Part (i) Domestic, regional and cross-regional responses to drugs-related crime countering money-laundering including, where appropriate, in the connection with the financing of terrorism, promoting judicial cooperation in criminal matters (ii) Addressing emerging issues including new psychoactive substances, precursors and the misuse of the Internet The chairs of the interactive discussions will prepare summaries on the …
UNGASS Special Segment Day 1 – Statement by Brazil
Mr. Chairman, I would like to congratulate you on your election, as well as the other members of the Bureau of the CND and also the members of the Board tasked with preparations for UNGASS 2016. You may count on the full support of the Brazilian delegation. I would also like to thank the UNODC …
CND Intersessional – Friday 6th March 2015
Chair – Thailand: Today we hope to discuss draft resolutions and in the afternoon, scheduling. Also on the agenda are preparations for CND and the UNGASS segment next week. On the UNGASS segment, the schedule has been revised so that on Tuesday 10 March, segment B will be in the morning and segment A in …
CND Intersessional – 29 January 2015 (Afternoon session)
Following a two-hour informal session, Member States reconvened just after 5pm to discuss the agenda for the special segment of CND focused on the UNGASS (to take place 9th-12th March 2015): Switzerland: The importance of including access to essential medicines… [The connection was interrupted]. France: The France delegation is trying to introduce new elements. We …
CND Intersessional — Friday 5th December
Guatemala. The delegations talks about drug-trafficking abiding by international commitments in spite of shortage of resources, and how neither drug production nor consumption have decreased. Human rights, public health, education deserve more international effort and more cooperation because no country can be successful on its own, although the OAS has recognised that Guatemala is a …
CND Intersessional – Thursday 4th December, afternoon session
Discussions on draft decision L.17 Rev. 1 continue (See draft of 2 December 2014 here) (Mexico and EU going toe to toe on whether the extended bureau should stay on parallel with a new chair and bureau.) Mexico: We were not invited in the latest round of informal negotiations and they know we are not …