1. Adoption of the draft agenda Elisa Rubini, Vicechair of the VNGOC The first point of the agenda is the adoption of the draft agenda. Any feedback? Scott Bernstein, OSF I move to adopt the agenda. Elisa Rubini The agenda is adopted. 2. Approval of the minutes of the last meeting Elisa Rubini Do the …
Harm Reduction Coalition (HRC)
Launch of the Civil Society Task Force for the UNGASS on drugs – 3rd December 2014
The Civil Society Task Force (CSTF) for the 2016 UNGASS was launched in Vienna on Wednesday 3rd December by the Vienna and New York NGO Committees. The event was chaired by H.E. Ambassador Bente Angell –Hansen of Norway. The first speaker was Aldo Lale-Demoz, Director, UNODC Division for Operations who emphasized that civil society …
Side Event: Preventing Overdose
Preventing Overdose Side Event. Dr. Gerra. UNODC. Introduces Michael Boticelli. Speaking of principles who take care of people in all stages of disease. Cannot recover if you can’t survive. Change mentality of society in general. When you die there is someone else to take care of you. Cannot imagine that you can die without someone …
3rd Informal Civil Society Hearing – Using 2014 momentum to get 2016 right
This session tries to look at specific areas of policy and practice related to UNGASS. This ession is chaired by Eduardo Hernandez and Thanasis Apostolou. Allan Clear, Harm Reduction Coalition. My first visit at CND was at the Beyond 2008 event. I was struck by Michel’s statement – as NGOs, we do differ in some …
HRC side event – Law Enforcement Assisted Diversion (LEAD project)
Ian Goodhew: Deputy chief of staff – kings county prosecuting attorney’s office Innovative project made up of a number of organisations including the Seattle Police department, the prosecutors office, the defender association (public defence agency), ACLU, department of corrections, sheriff’s office. LEAD gives police on the street a choice when arresting low level offenders about diverting them into treatment. It …
NGO dialogue with the INCB: Mr Raymond Yans
The dialogue begins with a defensive statement about the INCB’s position within the drug control regime. This is followed by a personal defence on the individual members of the INCB… Essentially that they “are unpaid, retired professionals chosen because of their knowledge.” This was followed by a description of the role of the INCB – …