EC77/2020/L4 Belgium:There are some paras where the wording is ‘non-stigma’. A couple of paras have been agreed in informals pending on the solution of non-stigmatisation. Chair: Canada was the state proposing language on stigma Canada: If we are going to focus on PPs first we did have discussions during informals. Linking PP that references stigma …
Committee of the Whole (Wednesday morning) – L5 Promoting the involvement of youth in drug prevention efforts
Chair: The last paragraph we had discussed was PP starting Noting that in the 2016… It was bracketed. I wonder if there was any informal meeting on this Russia: (…) We could go through the entire resolution quite quickly and have informals on the problematic ones. With regard to this one, in our view, the …
Committee of the Whole – Tuesday Morning
L3: Chair: Adjourned yesterday stating we’d talk about L2 – but in meantime they’ve gone to informals. So we’ll start with L3, then L6, then we’ll see how we go. L5 informals in M5 now, L4 informals M4 now, L2 this afternoon at 2pm in M4. USA: We’re actually doing informals at 1pm. Rm reserved …
Thematic sessions – Follow up to the 2019 Ministerial Declaration, 17 October
Second round of thematic sessions on the implementation of all international drug policy commitments following up to the 2019 Ministerial Declaration Theme addressed: ‘… illicit cultivation and production and manufacture of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, as well as the illicit trafficking in those substances and in precursors, have reached record levels, and that the illicit demand for …
Committee of the Whole (Friday morning). L9: Promoting measures to prevent transmission of HIV for women who use drugs, including by improving access to post-exposure prophylaxis
Brazil: We had informal consultations last afternoon and we seem to have agreement on the substance of the test. We haven’t agreed to the language “women who use drugs”. IT’s pending agreement and that’s throughout the text. Title Chair: Starting from the title. Comments? No? Approved… China: We thank Brazil for her guidance through these …
Committee of the Whole (Thursday morning). L9: Promoting measures to prevent transmission of HIV for women who use drugs, including by improving access to post-exposure prophylaxis
Chair: We now move to L9. I give the floor to Brazil who has led on the resolution and informal consultations. Brazil: We had 4 informals on this resolution. This has been quite constructive, we have agreed on a good number of paragraphs, and on many paragraphs we have opened language that was similar to …