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Amnesty International

Side Event: Drug-related detention: assessing efforts to relieve a crisis in Southeast Asia

Organized by Amnesty International with the support of the International Drug Policy Consortium, Lembaga Bantuan Hukum Masyarakat, IDUCARE and the Thailand Institute of Justice. Watch the video recording here. Gloria Lai, International Drug Policy Consortium: Hi everyone. Welcome to the side event at the UN Commission on Narcotic Drugs. This side event is on ‘Drug-related …

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Side Event – A 10-year review of successes and failures of global drug control: A civil society shadow report

Event co-sponsored by the Permanent Mission of Norway to the International Organisations in Vienna, the Permanent Mission of Mexico to the International Organisations based in Vienna and the International Drug Policy Consortium. Ambassador Kjersti E. Andersen (Norway). I welcome our four speakers to this side event to welcome the Civil Society Shadow Report. I want …

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Side event: Human rights defenders under threat: the “war on drugs” and the shrinking space for civil society

Daniel Joloy, Amnesty International. Human rights defenders face harassment, intimidation for speaking out on human rights. They are forcibly disappeared. Far from being protected by the state, they are treated as criminals. The increase in violence has created an increasingly difficult environment for human rights defenders to work. Attempts to clamp down on criminal groups can …

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Side Event: The impact of drug policies on women who use drugs: Perspectives on gender equality, human rights and harm reduction

Organised by the Government of Brazil, National Advocates for Pregnant Women, Amnesty International, Harm Reduction Coalition, Eurasian Harm Reduction Network, International Network of People who Use Drugs, and Open Society Foundations.  ‘On the occasion of the UNGASS on the World Drug Problem, please join us for an important discussion about the impact of drug policies …

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Side event: Towards the abolition of the death penalty for drug offences

Side event organised by Harm Reduction International, Reprieve, Amnesty International, Penal Reform International and the International Drug Policy Consortium. Maria Phelan, Harm Reduction International. The death penalty continues to be a very prominent issue in the debate today. Luiz Guilherme Mendes de Paiva, Brazil. Last year we had some interesting conversations around the death penalty. We were in …

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