Side event organised at the Reconvened 61st Session of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs, by the International Drug Policy Consortium, the International Network of People Who Use Drugs, the Women and Harm Reduction International Network, Canada, Mexico, Norway and Uruguay. Ambassador Alicia Buenrostro Massieu, Mexico (Moderator): Welcome to this side event. A couple of years …
Foundation for Alternative Approaches to Addiction Think & Do Tank (FAAAT)
Side event: CSTF Global Civil Society Consultation 2018: Preliminary results and report
Jamie Bridge, VNGOC Chair. Thank you so much for attending our side event today, as we launch the preliminary results of the Civil Society Task Force’s global online consultation. We appreciate your time, your continued support, and your consideration of our findings. Civil society has a long history of engaging in, and contributing to, the …
Informal NGO Dialogue with the INCB President Dr. Viroj Sumyai
Lucia Goberna, Vice Chair of VNGOC. I apologise that the VNGOC Chair is not here with you today. I am happy for the INCB Director and Secretary as other INCB colleagues are here with us today. For us, it is helpful to meet in this NGO dialogue. Thank you for taking the time to be with …
Side event: Human rights challenge: One year after, extrajudicial killings continue
Message by Senator Leila M. De Lima: A pleasant day to everyone. From Camp Crame in Manila, I extend my warm greetings to the organizers, fellow speakers and participants of this side event aptly titled: Human Rights Challenge: Drug War Extrajudicial Killings Continue. I am grateful for this invitation to engage with you on the occasion …
Informal NGO Dialogue with the CND Chair, Amb. Alicia Buenrostro Massieu
VNGOC Chair: Good morning and welcome. CND Chair: My pleasure. I love to meet with Civil Society – as a Mexican, I know how important it is for Civil Society to be present so we can keep doing our homework. As CND Chair, it’s also important to have you here. The role you play at …
Informal NGO Dialogue with the UNODC Executive Director
Opening remarks from UNODC ED: It is good to see so many people here, and it means that what we are doing is important. The CND is an important forum. I appreciate Esbjorn’s leadership of VNGOC, and for facilitating this meeting. I also appreciate the Civil Society Task Force that worked for 2016 and must now …