Panel: Ann Fordham, Brun González, Jane Slater, Jindřich Vobořil, Mary Catherine Alvarez, Maricela Orozco Montalvo, Suzanne Sharkey, Peter Muyshondt Jindřich Vobořil: Welcome to our event. I am the National Drug Coordinator for the Czech Republic. We combined different ways of approaching this issue. We will start with some real life stories first of all. Jane …
International Drug Policy Consortium (IDPC)
Side event: Human rights defenders under threat: the “war on drugs” and the shrinking space for civil society
Daniel Joloy, Amnesty International. Human rights defenders face harassment, intimidation for speaking out on human rights. They are forcibly disappeared. Far from being protected by the state, they are treated as criminals. The increase in violence has created an increasingly difficult environment for human rights defenders to work. Attempts to clamp down on criminal groups can …
CND Intersessional 17th November: The Way Forward – Preparations for the sixty-second session of the CND in 2019

Bente Angell-Hansen (Norway), CND Chair: This is the day I’ve been looking the most forward to. The question is how do we carry what we have done forward. It’s also a specially good day because the Mexican Ambassador is in the room. On behalf of all of us, we congratulate you on the nomination by GRULAC …
Side event: Edging forward – How the UN’s language on drugs has advanced since 1990
Organised by Mexico, the International Drug Policy Consortium (IDPC), the Transnational Institute (TNI) and the Global Drug Policy Observatory (GDPO) Ambassador Alicia Buenrostro Massieu (Mexico). It is my pleasure to welcome you all today to this event on the margins of the thematic discussions of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs, dedicated to the implementation of the …
Side event: Preparing for 2019: Drug policy objectives and indicators, system-wide coherence and the Sustainable Development Agenda
Renata Segura, SSRC. I thank the organisers and Switzerland for their continued support. Christian Schneider, Switzerland. I will discuss the state perspective on policy metrics. I don’t represent the official Swiss position here, I am contributing to the World Drug Report and Part IV on law enforcement indicators. I am also a consumer of UNODC’s products so …
Side Event: Addressing and reversing the harms of drug control in Eastern Europe and Central Asia
Organised by AFEW International, the Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network, the Andrey Rylkov Foundation for Health and Social Justice, and the International Drug Policy Consortium Chaired by Ann Fordham (IDPC). Richard Elliot (Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network): To provide a public health overview. Punitive approaches to drug control in the region are rife. But also resources and energy are …