Chair. This is the first CoW consultation on L4. Russia has had extensive consultation on this resolution in informals. Russia. My preference is on discussing the title now, otherwise we can return to it at a later stage. Preliminary paragraph 1 Pakistan. I want to read the title for the Vienna declaration so that it is corrected here. …
Resolution L10 – Promoting the implementation of the United Nations Guiding Principles on Alternative Development
A copy of the initial draft resolution can be found here. Chair: So dear colleagues, we are ready to move on to L.10. The ambition of the chair is to close by 8pm, when the translators finish. Lets disseminate the merged version, read, and then discuss on Monday. This is because I am a strong …
Resolution L11. Promoting prevention strategies and policies aimed at improving public health and social well-being
E/CN.7/2016/L.11 Egypt: Like to thank our Peru for tabling this resolution. We’d like to insert “safety” before public health in the title of the resolution. PP1 Russia: Does the title of the resolution link with its text? Why are conventions on crime mentioned in PP1? Peru: We feel there is an implicit link between crime …
UNGASS special segment, first meeting
PGA – As you all know too well, April’s special segment is very timely. Drugs continue to pose a serious threat to sustainable development, endanger communities, undermine rule of law. Our responsibility to address this transnational problem and advance a global and effective response. Your work today has been instrumental for identifying the modalities for …
CND Intersessional – 24 February 2016
Chairs of CND and UNGASS Preparations open with information on logistics and procedures for the CND. Speaking time at the opening session will be limited. 10 draft resolutions have been received, as well as some additional scheduling recommendations. For the UNGASS, negotiations on the outcome document are ongoing and being held in “informal informals” between …
CND Intersessional – 27 January 2016
1. Preparations for the regular segment of the 59th session of the Commission (b) Normative segment: Scheduling of substances based on the international drug control conventions Dr Martin Raithelhuber (expert on synthetic substances) – On the subject of synthetic substances, it important to note that customs are usually the first ones to discover smuggled goods. …