Organised by Greece with the support of the UNODC Prevention, Treatment and Rehabilitation Section, the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction and the International Society of Addiction Medicine. Moderator: Crhistos Kouimtsidis – Greek national coordination for drugs. What is the currents state of research on stimulants? Anja Busse UNODC: Need for effective and …
Plenary Item 3. General debate (continued) – Night session
Chile: We need to write a concrete response that includes evidence-based programs. Afghanistan: We would like to stress the importance of women and girls in these considerations. Georgia: We support Ukraine and condemn Russia. We acknowledge importance of international cooperation to protect human rights. Greece: We align with statement from the EU. We stands in solidarity with …
Plenary – Agenda item 3: General Debate (continued).
Canada: As you know, the overdose crisis continues to impact Canadians with the loss of 19,355 individuals between 01/2016 – 09/2020, making this one of Canada’s most significant public health crises in recent history. The COVID 19 pandemic has worsened the overdose crisis and the harms of substance use, just having a tragic impact on …
Side event: Homelessness and substance use in city centres: balanced and evidence-based policies
Organized by the Government of Greece, Correlation – European Harm Reduction Network, the Pompidou Group/Council of Europe, and Santé Mentale et Exclusion Sociale – Europe National Drug Coordinator, Greece: Homelessness in downtown Athens is an important challenge, exacerbated by factors such mental health conditions, substance use problems, the financial crisis and the influx of refugees …
General Assembly: Thirtieth Special Session of the General Assembly on the World Drug Problem (4th plenary meeting)
The full statements delivered by member states during the UNGASS general debate are available here. The Special Session will be an important milestone in achieving the goals set in the policy document of 2009 “Political Declaration and Plan of Action on International Cooperation towards an Integrated and Balanced Strategy to Counter the World Drug Problem”, …
Side event: Ensuring more proportionate, humane and effective approaches to drug policy
Nathalie Peter, Uruguay. Today, we focus on the importance of ensuring more humane and proportionate drug policies. Prison overcrowding and human rights violations have been a direct result of disproportionate penalties. In this event we provide an overview of the concept of proportionality, offer best practice examples and recommendations for reform. Gloria Lai, IDPC. I will speak …