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Elementa DDHH

Side event: Licit uses of the coca leaf

Organised by the Open Society Institute with the support of Colombia, the Centro de Estudios de Derecho, Justicia y Sociedad and Elementa DDHH Diego Garcia, Open Society Foundations. I am lucky to be here today with a number of experts on the coca leaf issue. Here we want to imagine a future with coca. ⁠Andrés …

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Side event: “The war on drugs”, militarisation and states of emergency: Measures to address these critical human rights challenges

Side event organised by the Centro de Estudios Legales y Sociales with the support of Colombia, Czechia, Paraguay, Switzerland, Uruguay, the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the World Health Organization, the Centro de Estudios de Derecho Justicia y Seguridad, Elementa Derechos Humanos, the …

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Item 6. Follow-up to the implementation at the national, regional and international levels of all commitments, as reflected in the Ministerial Declaration of 2019, to address and counter the world drug problem (cont.)

Chair: Welcome back to the discussion of Item Number 6. I will begin by giving the floor to Uganda. Uganda: Chair, allow me to congratulate you as Chair and commend the member states to their important work. Uganda affirms that the fight against the World Drug Problem is the shared responsibility of all UN member states. …

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Side Event: Transforming narratives and media campaigns concerning psychoactive substances and drug policy reform

Organized by the Instituto RIA with the support of Mexico, Acción Técnica Social, Elementa DDHH, the Frederich Ebert Stiftung Institute, the International Drug Policy Consortium and Kykeon Analytics Tuesday 19th  March 2024 – 08:10-09:00, MOE100 Panellists: Paula Aguirre – Elementa DDHH Dalel Perez – Instituto RIA Nuria Calzada – Kykeon Analytics Johan Wicklen – Reporter …

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Side Event: Drug Policy In Latin America

Friday Ibarra (MUCD), Juan Fernandez Ochoa (International Drug Policy Consortium), Adriana Muro (Elementa DDHH), Pablo Cymerman (Intercambios A.C.), Ernesto Cortes (LANPUD) Friday 17th March 2022 9am-10am Juan Fernandez Ochoa (International Drug Policy Consortium):  Dear colleagues, My name is Juan Fernández Ochoa. I work with the International Drug Policy Consortium and I am grateful to see …

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