Madame Chair, we wish to make three important points. First, preventing HIV among people who inject drugs is impossible without a substantial increase in funding for basic harm reduction services – in particular needle and syringe programmes and opioid substitution therapy. It has been estimated that globally less than 10% of what is needed is …
Harm Reduction International (HRI)
Informal civil society hearing – Panel 2
Panel 2. When is it ‘appropriate’ for affected populations and civil society entities to play a participatory role in the formulation and implementation of drug policy? The objective of this session was to define the “were appropriate” from the Political Declaration. Sandeep Chawla, UNODC This question is part of the bureaucracy of the process. In …
Plenary Day 4: Statement from HRI
Statement on the Death Penalty My name is Patrick Gallahue and I am making this statement on behalf of Harm Reduction International. Each year there are approximately 1,000 people executed for a drug offence. Despite the fact that many capital drug laws were introduced in response to the drug control treaties, the International Narcotics Control …
Plenary Day 3. Drug demand reduction and treatment : INPUD/HRI and IDPC statement
Thank you Madame Chair, This statement is delivered on behalf of Harm Reduction International, the International Network of People Who Use Drugs and the International Drug Policy Consortium. There can be no ambiguity when it comes to global efforts to reach zero new HIV infections. Thirty years of HIV/AIDS has clearly taught us what works …
Plenary Day 2: Statement from HRI
HRI representative Damon Barrett requests clarification over the INCB criticism of the Canadian Supreme Court decision relating to the Insite facility in Vancouver, as according to HRI’s analysis the decision is not contrary to the convention.
Welcome to CNDblog 2012
Welcome to another year of live reporting from the annual meeting of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs (CND) in Vienna! The CNDblog was initially established by Harm Reduction International to provide live reporting of the discussions and decisions adopted at the CND. This year, the International Drug Policy Consortium will collaborate with Youth Rise to …