Lack of access to essential controlled medicines is still a major issue especially in low income countries. Countries need to aim for a balanced policy. WHO provides technical assistance to countries to access medicines while ensure controlled medicines aren’t used outside of medical settings.
From Plenary Sessions
Japan comment on NPS and Cannabis seeds
Glad UNODC is addressing cannabis seeds and NPS issue. We have a deep concern about medical use of cannabis in certain countries and will pose a serious impact of cannabis control. WE support INCB in expressing concern on this issue
NPS comment – Australia
Australia: We are pleased this debate is on the agenda and that its been included in the INCB report. Its a global issue and many places are implementing measures to address the issue. Need an early warning system to enable efficient use of limited resources. Australia giving 200,000 USD for the global early warning system.
Comments on INCB report by Switzerland, Thailand, USA.
Switzerland: Regular criminal proceedings are dispensed with, saving n costs and easing pressure on police. People who are 18 or older will be a fined 100 swiss frans. no more than 10 grams. HIV and IDU are a major issue, and we recommend the INCB make more of an issue on this in future reports. Thailand: Concerned …
Comments on INCB report 2012 by Japan
Raises concern about lack of controls on Ketamine and implies the INCB/WHO should make a balanced assessment
Comments on the INCB report 2012 by Argentina
Argentina points out some mistakes in the INCB 2012 report: The number of illicit cocaine processing centres in Argentina. The number of seizures of amphetamine type stimulants. The shipments from Argentina to Australia. The claim that imports in New Zealand do not on the most part originate in Argentina as claimed in the INCB report. …