Organized by Centro de Estudios Legales y Sociales, the International Drug Policy Consortium, the Women and Harm Reduction International Network, the Washington Office on Latin America and Equis Justicia para las Mujeres. Presentations will focus on the challenges faced by pregnant women who use drugs, the over-incarceration of women for drug offences in Asia, and …
International Drug Policy Consortium (IDPC)
Side event: Women, drug policy and incarceration in Southeast Asia
Jane Holloway, Thailand Institute of Justice. The purpose of the event is to share research and findings on women incarcerated in Asia. We also explore promising reforms on gender policy, guided by research and UN international standards. Jeremy Douglas, UNODC representative in the Asia Pacific. We are rolling out the Bangkok Rules through our regional office. My …
The urgent need for harm reduction funding: Scaling-up evidence-based interventions for people who use drugs

Organised by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime HIV/AIDS Section and the Strategic Advisory Group to the United Nations on HIV and Drug Use. Anne Skjelmerud, Norway (Chair) Norway is in between ambassadors at the moment, so I have been asked to Chair here today. I work for the Norwegian development agency, NORAD, …
Side event: World Drug Report: Latest trends and addressing users’ needs
Organized by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime Research and Trend Analysis Branch. Pakistan Office. The event will review the current issues on drug demand and drug supply that characterize the world drug problem and the way in which they are currently addressed in the World Drug Report. It will provide an opportunity …
Side event: Drug courts in the Americas
Coletta Youngers, WOLA. Please check out our report on drug courts available on the SSRC website. There has been an expansion of drug courts beyond the USA but there are key issues related to the extension of the model in the Americas. Rebecca Schleifer, UNDP consultant. There is an emerging international consensus that drug use should be …
NGO briefing on the Annual Report Questionnaire
Billy Batware, Civil Society Team, UNODC. We sent out an online survey last year and were pleased that civil society responded to the survey. The majority of those who responded seemed not to be sure or aware of who their government focal points were for the ARQ. I will give the word to Angela Me who …