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Resolution L2. Application of the principle of proportionality in implementing drug control policies (continued)

Netherlands. We had informal informals with interested delegations and a solution was found for almost all outstanding issues. I ask the UK and Italian delegations to present the conclusions on behalf of the EU. Preliminary paragraph 4 Italy. We had intensive discussions, with the most concerned delegations, in particular Vietnam and China. I will introduce amendments agreed. …

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Agenda Item 7: World situation with regard to drug trafficking and recommendations of the subsidiary bodies of the Commission

Chair: The 10th meeting is now open. Consideration of Item of 7 – Drug Trafficking. Documents to be considered: E/CN.7/2016/5 E/CN.7/2016/10 The UNODC will now present a report on global illicit drug prevalence  You can read the report here. UNODC: My introduction adds to the report shared with you by the chair, with some additions. …

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Resolution L3. Promoting cooperation with the scientific community, including academia, in the development of effective drug control policies

E/CN.7/2016/L.3 Egypt: When we say “promoting informal networking within the scientific community” what are we aiming at? Russia: The aim is to promote the use of science in drug policy. Egypt: We can go along with that. PP1 Egypt: Change to “to drug demand reduction and supply reduction”. This is the language used in the 2009 Political …

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