Side event: Paving the way for the future: Uncovering and addressing blind spots in United Nations drug policy

Organised by the IDPC Consortium with the support of Canada, Colombia, Czechia, Germany, Mexico, Norway, Portugal, Switzerland, the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS and the United Nations Development Programme Ann Fordham, Executive Director, International Drug Policy Consortium: Welcome to this side event:Paving the way for …

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Side event: Breaking Barriers and Building Bridges: Navigating Justice for Womxn who Use Drugs

Chee Wen Eng (Moderator): Welcome. Thank you to the co-sponsors: ASEAN SOGIE Caucus, the Forging Intersectional Feminist Futures Consortium, International Womens Rights Action Watch, Women and Harm Reduction International Network, SPINN (Indonesia), IDUCare (Philippines), Health Opportunity Network (Thailand), International Indigenous Drug Policy Alliance, New Zealand Drug Foundation and the International Drug Policy Consortium. Rosma Karlina, …

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Side-Event: Ending Gender-Based Violence for Women and Gender Non-Conforming People who Use Drugs

Gloria Lai: Welcome to the side event: Ending Gender Based Violence Against Women and Gender Nonconforming People who Use Drugs. To start, Elizabeth Wilde, First Assistant Secretary, Development Policy Division, Department of Foreign Affairs & Trade, Australia, will be making opening remarks via video Elizabeth Wilde: Australia is pleased to give support to this event. …

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Side Event: Drug-related detention: assessing efforts to relieve a crisis in Southeast Asia

Organized by Amnesty International with the support of the International Drug Policy Consortium, Lembaga Bantuan Hukum Masyarakat, IDUCARE and the Thailand Institute of Justice. Watch the video recording here. Gloria Lai, International Drug Policy Consortium: Hi everyone. Welcome to the side event at the UN Commission on Narcotic Drugs. This side event is on ‘Drug-related …

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