Organized by the Instituto RIA with the support of Mexico, Acción Técnica Social, Elementa DDHH, the Frederich Ebert Stiftung Institute, the International Drug Policy Consortium and Kykeon Analytics Tuesday 19th March 2024 – 08:10-09:00, MOE100 Panellists: Paula Aguirre – Elementa DDHH Dalel Perez – Instituto RIA Nuria Calzada – Kykeon Analytics Johan Wicklen – Reporter …
Instituto Ria
Side event: The ineffectiveness of disproportionate sentencing: Towards sensible and people-centred policies
Organised by the Instituto RIA AC with the support of Colombia, Elementa DDHH, DeJusticia, Acción Técnica Social, the Drug Policy Alliance, the International Drug Policy Consortium and the Law Enforcement Action Partnership Luiz Felipe Cruz, Lyn Ulbricht,Tehshia Naidoo, Neil Woods, Camilo Eduardo Umana Tuesday 14th March 13:00-13:50 Luiz Felipe (DeJusticia): There has been the implementation …
Side event: Peace and drug policy
Organised by Acción Técnica Social with the support of Colombia, the Centro de Estudios sobre Seguridad y Drogas, Universidad de Los Andes, DeJusticia, Elementa DDHH, the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung in Colombia, and the Instituto RIA AC Moderator – Maria del Mar Pizzaro congress woman from Colombia: I´m presenting several women in this panel. Regulation in drug policy …
Women, Motherhood and Substance Use: emerging research and on the ground evidence
Zara Snapp, Instituto RIA: Good morning. We know it’s early for many of us and afternoon for others. Welcome to the side event on mother women, motherhood and substance use. We´re very pleased to have an excellent panel here, and this will be available on social media after. This, since we know that many people would be …
Plenary Items 9 – 10 – 11
ITEM 9. Contributions by the Commission to the work of the Economic and Social Council, in line with General Assembly resolution 72/305, including follow-up to and review and implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Chair: Welcome to the last day of the Plenary session. This morning, we will continue our agenda with items 10 …
Informal Dialogue: CND Chair
[youtube] Matej Košir, Deputy Chairperson, Vienna NGO Committee (VNGOC) (Moderator): Welcome to the Informal Dialogue, where all questions will be asked online. We received 11 questions. Ambassador Ghislain D-hoop, Belgium (CND Chair): I attach a lot of importance with civil society and actually, I think we should have it more often. I’m available throughout the year, so …