Organised by: International Drug Policy Consortium, with the support of the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, UNAIDS, the World Health Organization, Brazil, Colombia, Czechia, Ghana, Switzerland, Uruguay, the European Union, the African Network of People Who Use Drugs, Elementa DD.HH., Fiocruz, Harm Reduction International, the International Network of People Who Use Drugs, …
Harm Reduction International (HRI)
Side event – Breaking the Impunity Cycle: Improving Efforts to Ensure Human Rights Compliance in Drug Policies
Organised by: Amnesty International with the support of Brazil, Colombia, Czechia, Switzerland, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Di-Sentir AC, the International Center for Ethnobotanical Education, Research and Service, the International Drug Policy Consortium, the International Harm Reduction Association and the NoBox Transitions Foundation Daniel Joloy, Amnesty International. We know …
Informal NGO dialogue with UNODC Executive Director
UNODC ED: I am very pleased to be here despite how busy I am. This meeting is different every year – it is the voice of civil society and the people who have gone the difficult road to be the voice of people who can’t express themselves. We are going through difficult times for multilateralism …
Informal Civil Society Dialogue with World Health Organisation
Penny Hill, VNGOC. Good morning everyone, I will hand over to colleagues to introduce themselves. We have Deus and Delkushi today, as well as Anya Busha. Unfortunately Annette Verster is unable to join this morning but Anya will answer some of these questions. Question 1: Can you speak to the current process the WHO is …
Side Event: Drugs and Criminal Justice: The Situation for Women in Prison
Event recording: Marcela Jofre (HRI): The war on drugs has a disproportionate impact on women. The needs of women who use drugs are gravely under-addressed and they face higher barriers than men with a lack of tailored harm reduction services. Barriers include the intersecting forms of discrimination they face based on gender, race, class, stigmatisation, …
Side event: Unveiling injustice: Exploring the human rights impact of drug policies in Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia region
Organised by the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights with the support of Amnesty International, the Eastern and Central European and Central Asian Commission on Drug Policy, the Eurasian Harm Reduction Association, Harm Reduction International and the International Drug Policy Consortium Magdalena Dąbkowska, Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights. I have the pleasure to moderate this event. …