Amb Bente, CND Chair. When we discuss SDG 5 and gender, we look into the special vulnerabilities in the health area and the needs of women and how they are being left behind. We must discuss rehabilitation, alternative development and prevention. This is really a key to our work and I think that it also goes …
International Drug Policy Consortium (IDPC)
Side event: South East Asia: Prospects for humane and effective drug policies
Organised by the International Drug Policy Consortium, NoBox Transitions Foundation, SCDI Vietnam and Rumah Cemara. Ann Fordham, IDPC: You probably hear a lot of news about the situation in South East Asia at the moment, particularly in the Philippines and the use of extrajudicial killings and the so-called voluntary surrenders of people who use drugs. …
Informal NGO Dialogue of the UNODC Executive Director, Yuri Fedotov
Esbjorn Hornberg: This is an informal dialogue but we already have all the questions as we had to prepare beforehand. We have grouped the questions into different sections, and will start with a few to Mr Fedotov and then the remainder to UNODC senior management as Mr Fedotov needs to leave early. Fedotov: I want …
Informal Dialogue with the INCB President
Chaired by Esbjörn Hörnberg (VNGOC), and Katherine Pettus (VNGOC). Werner Sipp, INCB: Welcomes the dialogue, which is fruitful and useful. It complements our work during missions. It’s important because many of you work on the field, so you have an experience that we do not have (geographical, thematic, etc.). This is in line with the Conventions, which highlight …
CND Plenary: Item 5 Implementation of the Political Declaration and Plan of Action on International Cooperation towards an Integrated and Balanced Strategy to Counter the World Drug Problem (Wednesday)
Youth Forum – Students from Montenegro & Qatar: Students from over 30 countries have come together to express concerns over drug issues, and to try to propose a way forward in what seems like a an impossible goal. Collective ideas from fresh eyes can bring progress. A broad approach is the best way to deal …
Side event: Stimulant drug use in Latin America and Asia
Ernesto Cortes, ACEID, Costa Rica. Smokable cocaine in Latin America has been happening for the past 20 years but we still don’t know how to design interventions that help users. They are also highly stigmatised. There is a difference between smokable cocaine differs from the route countries of ‘crack cocaine’. Pasta base can be found in …