Organised by Government of Australia and the Civil Society Task Force David Laffan, Assistant Secretary, Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs Branch, Australian Department of Health Distinguished delegates, ladies and gentleman, I am honoured to be co-chairing this important event with the Civil Society Task Force on Drugs. This event in itself is an example of …
Civil Society Task Force (CSTF)
Special Event – Increasing Access to Controlled Medicines: Addressing the Global Disparity in Pain Relief

H.E. Ghislain D’hoop, Belgian Ambassador (Moderating): The global disparity in pain relief is unacceptable to my country, and we provide resources to UNODC and INCB to address this challenge. Yury Fedotov, UNODC Executive Director: The number on this issue speak for themselves. Pain management is a human rights concern, and palliative care is essential. Controlled substances are …
Roundtable discussion: Item 5b. ‘Safeguarding the future…’
Interactive, multi-stakeholder round table of the ministerial segment: Safeguarding the future: enhancing our efforts to respond to the world drug problem through strengthening international cooperation, including means of implementation, capacity-building and technical assistance, on the basis of common and shared responsibility Chair: Welcome. Today I have a double function, in addition to chair I am …
Side event: A health-centred approach to drug dependence, a multi-factorial health disorder
Organized by the Governments of Italy, Norway and the United States of America, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, UNAIDS, the International Narcotics Control Board, the World Health Organization, the Civil Society Task Force, and the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies. Yury Fedotov, UNODC: The UNGASS Outcome document recognises drug …
Voices of Civil Society: Beyond 2019 – CSTF civil society hearing in Vienna
Jamie Bridge, Co-Chair of the Civil Society Task Force, Chair of VNGOC: Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen, a very warm welcome to this Civil Society Hearing. We hope that the discussions today can play a valuable role in the ongoing preparations for the Ministerial Segment of the 62nd Session of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs – …
Side event: CSTF Global Civil Society Consultation 2018: Preliminary results and report

Jamie Bridge, VNGOC Chair. Thank you so much for attending our side event today, as we launch the preliminary results of the Civil Society Task Force’s global online consultation. We appreciate your time, your continued support, and your consideration of our findings. Civil society has a long history of engaging in, and contributing to, the …