Chair: Apologies for the delay. In continuance of yesterday, we agreed to suspend the meeting to consider the 2019 Ministerial Declaration. I will give the floor to facilitator, Ambassador Okeke now. Amb. Okeke, Nigeria: I happily report we were able to conclude the informal consultations on the draft declaration yesterday night by 9:50pm. I know …
CND Intersessional Meeting, 9 November 2018: Preparations for the ministerial segment to be held during the 62nd session of the CND
Chair: We will start our fourth day of the fifth intersessional. We had a very productive meeting with good exchanges for all of us. With regard to the organisational segment, this will be in preparation for the Ministerial Segment of the 62nd Session of CND 2019. We will discuss these preparations and we still have …
Side event: The response to drug use related problems among vulnerable populations in Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Uruguay
Ambassador Rafael Grossi, : We have specific problems in our region and have addressed them specifically, which is why I’m happy to introduce my colleagues. Roberto Moro, SEDRONAR, Argentina: We started in Argentina an organisation because we needed scientific information to compile information. We started the Observatory for this purposes. The goal was to make sure …
Plenary: Item 3 General Debate
Afternoon session (Continued from the morning) Argentina: I would like to congratulate you. We endorse the work of the countries in our region to seek a consensus. We continue to give evidence to commit to ending the world drug problem. we must have a balanced approach to reduce supply and demand and complying with human rights …
CND Intersessional 17th November: The Way Forward – Preparations for the sixty-second session of the CND in 2019
Bente Angell-Hansen (Norway), CND Chair: This is the day I’ve been looking the most forward to. The question is how do we carry what we have done forward. It’s also a specially good day because the Mexican Ambassador is in the room. On behalf of all of us, we congratulate you on the nomination by GRULAC …
CND Plenary – Opening of the Sixtieth Session of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs (Tuesday, March 14, 2017 – Afternoon)
Chile: Thank you very much Madame Chair. This 60th Anniversary marks a milestone which prompts us to reflect on what we’ve achieved and the tasks and challenges on our way to a drug free world. We can only do this with full respect for human rights and the values of common and shared responsibility. We …