Organised by the UNODC, Research and Trend Analysis Branch, the EU EMCDDA, the African Union Commission, and the Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission of the Organisation of American States. Jean-Luc Lemahieu (UNODC) Need to monitor existing and emerging issues in drug use. We need to streamline and improve methodological approaches. We need innovation in ways …
Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission (CICAD)
CND Intersessional Meeting, 8 November 2018: Taking stock of the implementation of the commitments made to jointly address and counter the world drug problem
Chair: We focus now on the 2019 target date. (panel) Statistical Committee / Angela Me: Our five targets are, as you know, eliminate or reduce significantly and measurably (1) illicit cultivation of opium, coca and cannabis (2) illicit demand of drugs and drug-related health and social risks (3) illicit market of synthetic drugs (4) diversion …
CND Intersessional Meeting, 7 November 2018: Implementation of the international drug control treaties, international cooperation, synthetic opioids and inter-agency cooperation
Chair: In memory of Ambassador Christine Stix-Hackl – 1 minute of silence. Thank you. Let’s turn to our agenda points. Proposed dates for the roundtables have been circulated and tomorrow at 9 am we start with informal consultations for fine-tuning. Regarding the draft outline, it was sent out last night so now you can review …
Side Event: Treatment and Care of people with drug use disorder in contact with the criminal justice system.
Bulgaria: This topic fully corresponds to the UNGASS document of 2016. It recognises drugs users’ right to health, but many drug users have been imprisoned anyway. Member states have been using alternatives to punishment at many different stages. Most of the measures available are not used during the first stages. It needs to favour drug …
Side event: Regional commitments for a successful implementation of UNGASS 2016
Isaac Morales. We are happy to welcome you here today on commitments for the implementation of the 2016 UNGASS. It is our pleasure to welcome our panel. There are two key concepts: synergies between regional commitments and national and international tools and organisations; instrumentalisation of what has been agreed internationally through national policies. Adam Namm, CICAD …
Plenary: Item 3 General Debate (Tuesday 13th – Afternoon Session)
Malaysia: The number of drug users continues to rise and uses measures to protect its people. Malaysia stands firm against the legalisation of drugs. Our policy policy both incorporates demand and supply reduction. We are taking the necessary steps to reduce drug addiction as well as prevention and treatment. We take measures against all trafficking …