harm Reduction International but am speaking on behalf of harm reduction organisations from around the world. In recent months we have been discussing what outcomes we want to see from the UNGASS on Drugs in 2016. We have condensed these into two main calls: First, the time has come …