FROM SYNTHETIC DRUG THREATS TO SYNTHETIC DRUG REALITIES: EXAMINING THE ROLE OF GLOBAL DRUG POLICIES AND CHARTING A WAY FORWARD Organized by the Washington Office on Latin America with the support of the Canadian Association of People who Use Drugs, the Canadian Drug Policy Coalition, the Centre on Drug Policy Evaluation, the Drug Policy Alliance, …
Canadian Drug Policy Coalition
CND Thematic Discussions // Session 2 – Record levels of drug abuse & illicit cultivation, production & trafficking
Chair: Welcome back to the CND thematic discussions. What we will be focusing on this afternoon is the abuse, illicit cultivation and production and manufacture of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, as well as the illicit trafficking in those substances and the courses have reached record levels and the illicit demand for the domestic diversion …
Side Event: Inequities Laid Bare: Responding to Challenges of COVID-19 and Beyond

Organized by the Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction with the support of Canada, and the Canadian Drug Policy Coalition, the Centre on Drug Policy Evaluation, the Community Addictions Peer Support Association (CAPSA), the HIV Legal Network and the Thunderbird Partnership Foundation How has the COVID-19 pandemic worsened existing inequities and negatively affected priority …
Side Event: Civil society on member state delegations to the CND: Models for engagement, benefits, and lessons learned
Organised by the Governments of Canada, Mexico and New Zealand, the International Drug Policy Consortium, the Centre of Drug Policy Evaluation, the New Zealand Drug Foundation, and the Canadian Drug Policy Coalition Zara Snapp, Instituto RIA I’ve been on the Mexican delegation foe the last 6-7 years, and wanted to share experiences. Some delegations, you …
NGO briefing on the Annual Report Questionnaire
Billy Batware, Civil Society Team, UNODC. We sent out an online survey last year and were pleased that civil society responded to the survey. The majority of those who responded seemed not to be sure or aware of who their government focal points were for the ARQ. I will give the word to Angela Me who …
5th Civil Society Hearing
Opening Session Jean Luc Lemahieu, UNODC I thank the NYNGOC for organising this event, as well as the respective governments for their support. UNODC greatly values the role of NGOs as we approach the 2016 UNGASS. We also support NGOs’ participation, their outreach to affected populations, and their role in events. NGOs’ role is key …