Constanza Sanchez, ICEERS: It is my honor to moderate this side event. To start with a few reflections on this week, it seems we are navigating theory and practice – CND is a wonderful opportunity to share experiences from different geographies, experiences and approaches. Today, harm reductions been a very hot topic in the CoW. …
Correlation – European Harm Reduction Network
Side event: Decriminalize drug use and possession for personal use: Why, what, and how?
Organized by the Drug Policy Network South East Europe with the support of Montenegro, Serbia, the Correlation – European Harm Reduction Network, the European Union Civil Society Forum on Drugs, Fédération Addiction, Forum Droghe, the International Drug Policy Consortium, Juventas, the Knowmad Institut, Positive Voice, Prevent and the Villa Maraini Foundation Katrin Schiffer, C-EHRN: Present …
Side event: Empowering voices: Civil society’s role in monitoring and evaluation of drug policy
Organised by the Fédération bruxelloise des institutions pour toxicomanes with the support of Belgium, Finland, the Asociación Bienestar y Desarrollo, the De Regenboog Groep, Harm Reduction International and Forum Droghe Click here for event recording Stephane Leclercq, FEDA BXL. Thank you for joining us and for the organisers, Finland and Belgium for co-sponsoring the event. …
Side event: Nordic criminalization and decriminalization models – Lessons learned
Organized by the Foreningen for Human Narkotikapolitikk with the support of the Correlation-European Harm Reduction Network and the International Drug Policy Consortium Marie Nougier, International Drug Policy Consortium: The event will provide an overview of criminalisation and decriminalisation models in the Nordic countries. Solidarity with Ukraine and the humanitarian crisis there. Over the past few …
Side event: Homelessness and substance use in city centres: balanced and evidence-based policies
Organized by the Government of Greece, Correlation – European Harm Reduction Network, the Pompidou Group/Council of Europe, and Santé Mentale et Exclusion Sociale – Europe National Drug Coordinator, Greece: Homelessness in downtown Athens is an important challenge, exacerbated by factors such mental health conditions, substance use problems, the financial crisis and the influx of refugees …