Guatemala. The delegations talks about drug-trafficking abiding by international commitments in spite of shortage of resources, and how neither drug production nor consumption have decreased. Human rights, public health, education deserve more international effort and more cooperation because no country can be successful on its own, although the OAS has recognised that Guatemala is a …
CND Inter-Sessional Session to discuss preparations for the UNGASS – 23 October 2014
MORNING SESSION Chair (Ambassador Khaled Shamaa, Egypt) : He welcomes to the 6th Inter-Sessional meeting of the CND during its 57th session. As part of his role as Chair of the CND, he reported to the Third Committee of the General Assembly on the agenda item in international drug control, in particular on the work of the …
Committee of the Whole – Debate on Resolution L14
“Protecting public health by ensuring adequate services for drug abusers regardless of limited resources” Greece, draft resolution. Protecting public health by striving to ensure provision of adequate services for individuals affected by substance abuse disorders based on the existing limited resources. Change the title…not the limited resources that is the main point, but violent changes …
Committee of the Whole – L-3 Mekong Delta Region Resolution Discussion on Death Penalty
Evening Session, CoW 3/20 Resolution L3 – Mekong Delta region. (4 bis the controversial para). PP1. Also add “in conformity with three international conventions.” PP1bis. Reaffirming also that countering the WDP is a common and shared responsibility that must be addressed in national regional and international settings that require and integrated and balanced approach in …
Committee of the Whole E/CN.7/2014/L.9 (revisited)
PP? Russia: there is no notion of stigma, it’s not scientifically evidence based. Must delete stigma Chair: this has already been decided by COW Russia: No. We have nothing in legislation. UK: It was agreed by COW. This is common UNODC language. Previously Russia had agreed to the language Australia: there is a scientific base …
Committee of the Whole – E/CN.7/2014/L.13 (revisted)
Chair: one remaining para open. OP3 Still open. USA: In the last line, it should say “in accordance with domestic law and legal framework” OP3bis Australia: insertion of referecnes to health professionals and civil society. Egypt: We would have to change language throughout Australia: keep generic “relevant professionals” Egypt: insert national in there Australia: inserting …