Eurasian Harm Reduction Network (EHRN)
Overdose deaths – An easy solution to prevent so many deaths
Event organised by the International Doctors for Healthier Drug Policies and the Eurasian Harm Reduction Network Elizabeth Saenz, UNODC. In the USA there is an increasing concern about deaths by overdose. Although men are still dying from overdoses, there is a sharp increase in women dying from overdose in recent years. Overdose deaths are …
Resource tracking: A critical tool for advocacy to increase harm reduction investments
Chair Aldo Lale Demoz With the current data on harm redution, Con las estadisticas actuales de acceso a reduccion de dannos no estamos yendo muy lejos. Monica Beg, UNODC We organised in Viena a scientific consultation. The presentations and discussions were in consultation with civil society organisations and around seven topics (treatment, HIV drugs and …
HIV Prevention Among Women Who Use Drugs: Addressing Specific Needs
Organized by the UNODC HIV/AIDS Section and the Academic Council on the United Nations System in partnership with the International Network of Women who use Drugs and Women and Harm Reduction International Network. Introduction Women who use drugs are more likely than men to contract HIV. Women are faced with unique challenges for socio-economic reasons, …
Side event – Ensuring that women’s rights are protected
Representative from Moldova We must ensure that the rights of women are protected at all times when implementing the drug conventions. Women are more likely than men to acquire HIV and have less access to harm reduction services. They also experience trauma, poverty, domestic violence or fear of the possibility of losing custody of their …
NGO Dialogue with the UNODC Executive Director, Yury Fedotov
First I would like to thank my staff at UNODC. UNODC promotes a balanced approach for drug control based on health and human rights. I thank all of you for your contribution. In countries like Afghanistan and West Africa, I saw many people in need who needed public health, welfare. This should be the basic …