Ambassadors Antonio Castellanos (in substitution for Amb. Arthayudh Srisamoot) and Khaled Shamaa chaired the session, which continued discussions on the preparatory process towards the UNGASS 2016 and, in particular the Outcomes Document. In this regard, Amb. Castellanos recalled the dates for key upcoming CND meetings: CND Intersessional Meeting (8 December): 10am-1pm; 3-6pm. Special segment on the UNGASS …
El Salvador
CND Intersessional – 15th October 2015
Chair of the UNGASS Board (Amb. Khaled Shamaa) Opens the meeting by inviting delegates to consider Resolution 58/8. The Board has prepared an Elements Paper to kickstart the process. Today, we expect comments on the more general nature of the paper. On its ‘bones’. Operational recommendations to be further discussed at the reconvened session of the CND. Luxembourg …
Panel Discussion on the World Drug Problem – 30th Regular Session – Human Rights Council
A summary of the panel, produced by the United Nations Information Service in Geneva, can be accessed here. A full recording is available at UN Web TV. Opening Statement Flavia Pansieri, Deputy High Commissioner for Human Rights (Statement) Panel Moderator and the Panellists Ruth Dreifuss, former President of the Swiss Confederation and member of the Global Commission on Drug …
CND Day 1 – Agenda item 6(a): Challenges and future work of the CND and the WHO in the review of substances for possible scheduling recommendations
The goal is to assist states in applying the procedures as outlined in the three drug conventions. E/CN.7/2014/10 outlines the relevant provisions of the drug control conventions for scheduling. UNODC – By December 2014, the number of NPS reported by NPS rose to over 540 substances. The global spread of these substances have also increased …
UNGASS Special Segment Day 3 – Interactive discussion on cross-cutting issues: drugs and human rights, youth, women, children and communities

UNODC. Introductory statement. Agenda item 4c relates to the health and human rights, focusing on the need of women, children and youth, who are affected in many ways by drugs and their consequences. UNODC has drawn several conclusions: drug use disorders and their health complications such as HIV, HCV and overdoses are public health issues …
CND Intersessional – Thursday 4th December, afternoon session
Discussions on draft decision L.17 Rev. 1 continue (See draft of 2 December 2014 here) (Mexico and EU going toe to toe on whether the extended bureau should stay on parallel with a new chair and bureau.) Mexico: We were not invited in the latest round of informal negotiations and they know we are not …