CND Chair Ambassador Bente Angell-Hansen. I welcome participants to the CND intersessional. She reconfirmed that the extended bureau have confirmed the dates for the reconvened session of the 61st Session of the CND as the 6th – 7th December. Ahead of the reconvened there will be a report from UNODC Executive Director on gender balance & geographical …
European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA)
UNODC-WHO Special Launch Event – The SOS Initiative – Stop Overdose Safely: Emergency Community Management of Opioid Overdose including interim Naloxone
Rein Oidekevi, Estonia. Serious topic, require strong action, PWID experience most severe health risks, high risk of OD and premature death, lack of action can lead to unacceptable loss of life, important to review drug policy to place stronger emphasis on human rights, naloxone programs can immediately reverse the effect of opioid overdose, national program …
Side event: Follow-up to UNGASS: Establishment of the inter-agency technical working group on drug epidemiology
Angela Me, UNODC: (…) We are investing resources in improving, piloting, testing, methodology. We are working in Afghanistan and neighbouring countries to implement a set of school and youth surveys. We support training to member states too. The UNGASS Outcome Document calls CND, UNODC and INCB to assist in their mandates to the consecution of …
Side event: Alternatives to coercive sanctions as a response to drug law offences and drug-related crimes
Emma Disley, RAND Following on from the UNGASS Outcome Document’s call for alternatives to incarceration, RAND conducted research to see what legal alternatives exist across the 28 EU member states, how they are being used in practice, and the existing evidence supporting them. They considered alternatives at all stages of the criminal justice process – …
Side event: A public health approach as a base for drug policy: The Portuguese case
Organised by the Government of Portugal. H.E. AMB. Mendonca E Moura, P.R. Portugal to the UN, (moderator): Good morning and welcome everybody. There are brochures at the door. Prof Fernando Araúo, Portuguese Secretary of State Assistant and of Health. Thank you all for joining this panel. The Portuguese policy on drugs over the last 50 years …
Side event – Tackling new challenges on drug policy: Contribution of COPOLAD
Neven Mimica, Commissioner, EU. The world drug problem is an important chapter in the history of cooperation between the EU and Latin America. The EU has been a pioneer in cooperation on AD, law enforcement, etc. Starting in 2011, COPOLAD is a programme to strengthen coordination between stakeholders. Drug demand and supply reduction are equally …