L2 – Celebrating the tenth anniversary of the United Nations Guiding Principles on Alternative Development: effective implementation and the way forward (Dominican Republic, Germany, Peru, Philippines and Thailand) Chair: Good Morning! Chair: We have two resolutions still to be agreed this morning. I hope we can see good flexibility this morning as in the last …
Committee of the Whole (Thursday morning session)
L.2. Commemoration of the tenth anniversary of the United Nations Guiding Principles on Alternative Development: effective implementation and future perspectives (Germany, Peru and Thailand) PP2 (…) Colombia: We’d like to support Brazil’s proposal. The language is sufficiently broad. It reflects experience gathered to date. We urge delegations to show flexibility. The text is broad. Chair: …
Side event: Amazon at risk: Environmental justice and the urgency of drug policy reform
Organised by Health Poverty Action with the support of Brazil, the Centro de Estudios de Derecho, Justicia y Sociedad, the Global Drug Policy Observatory, the International Coalition Drug Policy Reform and Environmental Justice, the International Drug Policy Consortium, the Washington Office for Latin America, the Transnational Institute, SOS Amazonia and Viso Mutop Clemmie James, Health …
Committee of the Whole (Wednesday morning)
L2. Commemoration of the tenth anniversary of the United Nations Guiding Principles on Alternative Development: effective implementation and future perspectives (Germany, Peru and Thailand) Chair: Good morning, I will start with L2 (Thailand), and will then continue with L4 (Belgium) Thailand: Yesterday we made slow progress. We managed to clean up the text a bit …
Side event: Drug policy and human rights: Perspectives from Latin America
Organized by the Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil Conselho Federal with the support of Brazil, Chile, Colombia, the Centro de Estudios de Derecho, Justicia y Sociedad, the International Centre on Human Rights and Drug Policy, the International Drug Policy Consortium, the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation and Rede Brasileira de Redução de Danos e Direitos Humanos Francisco …
Item 5. Implementation of the international drug control treaties (Tuesday morning)
Chair: We will consider scheduling recommendations by WHO and INCB. CND Secretariat: Recalls the substances and scheduling recommendations. Chair: Explains process to schedule substances under 1961, 1971 and 1988 conventions. Butonitazene WHO: Butonitazene, or butoxynitazene, is a benzimidazole-derived synthetic opioid not currently under international control and lacking recognized therapeutic use. It appears as a crystalline …