VNGOC: Welcome INCB president: We are committed to our continued dialogue. In the last 2 years, we engage with NGOs in the board’s session. The important role of CSOs is respectful of human rights and evidence base. CSOs are often the primary or main providers of services – we appreciate your work. Harm Reduction Australia: …
International Drug Policy Consortium (IDPC)
Plenary: Item 7. Inter-agency cooperation and coordination of efforts in addressing and countering the world drug problem
Chair: …Co-operation also takes place among inter-governmental bodies. The Commission seeks to strengthen horizontal cooperation. More information on this matter is contained in the conference paper E/CN7/2020/CRP-5, providing an overview of inter-agency cooperation of efforts. The Commission also has a note by the Secretariat on promoting coordination and alignment of decisions by the INCB, and the programme on HIV/AIDs, …
Informal Dialogue with the UNODC Executive Director
VNGOC: Ms. Waly could not make it. Jean Luc Lemahieu – UNODC: I had the fortune to be working as and working with civil society in my career. I welcome the fact that some 90 NGOs are attending CND and most of side vents are organized by you or with you. Civil society participation is …
Informal Dialogue with the CND Chair
Chair: We must involve civil society. We can’t do it alone. The problem effects individuals, groups and practically everyone in society. In all our countries, I could say, civil society is working more vibrantly than the governments. I am looking forward to a candid discussion today. Secretariat: Hello. We appreciate the relationship we were able …
Side Event: Next steps for data collection on drugs: Experiences from UN agencies
Organized by Mexico and Switzerland, and Centro de Estudios Legales y Sociales, European Union, Global Drug Policy Observatory (Swansea University, United Kingdom), International Drug Policy Consortium, Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, United Nations Development Programme and World Health Organization The revised version of the Annual Report Questionnaire is set to be proposed, …
Side event: Social Norms and Rituals, Individual and Collective Self-Regulation Strategies in Cannabis Use – What Research and Alternative Practices Can Tell to Cannabis Policy Reform
Organised by Società della Ragione ONLUS, Associazione Luca Coscioni, Associazione Forum Droghe, Movimento per il Contenimento dei Danni, the International Center for Ethnobotanical Education, Research and Service, the International Drug Policy Consortium, Science for Democracy, and the Transnational Institute Forum Droghe: We are discussing all over the world about alternative cannabis policies. We are very …