Chair: We give the floor to Mexico. Mexico: We see there has been lots of work and agreement. We will provide a summary of where we began/where we are. We made this resolution aware of the problem affecting all countries, recognizing though the lack of depth we all need to address the problem. Hence we sought the …
CND 64th Reconvened Session – 10th December 2021
<Technical issues> Mexico: (…) in recent days, we have seen how a number of delegations have sought to influence the Secretariat and to censor documentation, frankly, violating article 100 of the UN charter. Which should we fail to recall is not only an international treaty, but rather it is ´the´ international treaty that depends on …
CND thematic sessions on the implementation of all international drug policy commitments, following-up to the 2019 Ministerial Declaration – 21 October 2021
Thematic session 3: The criminal misuse of information and communications technologies for illicit drug-related activities is increasing; (21 October 2021) Chair: Welcome back.I now would turn to the participants of our today’s discussion, and I welcome warmly all those who join us today Chloe Carpenter, UNODC Research Section: Good Morning. I’ve been asked to introduce these …
Plenary Item 10. Provisional agenda for the sixty-fifth session of the Commission / Item 11. Other business
Chair: I invite the Commission to approve the agenda as it is contained in the documentation provided. Switzerland: During the resumed 63rd session, Switzerland requires a subsidiary item under item 7, in relation to UNODC’s leadership in the coordination of the Task Team on the Common Position. In its 2019 Ministerial declaration, CND asked for …
Resolution L3 – Ensuring access to drug treatment, education, after-care, rehabilitation, and social reintegration services, for people within marginalized populations (cont.)
Chair: Welcome back to the Committee of the Whole. I hope you all had a good night and everybody is ready, in good spirits, and in constructive spirits. Last night, resolution six by Nigeria was agreed in the committee and submitted to the Plenary. As soon as the English version is available, it will be posted on …
Plenary – Item 6. Follow-up to the implementation at the national, regional and international levels of all commitments, as reflected in the Ministerial Declaration of 2019, to address and counter the world drug problem (continued)
Nigeria: My country reiterates our commitment to address the world drug problem in a balanced, comprehensive and integrated approach. We believe that better implementation of our national drug control masterplan will enhance our efforts. Our plan is built on 5 pillars: supply reduction tackles cannabis suppression as it remains the drug most commonly abused in …