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CND 64th Reconvened Session – 10th December 2021

<Technical issues> Mexico: (…) in recent days, we have seen how a number of delegations have sought to influence the Secretariat and to censor documentation, frankly, violating article 100 of the UN charter. Which should we fail to recall is not only an international treaty, but rather it is ´the´ international treaty that depends on …

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CND thematic sessions on the implementation of all international drug policy commitments, following-up to the 2019 Ministerial Declaration – 20 October 2021

Thematic session 2: The value of confiscated proceeds of crime related to money-laundering arising from drug trafficking at the global level remains low Angela Me, UNODC Research and Trend Analysis Branch: (…) This area requires sophisticated data collection and analysis. I have been working in the UN in my career with all kinds of data and …

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