Chair of the UNGASS Board (Amb. Khaled Shamaa) Opens the meeting by inviting delegates to consider Resolution 58/8. The Board has prepared an Elements Paper to kickstart the process. Today, we expect comments on the more general nature of the paper. On its ‘bones’. Operational recommendations to be further discussed at the reconvened session of the CND. Luxembourg …
Special Event, 26th June – Launch of World Drug Report 2015 in Vienna
On the UN International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking, UNODC and their UN partners coordinated simultaneous launches of their flagship World Drug Report 2015 – in Vienna, Geneva and New York. Member states had received a technical briefing about the report last week, so this event was billed as a CND Special Session …
High-level Thematic Debate in support of the process towards the 2016 Special Session of the General Assembly on the World Drug Problem
All official statements are now available here. Opening session H.E. Mr. Sam Kutesa, President of the 69th Session of the United Nations General Assembly The world drug problem affects us all. Drug trafficking affects national institutions. Worldwide markets are worth 332 billion dollars. Men, women and children are trapped in poverty, languish in prison. We …
5th Civil Society Hearing
Opening Session Jean Luc Lemahieu, UNODC I thank the NYNGOC for organising this event, as well as the respective governments for their support. UNODC greatly values the role of NGOs as we approach the 2016 UNGASS. We also support NGOs’ participation, their outreach to affected populations, and their role in events. NGOs’ role is key …
Identifying common ground on development for UNGASS 2016
Mr. Cockayne There are major obstacles for the implementation of our drug policy approach. For alternative development to be dealt with new directions in rural and urban areas, we need to discuss the issue at the 2016 UNGASS. 3 directions: need to use programming to tackle poverty, government presence and access to land need to …
Resolution L8. Supporting Public Health and Justice System Collaboration in Providing Alternative Sentences for Drug Involved Offenders
United states. Very productive informals. Many delegations and good spirit of compromise. Title. Supporting the collaboration of public health and justice authorities …. o pursue alternative measures to conviction or punishment.. NO comments. PP 1.. no comments. PP2. Aware that substance use disorders…No comments. PP3. Recalling GA resolution 69 192. No comments. …